IGN:Katie Ironheart
IGN:Katie Ironheart
Dropped this cute "10 out of 10" today while farming kraken eyes.
im going to clean Luxon areas this week to improve on my title since its double factions week.
If you need areas to be vanquished just hit me up ingame.
Each area is 30e if possible bring a vamp weapon just in case. You can go fully afk in the meantime, i can hit you up when the area is done in case you want to do cartography.
Ingame Nick: Katie Ironheart
one more day for the rest until merch
i don't really know why i kept those mods but since im lacking space they have to go. Maybe someone is interested in modding weapons in a quirky/fun way.
Bid whatever you like each item is then sold with next bid.
Hammer Grip Mastery +1 (10%)
Shield Handle +35hp while enchanted
Inscription Luck of the Draw -5 dmg (10%)
Scythe Double Adrenaline (5%)
Spear Enchanting (10%)
Staff Handle Dmg +10% vs Demons
Staff Handle +1 Healing Prayers (10%)Staff Handle Enchanting (10%) sold to 1e Ecto Sacrifice
Inscription -1 Dmg while EnchantedStaff Handle +1 Earth Magic (10%) sold to 1e Ecto Sacrifice
Bow Grip Enchanting (10%)Inscription Strenght and Honor 10^50 sold to NooiceInscription Dance with Death 10^stance sold to Nooice
Inscription Too much Information 10^vs hexed
1. 15a
IGN: Katie Ironheart
E 125e
IGN: Katie Ironheart
#1 150e
IGN: Katie Ironheart
retract on #130 sorry i was mistaken
bidding 50e on #138 what i originally meant
and raising #22 to rb with 30e
IGN: Katie Ironheart
#3 50e
#22 10e
#108 20e
#130 50e
#150 20e
IGN: Katie Ironheart
O8 10e
IGN: Katie Ironheart
Summit Warlord Shield 100e
IGN: Katie Ironheart
every item with bids will be sold
retract sorry
IGN: Katie Ironheart
the following items are up for sale:
Platinum Blade Q9 +5e soldGothic Sword Q9 +5e sold
Jade Sword Q9 +5eColossal Pick Q9 +5e soldDragoncrest Axe Q9 +5e sold
Salient Daggers Q9 15^stance
Gilded Daggers Q9 15^-5e 300gv
Gilded Daggers Q7 6-14 Inscr.
Naga Shortbow Q9 15^stance
Half Moon Q9 15^ench 300gvGothic Defender Q9 Tac +30 / -3^hex c/o 5a @T Miles soldGothic Defender Q9 Str +30 / -3^hex c/o 5a @T Miles sold
Skeleton Shield Q11 Tac +30 / +10 vs plants
Skeleton Shield Q12 +1 prot 19% / +30
Shield of the Wing Q13 +30 / +10 vs earth
Bronze Shield Q10 Str +27 / +1 smite 20%
Holy Branch Q9 clean
Holy Branch Q9 20/20 Divine
Holy Branch Q9 20/20 HealRaven Staff Q10 Fire 20/10 sold
Zodiac Staff Q9 Fire 20/20 Curses Mixed
#4 25e
IGN: Katie Ironheart
unded Asura 150e ea
IGN: Katie Ironheart
15e on 15
IGN: Katie Ironheart
250e on S3
IGN: Katie Ironheart
Exalted 200e
Defender 25e
Crude 50e
IGN: Katie Ironheart
Outcast shield q9 str +29 -5/20 100e
IGN: Katie Ironheart
Nr. 2 100e
IGN: Katie Ironheart
Bladed Q9 -2stance/29 100e
IGN: Katie Ironheart
Nr. 2 15e
IGN: Katie Ironheart
Bronze Shield Q9 44/-2 ench 50e
Bladed Shield Q9 -2stance/29 50e
Bladed Shield Q9 +29/-5^20% 100e
IGN: Katie Ironheart
Sh2 10e
M1 20e
IGN: Katie Ironheart
b/o Runic Axe
IGN: Katie Ironheart
#2 - 250e
IGN: Katie Ironheart