Screenshot taking skills didnt improve in 2024. Have hopes for 2025!
Next one will be better. haha
Screenshot taking skills didnt improve in 2024. Have hopes for 2025!
Next one will be better. haha
So heavy!
Yeah haha
Thats great Q right there
Mean, youre prolly right, if you play a warrior, your strength should always be at 13. But Still haha Anyways, Im happy with that one. :>
More than I expected, but unfortunately a q13.
Yeah, this is the same guy everytime. Doesnt matter what you offer think he wont sell anything. He prolly just want to show what he got and let everyone know, but this is just my opinion. I bid once on something from him in the past (srsly dk what it was) and he just said something in that direction and after a brief conversation he was very upset and wrote something like "Get outta here, this is my game."
I didnt insult him or anything, it was just because the offer wasnt good enough for him. That just btw.
Was very amused this day. :>
750A Island Guardian
These ones are customized.
3. Und. Zippys for Mad King's Guard
I would like to have a PC please. Thank you guys in advance!
Mhh Im not 100% sure but it was not far into the game. Guess it was in Arkjok or Mehtani but really Im absolutly not sure.
At this point its more a guess. haha
I know this post is a bit older but I just wanted to add that I had back in the day a q8 motivation Eagle Defender 16armor out of those NF treasure chests.
I never run them was just while cleaning the area.
No screen I can give here as well because I sold it and its quite a long time ago..maybe around 1n half year or something like that.
Anyone have a clue if that shield is worth anything?
Ty guys in advance
in english:
Exalted Aegis 10 vs Fire/-5/20 (q9 Tactic)
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