Posts by Captain Krompdown

    There are three heavy shields on their way to you via Kabong, old chap.

    Got them -- thank you, Max! This one in particular is a thing of beauty:


    Lauren, thanks for letting me know about your shield. For now, though, I'm going to steer clear of tactics shields. As you can imagine, shields that require me to think in order to use them aren't compatible with my general approach. What happens if I do all that thinking and the shield doesn't agree with me? Do we fight? Do I need a shield to protect me from this shield that thinks it's so smart? I don't know and I don't like where this is headed. It just seems more complicated than it needs to be. Let's stick to strength shields.

    Human cultural traditions are littered with stories of powerful artifacts that require greatness from the heroes and gods destined to wield them. Excalibur and Mjolnir are just two examples. These items, although impossible to use for most, rewarded those capable of wielding them with great power. In my particular case, I was blessed with both the temperament and physical attributes that made extreme anger-fighting a natural fit. Relying almost exclusively on rage, brute strength, and confrontational posturing, I have survived for more than 18 years in the Guild Wars universe.

    With this in mind, I'd like to buy (or, more precisely, have O Kabongolina O buy for me) the following:

    Req 13 Str shields

    • You may have trouble lifting these extraordinarily massive shields. Feel free to call Kabong over to inspect. He has specialized equipment that he can use to manipulate the item and transport it, if a deal is reached.
    • Although I'm interested in all perfectly dual-modded shields, I prefer shields with perfect mods such as 30/-2 (stance), +45/-2 (stance), 30/-5(20) or older variants including -2(10%) and -3(10%), and dual reduction shields (-2/-2 or -2/-3). Some attribute (30/+1(20%)) and 30/+10 shields may also be interesting, depending on the attribute/second mod. Even certain condition shields may pique my interest. Enchantments will only be tolerated if they would allow me to complete a set.
    • Again, please do not try to move these shields yourself, especially if you are a monk, elementalist, mesmer, or otherwise incapacitated.
    • I will be happy to demonstrate proper usage of your item, if a deal is reached. Please don't ask me things like "How do you use this thing?". There will be time for that after our business is finished. Also, please do not ask Kabong to demonstrate. He needs two hands just to use low-requirement hammers.

    didnt imy have it before dwa or am i remembering completely wrong.

    This is something like standing in the Louvre and asking if the nazis had stolen this piece during WWII. (Please understand that I'm not comparing Imy with nazis!) I guess it's a matter of historical record but the fact that the question needs to be asked only serves to highlight the vital function of the museum.

    There's a lot of bull$hit out there and items of this quality are often in the middle of it. In the process, they often end up banned or with some idiot/child's name scrawled across them.

    They deserve better.

    I founded [PhD] more than a decade ago. In that time, one of the things that has made our little guild unique in the Guild Wars universe is the number of unprovoked public attacks made by people who don't know better, who can't wrap their heads around how what we do is even possible, or who are simply jealous.

    There are 3 +5e crystallines in existence. 2 of them are resting in [PhD]. The fact that this is not surprising is too much for some people to handle. I think jealousy is natural but might be tempered if people like Sight Seeing understood the mission of the guild a little better. Being in [PhD] isn't about being rich. [PhD] is about preserving the history of the game, as manifested in its items [1]. This is why I argue against customization of items of a certain quality and why, over the years, people have decided that certain museum-quality items belong in the [PhD] gallery. It's not about gaining individual glory. It's about preserving and celebrating the beauty of this world, which we all enjoy so much. This is also why so many people came out of the woodwork to help Kabong on his recent pursuit of green hammers. So, fortunately, one of the other things that makes [PhD] unique in the Guild Wars universe is the amount of support and appreciation that people have for our mission. This is just part of the beauty of this world and part of what keeps us going, and we are grateful [2].

    Both of those swords arrived the old fashioned way [3]. Some find this fact incomprehensible, especially given the rampant cheating that has been part of the game for so long. Not only has [PhD] committed itself to doing what many consider to be impossible, but we also actually get the job done. Repeatedly. For more than a decade.

    I used to take these attacks seriously.

    I don't anymore.

    Move along, nothing to see.

    Don't feed the trolls.



    [1] There is more to say about this, especially regarding how Max's work has helped to preserve the community and, in the process, the game itself in ways that are much more concrete and effective than celebrating pretty pixels.

    [2] The fact that so many people have donated items or have specifically wanted to trade/sell their items to members of [PhD] points to something even bigger. Guild Wars is a world that people love and want to preserve and protect. That is the strongest possible testament to the beauty of this game. If our guild's mission means anything to anyone, it's only because of the brilliant work of the game's developers.

    [3] I still miss the items I traded for the +5e crys that's on my account. I won't list the items here because 1) I don't think it would change anybody's mind about anything, 2) it would read like some kind of humble brag and this really isn't about me, and 3) I regret having to trade those items to someone who was an obvious cheater. Glazen never deserved to hold those items but it was a necessary evil in order to preserve the sword. The items that I traded were each sufficient to be the crown jewel in almost anyone's collection and I hope that they have all found safe, deserving homes. Sometimes tough choices need to be made when you don't have unlimited (or credit csrd fueled) resources.

    Crystalline swords are like BMWs. It's a poor person's rich person's car. If you don't know better, you feel like this is as good as it gets. You have to work to afford one, but it's accessible. Once you have one, you've gained the ability to show off in some conventional way that is popular among a certain (large) crowd.

    I think what you need to understand about crystallines is that they were never that rare. There was a neverending supply of them coming from HoH and, at some point, a chest. If you watched the game notifications and knew the game at all, you knew exactly who was getting their chance at a new crystalline sword and you knew exactly when it was happening. Customization has something to do with the state of the crystalline market but there aren't more of them around because people have stopped playing, often involuntarily. Many of the people who were good enough at the game to gain direct access to crystalline swords and who were rich enough to hoard/collect them also cheated miserably and have been (rightfully) banned.

    I've owned several high-quality crystallines but have always used them to trade for items that I consider more interesting. There's only one that I've ever bothered to hold onto. It's one of the +5 energy crystallines, which makes it a true relic, in my mind.

    @ Looney: I'm with you -- I've always also been a fan of the bronze shield. I'd love to have one (either very heavy or very light) with some stance mods on it (WTB!). Definitely an underrated skin imo.

    @ Emma: Sorry, I think I misspoke. I just meant that you couldn't get those mods on that skin with an inscribable warlord shield. I'll edit -- thanks for catching that. Nice to learn you're a fellow Reefclaw's refugee! :)

    You know me. I hate your inscribable bull$hit. Your unique green horsecrap is second on my list of your stuff that I can't stand. You and your children's toys are a disgrace to the game. You should be food for an Iboga. Seriously, what are you doing with your life?

    Having said that, I logged into a second warrior that I hatched to play through some content with Lady Kromp. I decided to play her au naturale (I mean the warrior, not Lady Kromp, although I do also play Lady Kromp au naturale If youknow whatI'm saying). This character wouldn't have access to any of my previously accumulated items or funds and would have to work with what she got in drops and what she could buy with whatever gold she could scrounge. It's been a while since Lady Kromp and I have played, so when I logged into this character, I was surprised to see that she was using what looked like a Summit Warlord Shield. Had I broken down and given her an item from my vault? Did I give in and buy an inscribable POS for her?

    It turns out that she was carrying Reefclaw's Refuge. I looked at the thing and I thought it was pretty sweet, especially for a strength war on a budget. Take a look at this thing:


    Even for those of us not on a budget, it's a great skin that you normally can't get in str and it has fun mods that you can't reproduce with an inscribable warlord. So maybe I'm late to the party on greens or maybe I'm getting soft in my old age, but any way you cut it, I don't think I was giving this item the love it deserves.

    I thought it might be fun to see if you all have any other examples of underappreciated items. Are there any items that aren't super-collectible or popular that you think deserve a little love?

    Nice job, Raining Ecto! Glad to see so many of our former swords in such a good home. I'm an especially big fan of the brute sword. It's really tough to beat a req 7 brute sword for old school awesomeness :)

    Here are some req 7 swords that you guys left behind when Kabong and I had our big sell-off a few years back


    I remember the day that Q13 Stance Magmas dropped out of a chest for me. I fell out of my chair, looked at it again, fell out of my chair again. Nice to see it preserved!

    I can't imagine having something like that drop. That shield was always on my list of dream items. I know I didn't get the shield directly from you, but thank you for sending it on its way to me :)

    Emma, those are beautiful shields. I also especially like the fire, death, and (of course) strength shields from your larger collection. Really gorgeous., I tried to sell you that fleshy back in the day when I sold you those other req 8 +5e bows...and the dead bows...and the rest of my bows (iirc, Kiki got a good number of them, too). The fleshy was my baby then (which is why it was so tough for me to sell) and it's my baby now. I think it might be the sweetest bow in the game, all things considered (yup, it's my baby). Feel free to stop by the guild hall whenever you'd like to visit us :)

    Ornate Shield Req 13 Str 30/-5 -- 30e (if I don't already have one...will need to check)

    EDIT: Wait, did you just take that ornate shield down after I bid on it (and without marking that it was no longer for sale)? Wut?

    I say keep it simple (maybe price intervals without the high/medium/low-end categories works more easily) or, even better (and as others have suggested), do nothing.

    In either case, I do think that saying "merch" in a pc is very confusing to others. Specifically, it can mean two very different things:

    1) It can mean "This item is worth somewhere between 0-1k."

    2) It can mean that the item isn't worth the time and effort to sell on the open market *to the person providing the PC*. When a person says "merch" in this sense, they're not talking about the value of the item. They're talking about the value of the value of the item to them. If an item is worth 10k but 10k isn't worth anything to a player, they'll suggest merching a 10k item -- often without acknowledging the fact that the item itself might be worth 10k. I think Burnsy has made this point already. In that sense, "merch" is an irresponsible and egocentric price check. It's not a statement about the value of the's a statement about the value of the value of the item to a specific player. That is irresponsible, egocentric, and not helpful.

    So, I think it would be a good idea if people stopped saying "merch" in their responses to PC threads...but legislating it away or re-vamping how PC threads work (instead, for example, just asking what someone means when they say "merch") seems kind of heavy-handed and unnecessary. Let's be big boys and girls.

    I don't agree with the idea of voting for price intervals. That doesn't work if the owner hasn't been playing guild wars for 6 years. The hyperinflation we have seen destroys all sense of rationality in prices and an owner from 6 years ago who had an item worth 100e then would have no idea that the same item is probably worth 100a+ today without being told in a price check thread.

    Yeah, maybe I wasn't clear about the idea that the price intervals would be supplied by the site, not tbe PCer. So if I was coming back to GW after a long hiatus and wanted a PC on an item that I thought was mid-range, I could post the item and check the "mid-range" button. This would automatically generate a set of price intervals that correspond to market prices of mid-range items in today's terms, even if those terms are astronomical compared to the last time I played.

    In addition, the categories "move to.high end" and "move to low end" could be options to accommodate for bigger shifts in the market.

    I just wanted to clarify the idea. I'm not srguing or even suggesting that such contortions are necessary. PC threads are just PC threads. They've been full of shit since Day 1. Buyer beware (and seller, too!).

    I'll start off by saying that I haven't read this whole thread. I started but had to stop pretty quickly.

    As far as "non-numerical" price checks go, I'm a pretty firm believer in the idea that -- at least sometimes -- "merch" and "priceless" are the most accurate PCs.

    If you really want to tie people's hands, why not have every PC thread be a poll? People could vote for certain price intervals (e.g., 0-1k (aka merch), 2k-10k, 10-25k, 25-100k, and so on). You could set it up so that the price intervals are adjusted according to whether the person requesting the PC indicates that the item is high-end, mid-range, or common. A tiered system would provide better "resolution" on the PCs (e.g., no need for low intervals on a high-end item, more choices ranging into thousands of armbraces...and vice versa for common items). The results could be shown graphically as a distribution at the top of the thread.

    You could also make it so that the results won't appear until a certain number of responses (like, uh, 5, for example) from unique users are collected. That would lessen the impact of the first PC, which always seems to carry undue weight.

    I just think people have to get over it. PC threads have always been a mixed bag at best. If you ask people for opinions, that's what you're gonna get.

    EDIT: I just skimmed back through the thread and noticed that OS T proposed an idea that's similar to this one in some ways. Seems like a reasonable way to go if the goal is to strip people of the ability to use their words.

    Had to log in just to register my appreciation for your gear, Starfox. These are truly relics of an ancient world. There's no reason to sell, especially for something like armbraces, which are constantly depreciating....unless you plan on immediately exchanging the assembled for something you value more. Within the guild wars universe, though, there's nothing more valuable than items like these, especially when they are yours and you still feel nostalgia for the game.

    If you do decide to sell for some reason, I agree with Pleikki. Your short sword is a reason for a top-notch collector to empty their account for top dollar and hand you a mint. That sword is on the short list of finest items in existence at this moment.

    People are taking screenshots and bookmarking this thread. They are digging through the Guru archive looking for your ign. You have been added to friends lists of people who will jump straight up your butt the next time you login. That is for a reason....and that reason (the incredible rarity and value of your sword) is only a small part of the reason why your gear should stay with you forever.

    Hey Yuko :)

    Of course, I agree with your point about demand. If there's no market for an item, there will be no perception of rarity, regardless of objective rarity. Markets always move based on perception...and people's interests have a lot to do with what they bother perceiving.

    I also agree with zxc. Customization has done more than anything to produce artificial scarcity. The problem seems to have gotten so extreme that, as Pleikki notes, it's actually created a market for customized items. That didn't really used to be a thing.

    You can customize all the mini-pets you want. I think it should be illegal to customize museum-quality items. You shouldn't be able to scrawl your character's name across a piece of art.

    You should know better, you soulless, self-centered fucks.

    Sorry, I don't have anything to say about the Max vs. Pleikki spat. Honestly, I didn't bother reading. Not interested in learning about current events. I'm here to argue in strictly abstract terms about things I used to know about! Let's do it!

    I don't agree that it's impossible to manipulate markets via PC. We saw that a *lot* on Guru. When the general public thought Guru was the place to go with their high-end items and certain talking heads (who I won't name) dominated that site, market manipulation happened All. The. Time. I can't say whether it's been happening here because, frankly, I don't pay attention anymore. The level of disagreement that's happening is actually a good sign that the fix isn't in around here. A lack of disagreement is the danger sign. As long as Max and Pleikki are conspicuously disagreeing with each other over PCs, I have a hard time believing that either one is successfully manipulating the market. Their disagreements spread information into the Guild Wars universe, like the collision of those two neutron stars I just read about. Checks and balances. Light and dark. Yin and Yang. Balance. Keep up the good work, boys!

    I guess I have doubts about this idea of individual collectors being able to hoard to the point of creating rarity where there really is none. It seems to me like if that's possible, then the item is pretty effing rare to begin with. For example, I don't know how many people out there have a req 8 15^50 clouded maul, but I know Kabong has more than one. Not many more than one, but definitely more than one. He loved that skin so he grabbed them when he saw them (or I grabbed them for him). In the end, though, I don't think he has more than a handful (3? 4? Maybe 5?). That's not artificial rarity created by hoarding. That's a dedicated collector who loved a rare item (and his brother) who worked hard enough to buy nice clouded mauls when they appeared. Even if Kabong didn't own any of those hammers, they'd still be pretty effing rare.

    No doubt there's such a thing as hoarding (collectors are especially prone to that disease), but does somebody really own so many req 8 +5e oni blades (or whatever) to create a market shortage beyond the actual rarity of the item? Again, I'm out of the game these days so this is an honest question, not a rhetorical one. Maybe you know of someone sitting on mule account full of those things. I dunno. You tell me.


    Also i remember all the times (everytime) youve posted someting for sale. youve NEVER sold items for bids received, allways QQ:d about ppl lowballing you and getting serious with the bids.. What puts you above all the rules you tell to other ppl? When will you sell ur items for fair prices..

    Do first, say after, dont be hypocrite and do exact opposite you say.

    As long as there have been sites like Guru and Wartower, there have been bidders trying to get something for nothing. A seller who:

    1) has a price in mind
    2) makes that price clear to the public, and
    3) sells when an item reaches the stated price a dream come true. If that person expresses frustration at people continuing to try to get something for nothing despite the seller's top-notch knowledge of his wares, that's natural. It's annoying to have your intelligence insulted by greedy bidders.

    The fact that bids are low doesn't mean that low prices are fair. I hate to be blunt about it, but that's just a dumb idea.