I think a custom theme is on the way...
Standby for Kev Teh Dev to update on that.
I think a custom theme is on the way...
Standby for Kev Teh Dev to update on that.
Because I can.
But we are spam.
Do you need viagra?
So I am not quite sure if I did get this right, but Shields with both -2 while Enched and +10 vs Demons can still drop?
Yep. But it's a rare drop, and the DoAsc players will go nuts for it.
I'm not a sticks kind of guy, so I'd wait for a few other opinions, but I'd say the 20e each range sounds about right.
Crikey! That's one of the best chest run drops in a long time. Congrats!
Exactly the same as me. I bought Prophecies about two weeks before Factions came out.
Back then, I had no idea what a huge part of my life this game would become.
No regrets.
Alrighty. Let's get it linked.
Hey t1
If I recall, you're the pre-searing guy. Did you guys find a home yet? I ask because we made you a section all of your own. If the presearing community wants to move in, I'll switch the lights and water on for you.
It's Kabong.Sup. It's been a while. I've had many good times and have many memories tied up in this game.
Preservation of the history of GW is a commendable goal and I congratulate the men and women of this site for contributing to this in whatever way they can. So much has already been lost to bans, hackers, bots, cheats, thieves and time but the richness (and many riches) of this game still survive, so let's enjoy.
I'll bring the hammers and my rocking chair.
Kabong old chap!! Welcome on board. Give your brother a kick in the shins to register too...
Yep. I have another thread on guru about when the nerfs happened.... I'm working on transferring it..
These are for sale:
2. C/O 50e. R/B is a lot more.
3. C/O 250e. SOLD
4. C/O 250e.
6. C/O 300e
There are reserves that will be revealed with enough interest. Once a reserve is met, the item will be sold to the highest bidder if 48 hours pass with no further bid.
I reserve the right to sell these ingame or not at all.
You know what to do.
I thought it might be helpful to collate a list of stats we know to be Pre-Nerf.
An item is considered Pre-Nerf if it cannnot drop any more. In other words, the possibility of the game generating these stats or items has been physically removed by the coders at Anet, mainly 2005/2006 around the release of Factions. The only way to acquire Pre-Nerf items is through trading with other players.
This is a list of items which in my opinion are truly Pre-Nerf (and the purpose of this thread is to confirm and add/remove stat ranges in order to establish a definitive list). I haven't included Triple Modded items or Mausoleum items because those are considered bugged, not Pre-Nerf.
These are known to be Pre-Nerf:
Any weapons
- Any weapon in r7 with max damage regardless of mods (also non max damage Sword r7 above 14-21 damage, or axe above 6-25 damage, Hammer above 18-32 damage)
- Any FACTIONS or Tyrian NON INSCRIABLE staff with a restoration requirement.
- Any FACTIONS wand with a restoration requirement[/font]
- Any r8 staff with max (11-22) damage
- Any r8 axe with max (6-28) damage
- Any r8 hammer with max (19-35) damage
- Any r8 bow with max (15-28) damage
- Any weapon with an unconditional inherent damage mod, eg. +14% damage with no negatives
- Any GOLD staff with a requirement of 0
- Any staff whose HSR mod is written in GOLD text.
- Any staff which misses HSR Mod completely, also applies to whites and blues or purples)
- Any Grim Cesta with a healing requirement. These only come in blood magic now.
Any Shields
- Any shield in r7 with 16 armour regardless of mods
- Any shield with two inherent [reduces physical damage received by X] mods (aka Dual Reduction).
- Any shield with a [received physical damage -3(10%)] mod. (including non-max mods)
Specific shield skins in r8/16 non-inscribable (OldSchool) only
This Applies to Golds and Purples only, Blues and Whites are still possible EXCEPT For Tyrian skins in purple like Magmas, Summit Warlord Shield and Stone Summit Shield are possible to drop in r8/16 From the Keyless chest in Sorrow furnance (Same place can drop Purple q8 crystalline swords)
- Magmas
- Stone Summit
- Summit Warlord
- Eternal
- Zodiac
- Shadow
- Exalted Aegis,
- Gloom Shield
The minimum level of the enemies in the areas these dropped was raised, thereby removing 8/16 as a possible drop for these skins. 9/16 is the lowest these now generate.
Gold Shields
- Any GOLD shield with a -2/hexed mod. (These only come -3/hexed now)
- Any GOLD shield with a -1/enchanted or -1/stance mod. (These only come -2 now)
- Any GOLD shield with a +40/[stance or enchanted] or lower inherent mod.
- Any GOLD shield with a +8 armour or lower vs damage type mod. For example +8 armour vs slashing
- Any GOLD shield with a +26hp or lower inherent mod.
- Any GOLD shield with a non max -5(20%) mod (these only come -5/20 or -5/19% now). For example -4(19%).
- Any GOLD shield with +55hp/hex or below
- Any Any Gold Shield with +1attri/18% or lower
Purple Shields
- Any PURPLE shield with a +19hp or lower inherent mod.
- Any PURPLE shield with a +29/[stance or enchanted] or lower inherent mod.
- Any Purple shield with -3/xx%
- Any purple shield with +5armour or Below vs specific damage type
GOLD weapons
- Any GOLD Non-inscribable weapon with +13%[condition] or lower inherent mod
- Any GOLD Non-inscribable weapon with +18%[while Hexed] or lower inherrent mod
- Any GOLD Non-inscribable weapons with +18%[below 50%] or lower inherrent mod
Purple Weapons
- Any PURPLE Non-inscribable weapon with +11 or 12%[condition]
- Any PURPLE Non-inscribable weapon with +xx%/-5 energy, +xx%/-10 armour or +xx%/-1[energy or health] regen
- Any PURPLE Non-inscriable weapon with 11-14% While hex.
- Any PURPLE Non-inscriable weapon with 11-14% while below 50%.
Specific Weapon skins in r8 only
- Straw Effigys
- Zodiac swords
- Shadow blades
- Vertebreakers
Specific skins regardless of requirement
- Any GOLD non-inscribable Crystalline sword with an inherrent (OS) mod
- Any GOLD Non-inscribable Dwarven Axe with an inherrent (OS) mod
- Any GOLD Non-inscribable Dwarven Hammer
- Any GOLD Non-Inscribable Krytan Axe
- Any Swamp Club
- Any GOLD Non-inscribable Serpent Axe (Tyrian Skin only)
- Any PURPLE Non-incribable Serpent Axe (Tyrian Skin only) which also has a Pre-Nerf purple Mod (see any purple weapon section above). Purple versions with non-Pre-Nerf can still drop
- Any Fire Staff with the Dead Staff skin only
- Any Water Staff with the Dead Staff skin only- The Henge of Denravi sword - http://guildwiki.gamepedia.com/Denravi_Sword
- Henge of Denravi Axe, Bow and Hammer also are Nerfed
Weapons Mods
- Any sundering weapon mod of 10/9% or lower (10/10 sword mod is still available)
- Any weapon mod with +25% damage vs Charr
- Any Vampiric mod with 1-2/ -1 for sword or axe and 1-3/-1 for hammer or bow
- Any Furious weapon mod 10/4 or lower.
-50hp Major runes, all versions
Superior runes with Minor rune icon
Superior runes with Blue color
Superior or Major runeswhich remain unsalvaged on a Blue armor/garb item
- Any Mixed dyes
- Jade Wind Orbs
- Naga Fangs.
- Zaishen Medallions.
- Brick of Mud,
- Clay Bricks,
- Olias's resignation letter,
- Winter Gifts,
- Dye remover,
- White Staff Wrappings,
- Customized Minatures,
- Festival hats that are Rune/insignia Able
Please feel free to add any more that I haven't got here. I'll update the top post as necessary.
If you have any threads on the original guru site, begin the process of transferring them over here. We don't have long until they pull the plug, so get moving and migrate across. Builds, maps, mission guides, screenshots.... Bring them all!
If there's a section to be created for them, let us know.
I want to gather dual reduction shields, one of each requirement per skin. So if you have one that you don't want or need, get in touch and I hope we can work something out. The skin isn't important, although the rarer the better.
If anyone decides that would like to lend me one for the collection, you have my word that it will never ever be sold, and you can have it back at any time.. Bit like when you lend your Monet to an art gallery.
I'm not actually expecting anyone to lend me any shields btw. I'm not dumb
So I want any skin and any req but preferably r7-8, and with any combo of these mods:
-2 ench
-2 stance
-2 hexed
-3 hexed
-3 (10%)
-5 (20%)
Like these that I already have:
Tall Shield
Shield Of The Wing
Eternal Shield
Shadow Shield
Summit Warlord
Skeleton Shield
Wooden Buckler
Wooden Buckler
In an homage to the original beloved collections thread, post your collections here, past and present. With the loss of the guru site, let's repopulate Pleikki's iconic thread with all of the history that will be lost when guru is taken down.
I'll go first this time, with part one of my collection of Pre-Nerf Dual reduction shields.
Magmas Shield
Summit Warlord
Stone Summit Shield
Tall Shield
Tower Shields
Eternal Shield
Crude Shield
You can now clearly see which pieces I am missing, and also which duplicates are still available.
UPDATED 14/04/16
and part 2:
Shadow Shield
Shield Of The Wing
Wooden Buckler
Skull Shield
Skeleton Shield
Round Shield
Reinforced Buckler
Ornate Buckler