Posts by Huskarl
If those are still available that would make me happy
Plagueborn Focus 9 Divine 20% HSR Smiting 10% HSR
Plagueborn Scepter 9 Spawning 10% HCT 10% HSR
Plagueborn Focus 9 Energy Storage 20% HSR Water 19% HCT Water
Deadly Cesta 9 Death 10 HCT 20% HSR Death
Spiked Targe 10 Strength -2wE +45wE
Gothic Defender 9 Tactics +30 -3wHGothic Defender 9 Strength +30 -3wH
Dragon Staff 9 Air 10% HCT
Dragon Staff 9 Fire 10% HCT
Dragon Staff 9 Domination 10% HCT
Thanks @Autism Awareness Is Back
IGN: Katie Ironheart -
10e on idol
IGN: Katie Ironheart -
Celestial staff q9 spawning power 10% hctt 5e
IGN: Katie Ironheart -
i added Shields and Staffs and a few Martials.
I consider every bid/offer. Have fun.
Highlight:Platinum Wand Q12 Channeling 20/20 Blood Magic spells c/o 40e Gentleman Xander r/b 50e
Dual Vamp Flatbow (wooden skin) Q9c/o 35e Cash sold
Dual Vamp Battlepick Q9 c/oClean Shinobi Blade Q9sold for 5eFiery Dragon Sword Q9 15^50sold ingameIGN: Katie Ironheart
pending delivery:
Fellblade Q13 15^50 Captain Krompdown
Fellblade Q13 +5e Captain Krompdown
q9 OS 20/10 Death Celestial Staff 5e
IGN: Katie Ironheart -
q9 20/10 curses Celestial Staff b/o 10e
IGN: Katie Ironheart -
Single Mod Echos Round 2
15e on that Asura
Ingame: Katie Ironheart
I am currently doing Morostav runs to max my title. Hopefully the day will come to drop a dual mod....
Any opinions on the scepter or shields?
(Thanks Cash) -
Q8 Plagueborn Daggers 13^50 50e
maybe you guys can help me out with these 2 items here.
Thanks in Advance