holy grail in pre ;p
Posts by Flint Lightning
yeah np it's an easy one he won't have to search for anything i'll send him what I want ect
lolol. Yeah, those horrible liberals! Ruining the world by improving it for others, how dare they! /s
Your comment is also super off-topic.seeing my post was deleted I'll say it again just slightly more polite.
Yes Horrible Liberals but it's running the country while Ruining it for others. get it right.
i know a friend who can do for japan guild maker but he need the name you want for guild + tag and also he send me the rules for create a guild,
if guild name has alphabets only, max number is 31 characters
if guild name has a japanese letter at least, max number is 16 characters
Large letter is first one only
guild name does not have SPACE (if the guild have letter japanese)
a japanese letter counts 2 characters in guild name
you will pay first and after you will have the lead of the guild , of course the guild will be created before the payment is made but you will receive the lead after you have paying (if you don't believe him, he will not deal with you)
while this sounds sketchy af have him contact me in game Title Points R Us
no you aren't but just like liberals you silence us when calling scammers out. that in itself is Just as bad. you are covering up for them. you know i'm right.
Has to be Jap for what I want. Message me if you can help thx
my 2nd one that dropped in pre in over 3 years. Very rare indeed.
850e what are we bidding on again?
Welcome to the club!
Been trudging through this title 250 keys at a time for 10+ years. Still a long way to go, but this is my first WOW drop
Grats I got one the other day myself lol
No they weren't identical lol been getting multiple purple drops alot from the Charr Bosses in pre lately
i get those a few times a day at least
I know a12 is considered rare, but aren't these mods just kinda average at best considering armor in pre doesn't mean much on a shield?
I've got 2 sitting on toons, I think also both round shields a9/10 with +25/-4(18%) and +25/-5(17%) and I thought they were cool but not worth much.
Edit: Original post had image attach of a12, +24hp/-5(16%)
I'm a Presearing Collector That was one of the nicer AR12s I've come across. Actually My first dual mod AR12 actually. far from an average drop.
I really do love charr farming in pre
another nice drop from the charrs. My 2nd dual mod fire wand in 13 yrs of playing. 1st was a 16/17 that I sold for 100k wayyy back in the day lol
45a chaos