Posts by Kenedias
Hi, as said in title i need a PC
keep in mind 7-14 is max for req 6
Kamas are "common" but havent seen Onis yet!
Note: q6 is usefull for some SC's
OS Ornate Buckler Q9 Tactics -2 wE +10 vs pierce
s/o: 50e -
New Items added.
Happy bidding!
Updated the prices.
Welcome to my little Store which will be updated whenever i have smth to sell!
feel free to contact me with your offer in case you dont agree with the prices.
contact me ingame or via PM.
general rules:
1. until an item is marked as SOLD you are allowed to overbid others.
2. leave your IGN with your bid
3. if there is no price behind the item you can offer w/e you want!
IGN: Kenedia Stark
- OS Jade Q10 dagger, 15% while enchanted
- OS Summit Axe Q9, 15% in Stance
- Dadao Sword Q9
- OS Jade Q10 dagger, 15% while enchanted
Mod edit - closed due to early bumping / not reading xunlai rules.
Mod edit - thread closed due to early bump / not reading xunlai rules
Hey guys i need a PC for:
PC BDS req 9 Protection Prayers
***MOD EDIT---DO NOT add items to a price check thread. MAKE A NEW THREAD FOR NEW ITEMS---please take the time to READ the XUNLAI MARKET rules BEFORE posting---this is a warning---MOD EDIT***
Platinum Sickles Q9-Q10 (multiple)
either OS with 15^50/15 while in a Stance or inscr.
Damage: 8-17 (req 0 scythe mastery) // 7-16
Damage: 7-14 (req 6 dagger) // 6-13
insc. or 15^stance / 15^ench
IGN: Kenedia Stark
Prices adjusted, discount system improved (30th July)
Taking a break bc of Reallife. Open Orders will be delivered as good as possible
Welcome everyone!
Everything listed here is avaible for sell. There are no prices, you bid and buy!
start bid: 500g
1 - 8 - 15 - 1e 22 - 29 - 2 - SOLD 9 - 16 - 23 - 30 - 3 - 10 - 17 - 24 - 31 - 4 - 11 - 18 - 25 - 32 - 5 - SOLD 12 - 19 - 26 - 33 - 6 - SOLD 13 - 20 - 27 - 34 - 7 - SOLD 14 - 4a 21 - 28 - -
Date IGN Subject of order 19.07.2018 Forest Within 8 x HM 20.07.2018 Xix Bloodthirsty Xi 4 x HM 20.07.2018 teh black knight 3 x HM 22.07.2018 Ishi Yoichi 50 x HM 26.07.2018 legendary duck 10 x HM 26.07.2018 Wydz Mezzes Out 90 x HM 30.07.2018 Dr Lancemy Full EOTN Story Rush NM Sell History
Date IGN Subject of order 15.07.2018 Escanor O Keaz Full EOTN Story Rush NM 17.07.2018 Take Pen 14 x HM Cancled:
- dlystyr - did not reply anymore
Taking a break bc of Reallife. Open Orders will be delivered as good as possible
Prices adjusted, discount system improved (30th July)Greetings, im here to offer you the service of Speedbooking:What is Speedbooking?Speedbooking is a method of farming Eye of the North Reputation by filling 3 sites of the Hero's Handbook [Hard Mode].Each book with 3 sites filled, will reward you with:3000 Reputation Points of Choice6000 Experience600 Gold
I prefere to run with 2-3 customers at the same time, thats why you get huge discounts if it works out.You don't have to do anything, i try to get as many customers in the group when we start.So you have your price but can get it cheaper if willing to wait for other customers. If you bring a friend you get the discount of course as well and dont have to wait!
Leave me a note with your time windows in which you would be avaible or hit me up ingame.I'm playing in UTC+2 timezoneIGN: Shiro FujiwarPricesBook price (choose your currency)2422
ObjectsDiscount3 or more books- 5%2 ppl- 15%3 ppl- 20%4 ppl- 25%Price examplesTotal price: -5% - 3 books / single person (choose your currency)6963
Total price: -30% - 3 books / 3 persons per book (price for each person) (choose your currency)5449
Full EOTN Story Rush NM (choose your currency)360325