Ho so i just noticed we can put a charrslaying mod on it thanks :p
And may i ask what is a perfect shield for charr farms ? best stat possible for a purple and best mod ?
Ho so i just noticed we can put a charrslaying mod on it thanks :p
And may i ask what is a perfect shield for charr farms ? best stat possible for a purple and best mod ?
thanks absolut for the infos ! already found the bags and runes, now i would need a +17% charrslaying mod
Hello im new to pre searing and i was wonderin as ranger,
a max pre searing bow can be better than the nevermore flatbow from /bonus ?
Specially to farm char, what is the best bow i can get for it ?
Hello its my first time in pre searing and i dont know anything about it. So i would like to buy a starter kit
I dont know exactly wich items are available in pre searing but im refering myself to presearing.com
My price is 1/6 value wich means for 1k pre i will pay 6k post
I pay very well and i can go for extra ectos
Here is my little list :
- best bow for farming char
- pumpkin pies
- shield armor max with good mods + melee wep modded with armor + ? for a def set
- crude shield purple good mods
- Charrslaying mod for bow 16 or 17%
IG Alchimist Derv
I just took a 1 month break after 1 year online everyday and this uptade happened xD im sooooo sad.. those weps are great for pvp
120e on the blue Oaken Aegis
Oaken Aegis
Armor: 16 (Requires 8 Tactics)
70e on
Oaken Aegis
Armor: 16 (Requires 8 Tactics)
Hello, im really curious about this kappa shield price, is it 20e or more ? or do i merch ?
I tryed so hard to drop one and it looks impossible xD
The ornate is my first q9 perf dropped in mooooonnths
Ty for ur help
Hey im not good at pcs but i can give you few infos
I sell my q0 spears 8-12 30e/ea, i know they are used in uwsc to do a little more damage to dhuum, i dont know about how req3 spears could be used but few weeks ago a guy in my ally was looking hard for a req3 max damage, i switched ally so i dont have his ig :p
I would say 25e-35e for both q4 tactics ? not rly sure of myself
Thanks for trades !
Up + Add of vabbians weapons pack (4 shields + 1 bow=12e)
Thanks for all the trades ! Still adding some os weps and prices got lower again :p
add 1 dual vamp wep+zodiacs wep+cheap insc weps
Hello, i have no idea about those shields prices because they are near perfect or high req, so i guess they are for collector... (Im afraid to sell them in game for a price too low)
I need help ! :p
Here we go
Thanks very much for your time, will help me getting infos on those kind of shields value so i wont need help anymore
up + many adds os weps and other + pack + prices are lower
Didn t see you online Gabb
Bump + ADDS of os weps
Zodiac staffs+Zodiac swords+Zodiac hammer
Thanks for trade guys !
Adds + bump
gab999 Yes the q9 blood is sold, its was striketrought when you ordered it !
q10 earth and q13 smite saved for you
q9 blood saved for you up
5e Naked Fellblade :p 23
Hello !
Sadly its all i dropped with camping deep/urgoz for months now.
hp+41 stance/-2ench : b/o 29e
+9vs demons/-2ench : c/o ?
+10vs fire +44ench : c/o ? b/o ?
e+5 sword : c/o ? b/o 49e SOLD
Q10 15.ench c/o ? b/o 19e
Q11 15.50 b/o 9e
This dropped for me in urgoz yesterday
I have no idea what's dual vamp are worth and what they are used for, i think pvp ?
I guess this zodiac might be high price cause really rare to drop, but i need your help so i dont sell it underprice :p
May i ask whats the price of basic skins dual vamp in general ? Also have a q11 Dragon axe dual vamp, those are the only 2 dual vamp i dropped in my gw life x)
(Sorry about my english)
Thanks !
Spear is 8-12 and scythe 8-17 with basic nf skins,
thanks for the pc on shields, i tryed to sell spear 50 or 40e/ea but no one looks interested. i saw people trying to sell some 100 and even 150e on kama chat xD but cant sell mine..
And people told me that q0 scythe are used by sin and ranger without derv as secondary class so i think i wont sell the q1 max dmg :p
little info, you always drop a dead sword when you can see a spirit holding it in hands :p
Someone that doesnt even want to play the game ? Who is it, you mean people that use runners ? or botters
Aha i am one of them, i used pcons everytime i do pve, quest, mission, solo farm, sc.
Reason : -> it save time, even 10sec/run ill take it. <-- Reason : Im not a teenager anymore, i dont have xx hours to spend on this game as i had in the path. But i still love it (solo farming, chest running, scs, if i die and lose 5mins because i had 550hp instead of 750+speed bonus, im really annoyed)
I think people got addicted to pcons because the whole game feels like a waste of life time and you are rarely rewarded for your time invested.
Also this game is EXTREMLY SLOW (my opinion), how the character runs, how the whole environement makes u feel like a little mouse and the fact that heroes are 1 IQ and makes the quest and missions really boring (cause all outpost empty)
Pcons are my vitamins (specially cupcakes and pumpkin pies), i even use sweets pts in outpost cause i want to save 25% or 50% of this useless time of running
Nowaday i try to not abuse pcons. I only use what is really needed and i abused it in the path cause there was illimited ammount of pcons thanks to bot
I think the day pcons will disappear, ill stop all solo farm, ill only keep chest running.
I know i am the really bad example of pcons user, but im not sure we can blame people with 10k hours for trying to speed up their days in this really slow game. I wish i could spend all my days trying hard at farming few plats in HOURS of gameplay like 10 years ago but i dont have this time and motivations anymore
Hello everyone.
Recently i got interested by farming some low req weapons. especially scythes, spears and shields of course.
So i went on the requirement page of wiki to know all max damage weapons for low req.
req 5 scythe are supposed to be 9-32 but i just noticed i have a 10-32 one xD
Can someone tell if its a bugged wep or is it because i customized it or something else ? x)
Here it is :
I bought this scythe 50e when i did my comeback of 8 years break, i bought it to practice my first sc's and of course i had no clue what was the max damage for low req weapons
its been 2 years im using it and i just noticed 2 days ago it was 10-32 dmg.
Pls dont tell me it would be xx armbraces wep if not customized xD
So anyone got some infos about this ? is it bugged or kinda rare ?
Edit : i actually found some infos about it on wiki
Hello everyone, i used to farm low req items and i got few shields, 1 spear and 1 scythe all purple inscriptable
shield Armor 8, Spear max damage and scythe req 1 max damage
I was wondering if they are worth something or do i merch them :p
Skins of shields :
Thanks to light my ignorance ! :p So i know if i keep farming those
RT/Mesmer with double Khanei its the only one i found but i see some Derv going for it, i wonder wich build they take
Of course, Saturday and Sunday 10pm (france for me) Fort Aspenwood is active, really cool and chill pvp
Otherwise you can try to play some Jade Quarry when people are trying to make it run, Really poor pvp gameplay, most of time inactiv cause bot are not camping it anymore.
Friday night, Alliance Battle should be ON but its been months i didnt check if its still activ.
The best way to farm imperial faction was Jade Quarry for me, i did 200k/days on double bonus week when bots made it activ almost h24
With a win = 7 to 9 mins 8k500 imperial faction + some baltha pts.
The best way to enjoy some chill pvp is Fort Aspenwood, you can play all class. even fun build, create new effectiv combo ect