Posts by Rhogar
Fixed the scuffed tabled to now having two pictures with lists that are #'d. Say the number, and the picture it represents from, and get an instant b/o of that number from said picture. Easy.
Adjusted the starting bid of the OS Hammer to 15e, to entice a starting bid from buyers. Added a b/o that exceeds expectations.
Did general maintenance to the post to save on number of lines used and added dividers between items for a better flow of the post.
Various MAX Mods #1
(1-3)-> Have Faith (4)-> Hale and Hearty (5)-> Let the Memory Live Again (6)-> Forget Me Not
(7)-> Master of My Domain (8)-> Furious Sword Hilt (9)-> Defense Sword Pommel (10)-> Fortitude Sword Pommel
(11)-> Fortitude Axe Grip (12)-> Enchanting Axe Grip (13)-> Sundering Axe Haft (14)-> Furious Axe Haft
(15)-> Zealous Jammer Haft (16)-> Furious Spearhead (17)-> Warding Spear Grip (18)-> Sundering Scythe Snathe
(19)-> Mastery Scythe Grip (20)-> Zealous Hammer Haft (21)-> Memory Wand Wrap (22)-> Mastery Staff Wrap
Various MAX Mods #2(1-6)-> Strength and Honor (7-10)-> Guided by Fate (11)-> Dance with Death (12)-> Don't Think Twice
(13-15)-> Zealous Dagger Tang (16-20)-> Insightful Staff Head (21-22)-> Enchanting Dagger Handle (23)-> Fortitude Dagger Handle
(24)-> Defense Dagger Handle
Mod Pricing
Forget Me Not = 15eANY Furious Mod = 2e
ANY Enchant Mod = 2e
All other mods listed = 1e / 1Obby
Celestial Compass - 2e
Flame Djinn x2
Dagnar Stonepate x2
King Adelbern
Prince Rurik
^^^Pets listed above^^^ - 8k/ea
EL Tonics - 7k/ea
Best for last, OS Ram's Hammer - Will accept bids in Obby Shards, Ecto:Obby, 1:1
Min bid starting @ 10e - B/o @ 5a
W/e mods can be on it already or it can be clean idc.
No bows or a shield?
**Mod Edit** Non Bid Rhogar
Please read the Xunlai Rules.
4. Non Bid. Post a bid or do not post. Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message.
I have one!
Can come online Sunday evening.I'm EST, are you also? I can also be around evening, so lets set a time.
**Mod Edit**
Please read the Xunlai Rules.
1. Rules on Bumping
Early Bump. You must wait at least 24hrs between posts in your thread. Please read the Xunlai Rules.
WTB Eternal Bow q9 Inscribable 10e
Bump - Got rid of the ridiculous rules I had set. No need for them. Tell me something you want and will discuss when to meet for trade.
I know this forum is used a lot for high ticket old school items, but there used to be a site back in the day where it was just an auction site for ANY and all items, even currency exchange. I checked many years ago and the site no longer exists. Thus why I'm here listing my typical kamadan items.
Ecto Value
My value for Ecto 1e=4k // 25e=100k
Discord: Zhogar#2635
IGN: Almighty Killa
(If you add on discord, please pm the link of this post and the item your interested in.)
Weapons/Shields (Item - Price: Note, none are OS, all weapons are inscription-able)
---- 2e
--- 2e
--- 5e
Inscriptions/Mods (All are 2e/each - With a few exceptions marked with an "*")
Inscriptions(All inscriptions are maxed)
I have the power! x1
Master of My Domain x1
Run For Your Life! x1 * 3e
Have Faith x2
Hale and Hearty x1
Guided by Fate x2
Strength and Honor x1 * 5e
Don't Think Twice x1
Dance with Death x1
Brawn over Brains x1
- Axe
Grip Fort +30 x1
Haft Sunder 20/20 x1
- Wand
Wrap of Quick 10% x1
- Sword
Hilt Furious 10% x2
Pommel Fort +30 x1
- Staff
Head Swift 10% x2
Head Insightful +5 x3
- Dagger
Tang Vamp 3/-1 x1
Tang Zealous 1/-1
Handle Enchant 20% x1
- Hammer
Haft Sunder 20/20 x1
Haft Zealous 1/-1 x1
- Focus
Core of Aptitude 19% x1
Mini's (Pet - Price)
Flame Djinn's - 2e
King Adelbern - 2e
M.O.X - 2e
Tonics (Tonic - Price)
Queen Salma - 2k
Zhed Shadowhoof - 2k
Misc (Item - Price)
Updated prices to some items to be lower then previous. Updated shopping list to currently reflect current items.
Rearranged how the Mod section looks to be easily read.
- Added
New mods/inscriptions
- Removed
Amethyst Shield
No longer selling gold unid's from this page
P.S. Sorry for the late add of items when I said "will add items tomorrow to my list." I got sidetracked by just playing the game with people I met in game. Not like I've sold a ton from this page anyhow.. all you guys care about on this forum is OS or high tier items. But I update this nonetheless.
- Added
Updated prices(made prices cheaper on weapon section), will add items tomorrow to my list.
- BDS (sold to alliance member)
- Dolyak Staff (personal use)
- Shield Fort Mod (personal use)
- Shadow Shield (traded back to owner for price i bought in kama for. bought wrong attri)
- Gladius 3e to bsoltan
- q9 inspir Scrying Glass Staff
- 3 sets of 7 gold unids are now available 2e/ea
- All purple pets(deleted except ones for personal collection). Gold pets are still available!
- Dolyak Staff(being used now for personal use)
- Rock Candies
- Superior Vigors(personal use)
- Chocolate Bunnies
CLOSED - Bought item
WTB Tormented Scythe Clean/Any Mods 60e
Added simple rules for bidding, so items aren't in a forever bidding war.
Added Items
BDS q11 Blood - 400e
King Adelbern - 2e/ea
Bone Stack x6 - 2e/ea
Choc Bunny Stack x1 - 2e/ea
Gold Unids x7 - 6k
Red Rock x1 - 3e
Blue Rock x5 - 2e
Green Rock x5 - 1e
Hammer Fortiude
Hale and Hearty
Year 1-5 Presents
And all white mini's and tonics. If you wish to have a white mini or tonic their 1k/ea. Before I delete them.
Bone Stacks x6
Bump, new title, new items
CLOSED - Got info I needed
Haven't played in like 7-10 years. Seen I had these in my storage. I remember getting the Aegis from a FoW chest. And I got a new sword to use on my monk and was gonna sell this blade. But I can't find a price for either of them. Best I've got was from a guild mate that said the Aegis is worth 10e, but thats from his knowledge from 2 years ago. So as you can see outdated lol.
edit (MERGED BY MOD--do NOT bump your thread early 24 HOURS between bumps/posts!!!)
Yeah its able to be script'd, so rip there.
And thanks for info on shield. What others told me too being motivation. Good info regardless
Thank you.
Bumb, still all available.
Went from bank sale, to constantly adding items to the list. Not sure if there's a 'firm' rule on bidding and how long your suppose to wait, other then when the two players can meet etc. But I'm now implementing a bid/buyers deadline system to items so its more clear so there's no endless bid wars on future items.
Rule #1 - Once a bid for an item begins, it has 3 days of being "on bid".
Rule #2 - Once the "on bid" cycle has closed after 3 days. A time and place for trading will be discussed.
Rule #3 - If for any reason the trade date comes up and the BUYER has an issue of not getting online or showing up. A grace period of 1 day is applied. If after One day has passed FROM the time of the trade was meant to take place. The item will be relisted. I must be contacted during this grace period via in-game, pm of website, or discord.
Rule #4 - Once item leaves grace period it will be available for bidding once again and you may lose the bid to another player. Just because you missed grace period and won the bid the first time, doesn't mean your guaranteed on the item in the next bid phase if you didn't win. I don't play favorites.
Ecto Value
My value for Ecto 1e=4k // 25e=100k
Discord: Zhogar#2635
IGN: Almighty Killa
(If you add me on discord, please message me the link of this post and the item your interested in so I know not to block you thinking your someone random.)
Weapons/Shields (Item - Price: Note, none are OS, all weapons are inscription-able)
---- 2e
--- 2e
--- 5e
Inscriptions/Mods (All are 2e/each - With a few exceptions marked with an "*")
Inscriptions(All inscriptions are maxed)
I have the power! x1
Master of My Domain x1
Run For Your Life! x1 * 3e
Have Faith x2
Hale and Hearty x1
Guided by Fate x2
Strength and Honor x1 * 5e
Don't Think Twice x1
Dance with Death x1
Brawn over Brains x1
- Axe
Grip Fort +30 x1
Haft Sunder 20/20 x1
- Wand
Wrap of Quick 10% x1
- Sword
Hilt Furious 10% x2
Pommel Fort +30 x1
- Staff
Head Swift 10% x2
Head Insightful +5 x3
- Dagger
Tang Vamp 3/-1 x1
Tang Zealous 1/-1
Handle Enchant 20% x1
- Hammer
Haft Sunder 20/20 x1
Haft Zealous 1/-1 x1
- Focus
Core of Aptitude 19% x1
Unded Mini's (Pet - Price)
Flame Djinn's x1 - 2eKing Adelbern x1 - 2e
M.O.X x1 - 2e
Tonics (Tonic - Price)
Queen Salma - 2k
Zhed Shadowhoof - 2k
Misc (Item - Price)