Posts by Alchimist
Thank you a lot everyone for your bids !
I actually managed to do most part by myself so i don't need for now thank's for answer tho !
will re open when i need
Could my no luck satisfy someone
c/o 22a
Here are some low req items from not much luck over years of hunting, some i just couldn't resign myself to merch :p have fun
5. c/o 5a
8. c/o 1a
from jadesea chest run just now
It happened.. that's insane luck can't be happier but now i'm going for the longbow
That's already what i usually do don't worry :p
Around 1500+ rangers naga killed in HM to drop my first ever gold naga bow.. q12 tho
edit : q9 actually dropped
overfarmed sadly
Hey i did drop my first max damage q8 bow i was wondering do they sell ?
This is basic skin tho
3 = probably most valuable because perfect (but trash skin sadly) you can merch all staves that are not 20/20 matching mods
11-13-16-23 = req 9 perfect so could go for few ectos
14 = double vamp, always worth (50e more or less for 2 handed)
All rest is merch, wands and focus without 20/20 or 20/+15nrj are merch, same goes for high req common skins even with perfect inherent
I think that all 20/10 staves are merch, you could get few ectos from a collector but usually people are looking for 20/20
Hey farming q8 for a year now and never dropped a q8 bow that close to perfect, is it worthless ?
any interest into that ?
wth is that... that's not what i was looking for... rly 1hp.. still nice find for doa :o
Getting closer... i can feel it
Hello my char is from nf and i'm at The Amnoon Oasis, i would like to end prophecy to unlock that magma shield chest run in hell's precipice and i would like to get carried with the fastest way to get to there, with skipping everything possible, none of my heroes are stuffed so it's pretty much a semi afk request, i'm willing to pay 10a
ign / Alchimist Derv
omg yes you can pretend you dropped it in pre and you transfered into post, that would be a good for the noob moment section
Dropped the same with q5 or q6 1 year ago in pre, sold 650bd+
Very interesting :o thanks guys for all those informations very happy to learn new things about armors bonus/reduction and mods on shields !
for what i will use it, i would say that the only logic come from situations in pvp, my main idea was to get a +10vs piercing -5^20 shield, only to rush/attack the parangon and warriors in Fort Aspenwood, or as def set when they focus me and i have to fall back, as i don t plan to have enchantement on me i was thinking about -5^20, but if i play derv or other class i would pick up -2^ench, would also love to get a +10vs piercing/-20% cripple reduce, there are always rangers or para focusing you at back lining, cripple is their main skills and very predictable, in fort aspenwood situations mainly luxon side you are oftenly with no monk or out of heal range and have main occasion to get bully by ranger and para as melee. Also good to line back and def your healer when they focus him
What else would be good as set to switch ? +10 vs blunt -20% deep wound for hammer wars ? :p
+10 vs elemental has no use to be coupled with a dmg reduction mod i guess, but might be cool with -20% blind for +10 vs air
Yes you can merch pretty much every weapons from the end chest of urgoz and deep, they are inscriptable and very common, maybe q9 sword and shield q9 tact can be easy sell rest are not really wanted / the bow is os perfect req and stats but not really rare to drop, might go for 5/10e+ ?
Hello, i have a closed thread in this section am i correct to create a new one or did i have to ask to reopen the old one ?
Would like to sell this :
s/b 15e
Hello guys, i am a bit confused as i just noticed that some shields got double inscription mods... How is that possible ? didn t really find a discussion about it with research
Is that rare ? i see some os shields with -2^ench and armor +10 vs, how often do they drop and why that ?
That seems so cool for pvp, i might try to find a -5^20 +10 vs piercing for those rangers kurzick side
anyway, do they exist on low req ? q6 q7 q8 ? and may i also ask here how much they would be worth ? any good spot for low level os wep ?
thanks for answering peeps ! and sorry for my english lvl
edit : another question.. shield with double reduction mods exists and are prenerf right ? like - 2 while ench and -3 while hexed ect
first staff is merch cause it has inherent 10% halve casting time and ppl are looking for 20% and shield is nice and could have been xx ectos but sadly that -2^stance is not really what ppl are looking for, especially with +10 armor vs fire but you can still manage to sell it
Actually you were good to post for a price check, they are perfect modded
Hello i don t really know how much q8 gold insc shield are going. only can find OS one in research, would like to know the price nowaday pls !
Also got a q8 15 21. don t know if those sell
edit Don t know if im allowed to post if thread if it is already at top so i answer here : only 2 to 5a ? i really tought for a bit more ! Thank you very much for your pc guys
With minimum prices theres about 3000k+ of mats what do you want for 60e..?
Edit : Thats what is left if you want a price for all :
737 Tempered glass vials x 240g/ea =382k
1370 Vials of Ink x500g = 685k
1413 Bolt of Damask x550g = 717k
1661 Rolls of velum x 300g = 498k
825 Deldrimor Lingots x1100g = 907k
287 Elonian leather squares x490g = 134k
Monstreous eyes : 300 left but they are 800g at merch now, ill only sell them 1k/ea so i suggest everyone to buy them now while they are cheap
Total 3323k, i don t know how to considere ectos, they are 25e to 30e = 100k to players and i see arms 85 to 105e
Il El Il EDIT 2 : 1Oa would work
end in 24h
up, tomorrow will be last up, r/b added
Thanks for that offer !
req ? inscription can be moved what does that mean ?
if req9 inscr idk 2e to 20e ?