q4 is non max dmg and very common from tengu farming, so merch (or maybe 3e since its close to max dmg)
Posts by Khobay
fire buckler 30e
q4 fire 20e
q4 blind 5e
q5 tall 5e
6 - 22e
8 - 48e
Running out of space on my characters. Most of this is not very fancy and will sell if someone posts a reasonable price.
q9 Emerald Edge (INSC, not emerald blade) b/o 5e
q11 Double ZEAL shadow blade
q13 Double ZEAL shadow blade
q12 +5e shadow blade
q11 15/50 Shadow Blade
q10 +5e Long Sword
q10 15/50 FDS
q9 15/50 Forked Sword
q9 15/e Flamberge co: 3e, rb: 7e
q9 15/50 Flamberge
q11 15/50 Long Sword
q11 15/50 Gothic Sword
q9 15/50 Gladius co: 5e, rb: 13e
q9 15/e Shadow Blade
q9 15/50 Summit Axe
q9 Naked Chaos Axe
q9 15/-5e Chaos Axe
q9 14/50 Chaos Axe
q13 +5e Chaos Axe
q10 15/s Sephis Axe
q12 -3h/+10undead Shadow Shield
q12 -2s/+28 Shadow Shield
q9 +44s/-2s Shadow Shield
q9 -2s/+30 Tall Shield r/b 80e
q12 -3h/+water magic(20%) SSS
q9 -2s/+29 Wooden Buckler
q9/13 armor +10vs demons/+1 inspiration (20%) Wooden Buckler
q9 Motivation Draconic Aegis (INSC)
q9 Strength Oaken Aegis (INSC)
q8/16 white Tall Shield
q9 15^50 Oni Daggers
q9 15/50 Aureate Daggers co: 5e, rb: 15e
q9 15/50 Kris Daggers
q9 15/50 Celestial Daggers
q9 15/s Kamas co: 2e rb: 7e
q9 15/e Kamas co: 2e rb: 7e
q9 15/h Kamas co: 2e rb: 5e
q9 15/e Celestial Longbow
q9 15/s Celestial Longbow
q9 15/50 shadow bow
q12 15/50 shadow bow
q10 +5e Recurve Bow
q9 15/50 Shortbow
q12 Double Zeal Shadow Bow
q9 INSC Celestial Longbow
q11 divine favor HSR smiting(20%), HCT (10%) holy rod
q9 domination 20/10 Amber Staff
q13 20/20 Fire staff
q9 death 20/10 Shadow Staff
q10 Divine Favor holy staff 20/20(protection prayers)
q11 20/20 Smiting staff
q9 20/20 illusion Jeweled Staff
Low q
q6 soul reaping energy +10 +29h/15-1e Jug
q4 10-14 +5e sunqua blade
q5 12-16 15/50 sunqua blade
q5 12-17 20/h sunqua blade
q5 12-17 15/50 sunqua blade
q8 11-15 Double Zeal sunqua blade
q5 12-16 +5e sunqua blade
q5 11-15 15/50 sunqua blade
q4 9-13 +5e sunqua blade
q6 13-18 +5e sunqua blade
q4 5-10 +5e kamas
q5 5-11 +5e kamas
q4 5-10 +5e kamas
q5 6-13 15/-5e kamas 100gv (Max dmg)
q6 6-13 15/-5e kamas 100gv
q4 6-12 15/e kamas (Max dmg)
q6 9-15 death 20/10 Deadly Cesta (wand)
q4/11 +9 piercing/-2e Crude Shield
q7/13 +10vs lightning/-2s strength Bladed Shield
q7/13 +30/Disease(20%) tactics Bladed Shield
q6/12 -2e/+1 air(20%) Tall Shield
q7/12 +1 fire(20%)/-2s Wooden Buckler
q8/13 +1 tactics(20)/+44e tactics Spiked Targe
q5/11 +10vs demons/-5(20%) tactics Round Shield
q6/12 -3h/+10vs blunt tactics Spiked Targe
q7/15 Blue INSC Skull Shield
q4/12 INSC Sharktooth Shield
q8 BLUE INSC foci: Storm Artifact (air), Inscribed Chakram (domination)
q12 INSC wingcrest maul
Celestial Compass: q10 communing, q13 resto, q10 inspiration
2x unded Celestial Monkey
EL Automatonic/Koss/Zenmai
6 - 18e
8 - 45e
6 - 12e
7 - 13e
8 - 12e
- q10t Round Shield -2wE, +30 - rb 15e
- q11t Round Shield +10 Slashing, -2wE - rb 10e
- q13t Celestial Shield -2wE, +10 Lightning - rb 8e
RB on these three. IGN: Zombie Of Life
Less than a month after the first one.. another one
man why am i so unlucky
No longer requiring max armor for the shields, will buy 1-2 armor below max if its os dual modded with perfect mods.
low armor, mixed mods, and non-max mods. merch
first jug in a while. not very good
q4 buckler 15e
Sb great axe and fds
Thanks for the replys, votes and explanations
As i see the views are quite diffrent.
Snoop Snail so your love to inscr items formed your prefered Style choice. interessting and makes sense to me
so generell u vote a +1 to Style 1
Khobay I read in ur message u are 100% a Style 2 Prefering Player. Also with the gap explantion understandable for me. The value -30% leaves room or depate for many but would be for me to agree with to an extend.
End So overall Style 2 for you. but in some cases a Style one catches your heart. I got same experience and my mentioned SotW +45-2wE because of the green item lets me also for me sign onto your point of view. Mostly style 2 but ware in style 1 the real beautys from time to time
(thanks to Oldschool Cool Cool for opening my eyes on the SotW / Malinons )
OS T so an absolute Style 1 prefering player. is there maybe a reason behind u find it more appealing and the gap nice. or other way around what makes you feel weird about style 2 items? Maybe its just the feeling itself wich is also a fine explantion. Just interessted in diffrent views on item
MaxBorken Dual reduction shield dont have that kind of issue true
maybe here u can debate about a -3/-2 or -2/-3 but i think overall the -2/-2 is where its at, as u said.
I also have thought about to include like 10vsXX shields with -X Reduction mod (since these are way more common then the precious, highly desireable and nearly non to get duo reduces)
Generell Question for all:
Style 3
16 armor (requires 9 Tactics)
+10armor vs Fire Damage
-2 Physical damage while enchanted
Style 4
16 armor (requires 9 tactics)
-2 physical damage while enchanted
+10armor vs fire
most likely here also the allready refered to "Gap" is the main diffrence in my eyes.ME personally i would stay at STYLE 4 here because of the common look to style 2.
would be interessting to know if some Players that voted or prefere style 2 are here maybe more style 1 prefering?
Agree Style 4 is better, in general the structure should be longest text the highest up and shorter text should be at the bottom, so it creates a triangle.
Style 2. Nothing is uglier than eg. a shield with +30h/-2 or +30/+10vs. in that order. You get that gap where theres no grey text which just looks very weird. Instantly reduces value by 30% for me
Tall Shield 16/q12t: +30hp -2/stance 3e
q12 tall 7e, q13 3e
ign: omega dagger
Got the optimal sword to use vs undead while killing an undead in a fowsc (none of the mods were added by me). A nice gold value as well.
bump now also looking for axes
I got my first Q8 max drop from Kilroy's Keyless chest (1st chest as this is the only one that can drop q8 max).
The mod was terrible so it's been merched (story doesn't end here)....
Then... the very next run, same chest (1st chest), I got this.. why couldn't the requirements be reversed????
Just tried this run for the first time and didnt get any loot on the first 2 chests, is it because i brought heroes, do they steal loot from the chests?
I assume you have to bring heroes since u need to kill stuff. Do you do the entire quest or just the 1st chest then go back to outpost? HM/NM?