Except you’ve answered your own question. Reduction is a reduction in damage. A +10 armour vs a type isn’t a reduction in the damage, it’s more armour versus the damage. It’s a fine distinction. Also dual reduction shields cannot drop any more.
Posts by MaxBorken
It simply isn’t possible to give numbers. So you’re gonna get numbers randomly plucked out of thin air or “I wouldn’t sell below x” because there isn’t a precedent for shields like this being sold recently.
Seriously, the only way to know is to see where the bids go. There’s a reason some items can’t be valued exactly as it depends on a multitude of factors.
This set of three has been around for a long time. I think they passed through my hands on their journey maybe 8-10 years ago. I recall selling them to a PvPer for the respective armour bonuses.
Also, at the risk of being picky, they’re not dual reductions, just dual modded. No Canthan shields can have dual reduction mods - those are a Prophecies only phenomenon.
That’s one of my all time favourite screenshots.
And also why saving the guru archive was so very very crucial lest such historically important records be lost forever.
:Shields like this belong with only one guy, but maybe others will pay for the chance to be like him, even if it's just a little.
If only we knew who that guy is..... he sounds strong.
I’d go with Ikki’s appraisal of demand vs supply on the mag though.
There is one collector in particular who will want both r13 str shields. But as Chevy says, that Mag can go very high with sufficient interest. Mags with perfect dual mods are very rare.
Loving that set Purely!
No one asked about that.
Please move this to off-topic.
He likes a good poke.
I’ve poked Kevin. Could be technical issues with our host, but he will know more.
That tower shield is awesome. And it’s in the right place now!
The other issue you might have is that if you have the botter population trying to push someone as a Trademod - you just have the ignorant masses trying to take advantage of their numbers to put someone who really shouldn't be trusted in that position.
It’s happened again... we’ve agreed on something.....
Never ever trust a botter. They are prepared to violate the EULA to further their own gain - do you think they’ll have any problem scamming people? If that’s Kiki the botter you mention, then definitely don’t trust her.
The team at Legacy can not be held responsible for any losses incurred from any third party trade.
Well into double digit armbraces. I doubt it would hit triple digits, but you never know.
Those mods are a long way off perfect, and so kill the value considerably. Sure, it’s 8/16, but those mods aren’t a particularly desiered combo, and with them being so far off max I’d be surprised if it went over 10-15a.
I haven't found the guts to ID it (same as with a similar q7 15a one).... It seems prettier like this
Er, you could be sitting on a lottery win.... triple digit armbraces if it has two good desirable mods.
Of course, it could also be junk fit only for the merchant....
Yep, these still drop
Unid value for research purposes...
And???? +30 -2/stance?
The poster above me is clearly unaware of the fiendishly elitist criteria to qualify for an invitation to those hallowed mahogany-panelled halls. Keeps out the riff-raff don’t you know 🤵🏼
Agreed. There are three of these things now. And another can drop tonight.
You’re asking a price that I’d expect some of the truly unique unobtainable one-off items to sell for.
Too many sale threads attempt to adhere what price checkers give them only to see the item never come close to the projected value.
This is why I say that some items simply cannot have a numerical value assigned to them. This is one such item. It’s one of those super rare items whose price depends on a thousand factors, and is impossible to predict.
The only thing that is certain about such an item is the rarity. And even that does not determine the demand. I’d say it’s worth less than Surge’s buyout last time round, and quite possibly less than Red’s valuation above. It will come down to who wants it and who they have to bid against.
If you’re looking to achieve some of the numbers or mini pets thrown around in that thread from 2017, you’re going to be disappointed.
Some of those are very nice indeed. The r7 swords in particular.
You will likely get some private offers for some of these, but my advice would be to list them for sale and see where the bids go. Some of them could go quite high.
Hope you've got a good Monk!
Or Mending.
I mean it might be worth some ectos but why would you do that? Its a 15^50 q7?
I know! What kind of noob customises a r7 15^50 longsw..... oh, hang on a minute...
Keeping it on topic, there’s no exact price for it, just have to list it and see what interest you get.
With customised weapons a lot of the time the interest will be in the name stamped upon it. Some names will be worth more than others.
I can’t handle all the awesomeness !
Gaile Gray You’re kind of a big deal around here. You’re very important. People know you. Your office smelled (weirdly) of frogs, and you have many leather bound tomes. But more than all that, you’re a God among mere mortals.
Thank you for everything you’ve done for Guildwars and the community. I salute you. God speed ☹️
That’s very special indeed, Test.
That’s more like it!
That Jitte always makes me moist.
I’m certain that 5/13 darkwing and the purple Crystalline were Gregor’s, lost when he was hacked .
Loving the Long sword and Tall shield combo!
My favourite skins and my favourite mods.
Haven’t seen those in a looong time! Welcome back.
Spectacular shields, worthy of being in a museum, and I’d agree with the others about triple digit armbraces for any of them.
As usual (and as you already know), don’t sell them ingame as you’ll rip yourself off, and do list them for sale here if you’re considering selling.
I have an r7 dual reduction skeleton shield already (had three at one point), so I wouldn’t be interested even if I had the armbraces in the bank.
Those are really lovely shields.
Those guys were a pain in the ass to vanquish. If memory serves, I did it pre-zWay with a discord team and frozen soil to keep them dead.
That dark wing is worth a fortune. Blue versions seem to be rarer than golds.
Do NOT sell it in game or to private offers
Because you’ll rip yourself off spectacularly. List it for sale here and see how high it goes.
If that crystalline is non-inscribable, it’s a lottery win. One of those super rare items that can’t be valued. It’ll depend who wants it, but it could go very high. Don’t sell it to private bids, or ingame because you’ll rip yourself off spectacularly.
List it for sale here and take your time. All of the traders use this site so it’ll get all the exposure you need.
Afterthought: this is what happens if you don’t do your homework and sell ingame to the first person you ask: About the crystalline q8 15^stance of Sawn...
Do you have any category 11?
I have always said that this collecting malarkey isn't just about the items you collect, it's about the journey and the people you meet along the way. Well, today, something happened that has blown me away. Not only for the sheer quality of the items involved, but because of what it means to me personally as I travel the long road of a collector.
Many of you who can be bothered to read my lengthy ramblings will know that Enchanted Krystal has been my mentor and a good friend on the road. He was the one I credit most for starting me out on my journey all those years ago when I decided I wanted to be a collector. And many of you will know that he donated one of his dual reduction shields to me to start my collection off.
And today he donated to my collection again. But this time it wasn't a shield, it was these :
I've always loved this FDS, and the hardcore pre-nerfery of the requirement and the inherent mod mean it fits very nicely into my collection of hardcore pre-nerf weapons. And the hammer because in his own words, "it was time you owned a proper hammer". Can't argue with that.
It is actually poetic. I have been out of funds to purchase items for a long time, having retired a few years ago from actively trading. I would have never been able to buy this FDS which makes this donation all the more special. It'll probably the last item I ever acquire, and as such my journey as a collector is perfectly framed by these generous donations from EK. He was there at the start, and he's still there as I hang up my well worn boots. This is the journey.
EK, I salute you, and I hope I have built something worthy of you. Thankyou.