Posts by Lady Lyn
We're not trying to save space - our server has plenty of free space left (19 GB to be exact), so I'm not worried there - Legacy is backed by a couple of servers and disk space is certainly not an issue.
We're also not on a free host (never have been) or on a shared webhosting provider - Legacy is simply too big for that (simply put: we'd use too much resources for that). Legacy has been managed by me from the start on several platforms.
I'll have to look into what exactly is causing this.
19 Gb is Fantastic! That's a ton of space.
My position was on a free hosting site, so those are the issues we faced there.
They allowed unlimited categories, threads and posts, but imagery was minimal.
Even the old Community forum run by NA & LP only allowed hosted images.
It's nice to know you have that kind of capacity here.
I've looked into that - seems for some kind of reason embedding external images was disabled - that's enabled again. Got an example post that still has the issue? It'll help with debugging.
LOL! Dontcha hate it when stuff like that happens? Ah well, keeps you on your toes I guess!
Thanks Kevin!
potato (Hey, I'm more than 1/2 Irish! They're a staple.)
Same here...
It may not be a bug, but a new standard to reduce image storage demands.
Most forums get a certain amount of image space for free.
Once you max the available free space, it can be very costly to carry mounds of images.
The 2 ways around paying for extra space are:
1. Delete images from old sales threads (or the whole thread if you don't care about post count, prices are usually outdated anyway.)
2. Remove the ability to store linked images with a simple click. It reverts all linked images back to just links, cutting down the load on storage.
My guess is it's number 2.
Not a bad solution if all you don't have the funds to upgrade image storage, which as I stated can be very costly.
One of the mods should know. If not, Iaerah would know for sure.
Zunraa has a mind of his own and would not serve well as a hero, in my opinion.
I've been playing factions since it came out,
and since it came out this silly monk refuses to fully clean up miasma patches without being pulled there by a nose ring.
I'm satisfied with the mini least it goes where I do!
sore throat...earaches are the PITS!
Stub your toe, or bang your funny bone?
The poster above me has an uncanny ability to detect unspoken truths!
I know salmon is supposed to be better for you (hali)but...
White wine with fish, or red (because a dead fish doesn't care anyway?)
The poster above me appears to be more pickled than his peppers!
and privileged hoarders :p
Out of a chest in the temple while SS/LB farming & leveling pets.
Doesn't get much better than that, talk about ready to wear!
Bought in game...close please.
or pickled peppers
Bump, Still Need These!
Answer it , I wouldn't inflict my ringtones on anyone else.
(I hate it when other people do that, so I'm more conscious of it.)
Standard ring tone or musical ring tone?
Yeah, I noticed all my huskies were no longer easily visible either
If you do the standard SS/LB runs out of The Remains of Sahlajha in HM, the pets will level up generally about a level a run.
The last level or 2 takes about 1 1/2 - 2 runs each.
I filled my Zaishen Menagerie 8 pets at a time doing those runs with each character on my account.
It benefits you to have the LB maxed anyway for farming or other excursions in the latter 1/2 of NF.
Some time ago, maybe 6 or 7 years now, there was a pet craze. Everyone was doing what you are doing now.
People realized what kind of damage Dire Pets could do and started using them as part of the entire hero package.
I think that pvx wiki even had team builds submitted, however most players just preferred to use their own builds with a pet added.
It was fun and crazy....places like Vizunnah Square were overrun with both minions and pets alike!
There was nothing like the sight of 16 pets running with their masters to the next battle area.
Does anyone else remember that phase?
print any invitations
'cause you is A Uhm...erican, (si si Americano)
I'll go with proper spelling <- see what I did there?
Seeing improperly spelled words like "there/their/they're, your/you're/yore, here/hear, it's/its" (etc. the list is long...) in all chat drives me nutZ!
Proper English or The Current Slang?
dying of thirst
The poster above me has chosen not to use blood inked calligraphy on gilded edged & hand crafted vellum invitations, a specialty of all classy Necro invitations!
Ravens, they're much sleeker looking completely black.
Bald Eagle or Golden Eagle?
The poster above me thinks the poster above him spends his time fiddling around.
Believing (Hold on to that feeling...)
Sorry, couldn't help myself, it was there.....
The poster above me understands the not so complex Asuran ego quite well!
The poster above me apparently thinks Asurans look like bunnies.
BUMP! (I keep forgetting I have a thread here.)
Fluffy - squishes into the perfect shape easily.
Feather or foam?
The poster above me is correct!