Got a couple of new items just want to see if they have any value.

That's both merch or hero imo
Much appreciated. Im not sure which mods im looking for on OS items honestly. Any pointers on what to look out for? I know 2 max on shields and offhands, but not certain which ones. And then completely in the dark on the rest.
Pointers are :
Perfect base or 20/20 matching for rare staves staves
Rare skins (shields especially)
For stuff of value mostly
first staff is merch cause it has inherent 10% halve casting time and ppl are looking for 20% and shield is nice and could have been xx ectos but sadly that -2^stance is not really what ppl are looking for, especially with +10 armor vs fire but you can still manage to sell it
Actually you were good to post for a price check, they are perfect modded
Thanks again for all the info, will continue to look out for some good stuff and post on here when I get a few.
June 7, 2023 at 4:14 PM Changed the title of the thread from “PC Please” to “PC Please CLOSED”. -
Marty Silverblade
June 8, 2023 at 12:46 AM Closed the thread.