38a chaos
Posts by Flint Lightning
18a Cele Hammer
11a charr mod
105a falchion
30a chaos axe
retract bid
It's not everyday you see 2 Identical swords in pre
yes they are Identical as & I'll show them lol
11a charr mod
5a charr mod
Casually played pre-searing this morning and almost fell off my chair!
1-off max and a max inherent mod... Best drop in pre I ever had!
let me know if it's for sale thx
801a pandilly
600a ded panda
50a guild
50a Peacekeeper
6a shadow
6a sss
2a eternal
**Mod Edit** comment removed.do not use this forum for flaming.
210a i'm still not paying for a middle man ya cheap ass
181a watch who your selling to like 2 above me & no I won't cover the cost of a middle man the seller does that
ahhh links? lol
& it's customary the seller pays for the safety of a trusted middle man just sayin....
when i came back to guild wars on september 2018 i would not have thought that today i was able to buy my all time most favourite pet, a panda
after i gave away most of my stuff in 2012 when i "retired" i came back 2018 and started with basically nothing. through this forum i fastly got connected with the aspects that made and still make this game so great. i started doing a bit of powertrade, speed clearing and chest running like crazy. i want to thank all the players that helped me with information, especially agent chevy. while im not the player to collect large collections of 20/20 staffs or other oldschool weapons, i decided to accumulate money and buy pets. For the beginning i set my mind to purchase a yeti and i was soon able to do so, after a while i had farmed more money and was able to buy a zippy. i slowly actually started to believe i can get enough money for a ded panda and 2 days ago it finally happened
so i guess what im wanting to say is that im very happy
and something like if you set your mind on doing something you can do it
for now i think i am satisfied because i got what i wanted, but to be honest i had the same feeling when i bought first rare pet the yeti (maybe some of you guys feel the same when they finish a collection) i will just keep playing and see what i am able to achieve next
Awesome! Gratz dude!
1000BD + pre kuuna for my old sword back
you don't accept messages here & that other board is full of shitters so either message me here or on my skype - GW Devil or discord GW Devil#5533
46a + 1 zkey
"Legendary Q8 16armor Str Darkwing Defender (only 4 in existence)" fyi i've probably bought & sold at Least 6 of these if not more over the years. smh