Posts by Flint Lightning
b/o Destroyer
175a Zippy
b/o 250 Jade Wind Orbs
5a Everlasting Flame Sentinel
5a Everlasting Transmogrifier
5a Everlasting Ghostly Hero
25BD for the 97 cakes
175a Zippy
150e 250 Jade Wind Orbs
5a Everlasting Flame Sentinel
5a Everlasting Transmogrifier
5a Everlasting Ghostly Hero
b/o ambers
back up. Please don't bid on sold items ty
Q7 Great Axe 40a
Q8 Forbidden staff 55e
Q7 Wingblade 18a
i'll take the tonic
8a charr grip
5a charr pommel
5a/ea charr mod
17a zod
5a/ea charr mod
15a zod
5a/ea charr mod
13a zodiac
5a/ea charr mod
11a zodiac
back up one last bump before selling a couple things
Q7 Great Axe: 40a
Q8 Forbidden staff: 55eTengu shield: 11a
selling items in 24hrs if no more bids
up up & Away