Posts by firestone dragon
wts req 7 blue naked FDS (prenerf) 15-22 damage (with 30hp on it) 84gv
c/o 100a in game
O.O q7 q8 's
#1 req 7 16 ar (gold) tac spiked targe (single mod =43hp w/ench) os 144 gv c/o 10a Cute b/o not set yet
#2 req 7 14-20 damage (blue fellblade ) insc 74gv c/o1a Nooice b/o not set yet
#3 req 7 6-27 damage white chaos axe / naked prenerf (i put 2 mods on it to make it blue)71gv c/o 10a @Cute b/o not set yet
#4 req 8 15-22 damage (gold) sephis sword insc 212 gv c/o 80a @San b/o not set yet
#5 req 7 14-20 (blue) wingblade sword insc 46gv c/o??? b/o not set yet
#6 req 7 14-20 (blue) spatha insc 54gv c/o??? b/o not set yet
#7 req 7 14-20 (blue) brute sword insc 45gv c/o??? b/o not set yet
#8 req 7 14-20(blue) fiery dragon sword (fds) +10% below 50% os c/o??? b/o not set yet
#9 req 7 15ar str celestial shield (gold) 10vs demons(doa area) 43hp w/stance os 220gv c/o2a Nooice b/o not set yet
#10 req 6 14ar str (gold) celestial shield 10vs plants -2 stance os 100gv c/o 4a Nooice b/o not set yet
#11 req 8 16ar str (gold) lotus shield insc 243gv c/o??? b/o not set yet
#12 req 8 16ar str echovald shield -5 19% 45hp^wench os 248gv c/o??? b/o not set yet
#13 req 8 16ar str celestial shield -5 20% +1 water magic 19% os 152 gv c/o??? b/o not set yet
req 9
#14 req 9 16ar str bladed shield (gold) 10vs plants 45hp stance os 216gv c/o??? b/o not set yet
#15 req 9 16ar str bladed shield (gold) -2w/ench 30hp os 252gv c/o??? b/o not set yet
#16 req 9 16ar tac bladed shield (gold) 29hp -2w/ench os 96gv c/o??? b/o not set yet
#17 req 9 16ar tac ornate buckler(gold) 10vs CHARR -2stance os 280gv c/o 2a Nooice b/o not set yet
#18 req 9 16ar tac crude shield (gold) -5 20% 10vs CHARR OS 188gv c/o 4a Rims b/o not set yet
#19 req 9 16ar tac ornate shield (gold) 10vs plants-2 w/ench os 164gv c/o2a Nooice b/o not set yet
#20 req 9 16ar tac spiked targe (gold) (dyed black on rim) -2 w/ench 10vs slashing os 268gv c/o 2a Rims b/o not set yet
#21 req 9 16ar tac ornate buckler(gold) 10vs blunt 45hp w/stance os 224gv c/o??? b/o not set yet
#22 req 9 16ar str shadow shield (gold) -2stance +1 divine favor 20% os 236gv c/o??? b/o not set yet
#23 req 9 16 ar str embossed aegis (gold) 10vs demons 28hp os 208 gv c/o??? b/o not set yet
#24 REQ 8 *12*ARR NOT MAX tac crude shield(GOLD) -3 hexed 29hp os 88gv
#25 REQ 8 *12*ARR NOT MAX tac wooden buckler(GOLD) -2w/ench 10vs demons os 108gv
#26 req 7 13-24dmg NOT MAX AMBER LONGBOW (blue) 11% w/ench os 74gv
#27 req 8 6-27dmg postmax battle axe (gold) insc 212gv
#28 req 8 15-21 not max dead sword (gold) insc 180gv
(reserve rights to sell in game or refuse an offer)
offers are not what i expected i have decided to sell in game thank you
price check : 14-20 damage q7 blue insc fellblade
ty ty
i have rights reserved
i might sell in game if offer suits my needs
items open for offers thank you and happy bidding
#1 q9 tac 16ar gold crude shield -5 20% 10vs charr os 188gv c/o? b/o 60a(lowered) #2 q9 tac 16ar gold ornate buckler 10vs charr -2 stance os 280gv c/o? b/o 60a(lowered) #3 q9 str 16ar gold bladed shield 10vs plants 45hp stance os 216gv c/o? b/o 40a(lowered) #4 q9 str 16ar gold bladed shield -2 w/ench 30hp os 252gv c/o? b/o 40a(lowered) #5 Q8 STR 16AR gold echovald -5 19% 45hp w/ench os 248gv c/o? b/o 75a (lowered) #6 Q8 STR 16AR gold celestial shield -5 20% +1 water 19% os 152gv c/o? b/o 50a #7 q9 DOM 11-22 GOLD AMBER STAFF 20% HSR 20% HCT DOM OS 224GV c/o? b/o 40a (lowered) #8 q9 15-22 gold vertebreaker 15^50 os 264gv c/o? b/o 6a(lowered) #9q9 str 16arpurplemagmas shield-2 stance((35))hp w/ stanceos 150gvc/o?b/o 15asold in game#10 req 6 14-19 gold crenellated sword 15%^stance os 104 gv c/o? b/o not set yet #11 Q7 15AR MOT BLUE AUREATE AEGIS INSC 46GV C/O? B/O NOT SET YET #12 Q7 15AR STR BLUE EBONHAND AEGIS INSC 57GV C/O ? B/O NOT SET YET #13 Q8 16AR COMMAND BLUE TRIBAL SHIELD INSC 57HP C/O? B/O NOT SET YET #14 Q9 16AR TAC GOLD BLADED SHIELD 29HP -2W/ENCH OS 96GV C/O ? B/O 40A #15 Q8 6-27 DAMAGE GOLD BATTLE AXE INSC 212GV C/O ? B/O NOT SET YET pack#1
1x defender q7 str blue 15 ar insc
4x tower shields q7 str blue 15 ar insc
c/o?? b/o 10a
pack #2
C/O ?? B/O 10A
wts (if i like offer ill pm you so dont ferget
in game name plz with offer ) thanks happy bidding
#4 req 7 15ar str (gold) celestial shield 10VS DEMONS 43HP W/STANCE OS c/o??? b/o not set yet
#(combo set) set of 3 q6 celestial shields: c/o ??? b/o not set yet
1/3 q6 14 ar tac celestial shield 10vs lighting 43hp w/e os 104gv
2/3 q6 14ar tac celestial shield 29hp -2w/e os 152gv
3/3 q6 14ar ((str)) celestial shield 10vs plants -2w/stance os (100gv)
#5 q8 str echovald -5 19% +45hp^w/ench os c/o??? b/o not set yet
#6 q9 str spiked targe (dual ench) 45hp we -2we os c/o??? b/o not set yetsold in game 15a#7 q9 str spiked targe -2 we 10vs demons os c/o??? b/o not set yetsold in game 15a#8 q9 tac ornate buckler -2we 10vs blunt os 200gv c/o??? b/o not set yetsold in game 15a#9 q9 tac ornate buckler 45hp we -2we (dual ench) os c/o ??? b/o not set yetsold in game 20a#10 q9 tac ornate buckler -2we 10vs plants os c/o ??? b/o not set yetsold in game 10a#11 q9 tac bronze -2we +45hp we os(dual ench) c/o ??? b/o not set yetsold in game 10a#12 q9 tac echovald -5 20% 10vs demons os c/o ??? b/o not set yetsold 20a in game#13 q9 tac ornate shield 10vs demons +1 illusion 20% os c/o ??? not set yet
#14 q9 str bladed shield 10vs plants 45hp stance os c/o ??? b/o not set yet
#15 q9 str bladed shield -2we 30hp os c/o ???b/o not set yet
#16 q11 tac bladed shield -2 tance 10vs demons c/o ???b/o not set yet
#17 q9 tac bladed shield -2 stance 45hp stance os c/o ??? b/o not set yetsold in game 30a#18 q10 tac tall shield 10vs demons -2 stance os c/o ??? b/o not set yet
#19 q12 tac bladed shield -2stance 10vs demons c/o ??? b/o not set yet
#20 q12 tac tall shield 10vs demons -2we os c/o ??? b/o not set yet
#21 q9 str spiked targe -5 19% 10vs demons os c/o ??? b/o not set yetsold 20a in game#22 q10 tac gothic -2stance 10vs demons os (dyed black) c/o ??? b/o not set yet
#23 q9 str echovald -2we +1 earth 19% os c/o ??? b/o not set yet
#24 q9 crude shield -5 20% 10vs charr os c/o ??? b/o not set yet
#25 q9 tac ornate buckler 10vs charr -2stance os c/o ??? b/o not set yet
110a stormbow
the big bazookaz
bazoo #1 req 8 15-22 long sword gold 15%^ench os 272gv r/b 65a c/o ? b/o 100a bazoo #2 mini dedicated destroyer of flesh r/b 45a c/o? b/o 55a bazoo #3 req 9 11-22 blood truncheon 20hct / 20hsr blood (matching) gold os 232GV r/b 50a c/o? b/o not set yet bazoo #4 req 9 16 ar TAC iridescent aegis gold -2 w/ ench 10vs fire os 316gv r/b 40a c/o? b/o not set yet bazoo #5 req 10 16ar tac iridescent aegis gold 45 hp ^w/ ench 10vs piercing os 212gv r/b 20a c/o? b/o not set yet items and minis
#6 req 8 6-28 dragoncrest axe gold 20%^w/hexed os 332gv r/b 20a c/o? b/o not set yet #7 req 8 6-28 cleaver gold 20%^w/hexed os 264gv r/b 20a c/o? b/o not set yet #8 mini dedicated yakkington r/b 8a c/o? b/o 12a #9 mini unded vizu r/b 4a c/o? b/o 5a #10 req 8 16 ar command skull shield gold insc 184gv r/b 7a c/o? b/o 10a #11 req 9 16ar STR ETERNAL SHIELD 10vs undead -5 19% gold os 260gv r/b 15a c/o? b/o 25a #12 (shhh Q7) REQ 7/15AR STR CELESTIAL SHIELD 10VS DEMONS 43HP ^W / STANCE GOLD OS 220GV R/B 50a c/o? b/o 75a #13 req 8 15-22 lesser sage blade (((blue))) insc 83gv r/b 10a c/o? b/o15a #14 req 8 15-22 gilded edge (((blue))) insc 56gv r/b 10a c/o ? b/o 15a #15 req 9/16ar tac EMBLAZAONED DEFENDER -3 w/hexed 10vs ogres os 176gv r/b 10a c/o ? b/o not set yet #16 req 10/16 ar tac GLOOM SHIELD -2 stance 30hp os 288gv r/b 15a c/o? b/o not set yet #17 req 11/16ar tac dimond aegis -2w/ ench 10vs plants os 252gv r/b5a c/o? b/o not set yet #18 q10 11-22 fire magic dragon staff 20/20 os 372gv (matching) r/b 5a c/o ? b/o 10a #19 req 9 6-28 dragoncrest axe gold 15%^-1 reg energy (zeal) os 212gv r/b 3a c/o? b/o not set yet #20 req 9 6-28 celestial axe gold +5 energy os 232gv r/b 2a c/o ? b/o not set yet #21 req 9 6-28 chaos axe gold 15^50 os 276 gv r/b 2a c/o ? b/o not set yet #22 req 9 6-28 mammoth axe gold 15^50 os 340gv r/b 2a c/o? b/o not set yet #23 req 9 / 16 ar tac round shield gold 30hp -2 w/ench os 276gv r/b 8a c/o ? b/o 15a #24 req 10/16ar tac round shield gold 45hp ^w/ench -2 w/ench os 240gv r/b 3a c/o ? b/o not set yet #25 REQ 6 14-19 CRENELLATED SWORD GOLD 15%^W/ STANCE OS 104GV R/B ? C/O ? B/O NOT SET YET #26 req 9 /16ar str ornate shield gold -2w/ench 30hp os 236gv r/b 5a c/o? b/o not set yet #27 req 8 12 energy ominous eidolon (dom) gold insc 136gv r/b 5a c/o? b/o not set yet #28 q11 dom 11-22 cane gold 19hct dom 19hsr dom os 412gv r/b?? c/o?? b/o not set yet #29 q12 dom 11-22 cane gold 19hct dom 19hsr dom os 220gv r/b ?? c/o?? b/o not set yet #30 q9 blood 11-22 truncheon gold 20hct death 20hsr death os (blood / death combo) 396gv r/b?? c/o?? b/o not set yet #31 req 9air 11-22 zodiac staff gold 20/10 hct os os 240gv r/b 2a c/o ?? b/o not set yet #32 req 9 16ar tac ornate buckler gold 10vs blunt 45hp ^w/stance os 224gv r/b 5a c/o ?? b/o not set yet #33 q12 16ar tac amber aegis gold +healing 20% 28hp os 212gv r/b?? c/o?? b/o not set yet #34 q10 16ar tac skeleton shield gold 10vs piercing 45hp ^w/ench os 228gv r/b 3a c/o?? b/o not set yet #35 q11 16ar tac spiked targe gold 10vs slash 45hp^w/ench os **300gv** clean value r/b 4a c/o ?? b/o not set yet #36 req 9 16ar tac shield of the wing gold 10vs fire -2 stance os 156gv r/b 3a c/o ?? b/o not set yet #37 q13 16ar tac echovald gold -2we 10vs demons os 240gv r/b 2a c/o?? b/o not set yet #38 req 9 16ar str shadow shield gold -2stance +1 divine 20% os 236gv r/b 3a c/o ?? b/o not set yet #39 q8 *((7-16))*post max butterfly knives gold insc 132gv r/b 3a c/o ?? b/o not set yet #40 q8 *((7-16))*post max golden talons gold insc 136gv r/b 3a c/o ?? b/o not set yet reserve rights
happy bidding
my in game name is firestone dragon
add me to friends list i might still be on
or if i missed ya drop a line thx
wts these 2 items #1 #2
#1 q8 6-28 WAR AXE 15^50 OS 296GV GOLD
C/O =55a Motoko B/O NOT SET YET
#2 Q9 16AR STR BLADED 10VS DEMONS -2WE 220GV GOLDC/O ? B/O NOT SET YETsold in game 30ahappy biding
bump a roo
Aaron Ramsey i guess so on #12 yes deal
what is your in game name plz Aaron Ramsey
#12 pending pick up
bump a roooo
- Amazon Of Melandru r/b met 5a plz assign time date (pending)
Aaron Ramsey on 12 its not a bad offer 10a (thinking 48hrs =2days)
manuS to low sorry (hmmmmmm)
happy biding thx for looking
( i reserve sellers rights to sell in game at any time and the right to refuse sale if i don't like offer presented )
eny thing under r/b i will not accept SORRY.......
plz provide in game name
with bid plz plz plz so i can contact you about your bid win
highlighted req 8 6-28 damage war axe gold 15^50 os 296 gv r/b 120a c/o ? b/o not set yet added
the highlighted item FOR DOA AREA req 9 / 16ar str BLADED SHIELD 10VS DEMONS -2W/ENCH OS GOLD 220GV (PERFECT) R/B 60A C/O ? B/O NOT SET YET BONUS MINI FOR SALEsold in gameDED DESTROYER MINIR/B 55AB/O 60A#1 req 7/ 15 ar str celestial shield gold 10vs demons 43 hp w/ stance os 220 gv r/b 60a c/o ? b/o 100a #2 req 7/15 ar str istani shield blue insc 44gv r/b 20a c/o manuS 50e ??? b/o 30a #3 req 8 / 16 ar tac celestial shield gold 10vs slashing 27hp os 188gv r/b 30a c/o ? b/o not set yet #4 req 8 / 16 ar tac ornate shield gold -3 hexed 10vs piercing os 256gv r/b 50a c/o ? b/o not set yet #5 req 8 / 16 ar tac skull shield gold +1 prot 19% -2 w/ ench os 216gv r/b 30a c/o ? b/o not set yet #6 req 8 / 16 ar command reinforced defender gold insc 228gv r/b 15a c/o ? b/o 20a #7 req 8 / 16 ar str echovald shield gold -5 19% +1 prot 19% os 208gv r/b 40a c/o ? b/o not set yet #8 req 8 6-28 gothic dual axe gold 15%^vs hexed foes os 344gv r/b 30a c/o ? b/o 45a #9soldreq 8 7-17oni daggersgold14%^w/ stanceos 240 gvr/b 40ac/o ?b/o 50a#10 req 8 19-35 war hammer (lion skin) gold 15%^w/ stance os 216 gv r/b 30a c/o ? b/o 45a #11 req 8 19-35 summit hammer gold 19%^w/ hexed os 224 gv r/b 20a c/o ? b/o 40a #12SOLDreq 11 16ar tactall shieldgold45hp ^w/ench10vs charros 376gvr/b 20ac/oAaron Ramsey10ab/o not set yet#13 req 9 /16 ar tac guardian of the hunt gold -2 w/ ench 44 hp ^w/ ench os 224 gv r/b 20a c/o 2a manuS ??? b/o not set yet #14 req 9 / 16 ar tac Stone Summit Shield gold 10vs giants 43hp ^w/ ench os 388gv r/b 20a c/o ? b/o not set yet #15 req 8 /16ar tac summit warlord shield blue +5 ar vs tengu single mod os 57gv r/b 5a c/o ? b/o not set yet #16 req 9/ 16 ar tac summit warlord shield gold 42hp ^w/ench 10vs trolls os 280gv r/b 15a c/o ? b/o not set yet #17 req 9 / 16 ar tac summit warlord shield gold 59hp w/hexed 10vs tengu os 252 gv r/b 15a c/o ? b/o not set yet #18 req 11 / 16 ar tac summit warlord shield gold 59hp w/ hexed -3 hexed os 220gv r/b 5a c/o ? b/o not set yet #19soldreq 11 / 16 ar strmagmas shieldgold-2 w/ench+1 prot 20%os 232 gvr/b 5a @Amazon Of Melandruc/oAmazon Of Melandru5ab/o not set yet#20 req 10 / 16 ar tac gloom shield gold -2 w/stance 30hp os 288 gv r/b 10a c/o ? b/o not set yet #21 req 9 / 16 ar tac round shield gold 30hp -2 w/ench os 276gv r/b 10a c/o ? b/o not set yet #22 req 9 /16 ar tac exalted aegis gold +1 fire 19% -2 w/ench os 216 gv r/b 15a c/o ? b/o not set yet #23 req 10 / 16 ar tac emblazoned defender gold -2 ^w/stance 45hp^w/stance os 376gv r/b 5a c/o ? b/o not set yet #24 req 12 /16 ar tac celestial shield gold -2 w/ench 45hp^w/ench os 320 gv r/b 5a c/o ? b/o not set yet #25 req 10 /16 ar tac kappa shield gold 28hp 10vs demons os 344gv r/b 15a c/o ? b/o not set yet added
#26 req 9 19-35 colossal pick purple clean/naked
no damage mod
os 144gv r/b none c/o ? b/o not set yet #27 req 11 11-22 DOM CANE GOLD 19%HCT DOM 19% HSR DOM os 412GV R/B 10A C/O ? B/O NOT SET YET #28 req 13 11-22 channel channeling rod gold 19% hct channel 20%hsr channel os 268gv r/b 5a c/o ? b/o not set yet #29 req 12 11-22 smite smite rod gold 19% hct PROT 20% hsr PROT os 268gv r/b 5a c/o ? b/o not set yet #30 q13 11-22 communing jade wand gold 20% hct channel 19%hsr channel os 240gv r/b 5a c/o ? b/o not set yet #31 q11 11-22 communing harmonic rod gold 19% hsr resto 20%hct resto os 292gv r/b 5a c/o ? b/o not set yet #32 q9 11-22 fire dragon's breath wand gold +5energy below 50% 20%hct fire os 364gv r/b 2a c/o ? b/o not set yet -
pc on : q8 DOM 11-21 inscribed staff 18%hsr insc gold
pc on : q8 11-21 illusion hypnotic staff 18%hsr insc gold
thx for looking and help
(can you post your ingame name peoples)
( Savage Bubba PM me in game in a bit my IGN= Firestone Dragon)
( @Monk From Above yo im hopeing for a higher bid for the gothic dual axe sorry, we can talk in game if you like today or another day IGN= Firestone Dragon)
wts q8 15-21 damage celestial sword 15%-5energy os goldc/o 5aSavage Bubbaq8 15-21 damage dead sword insc gold
q7 14-25 damage recerve bow insc bluec/o?SOLD IN GAMEq8 6-28 damage gothic dual axe 15% vs hexed foes os gold
c/o 6a Shaya
q9 tac guardian of the hunt -2ench 44hp ench os gold
adding new items
q9 zodiac sword 15^50 os gold 316gv
r/b 5a c/o ?
10 TAC KAPPA 28hp 10vs demons os (doa shield)
r/b 5a c/o ?
q7 15 ar blue str istani shield insc
r/b 20a c/o ?
q9 tac exalted aegis +1 fire magic 19% -2 ench os
r/b 5a c/o?
q10 str AMBER AEGIS 10vs blunt -5 20% os
r/b 1a c/o?
q10 tac echo 45hp stance 10vs plants os
r/b 2a c/o ?
q9 str ornate shield -2ench 30hp os
r/b 5a c/o ?
q9 divine holy staff 20 / 20 +30hp os
r/b 3a c/o ?
q9 divine zodiac staff 20 / 10 os
c/o ? b/o 2a
q9 smite zodiac staff 20 /10 os
c/o? b/o 2a
the big bazooooka 's
q8 gold chaos axe 14%^ench os
r/b 60a c/o ?
q7/15 gold celestial shield 10vs demons 43hp st os
r/b 60a c/o ?
q8 tac ornate shield -3 hexed 10vs piercing os
r/b 60a c/o?
happy bidding
price check plz : q5 tac GOLD SKULL SHIELD INSC 84 GOLD VALUE