Bump. Will be contacting people for trades today. Place any last minute bids. I will also merch/add new items over the weekend.
Posts by Teh Andi
Bump. Will add more soon.
This is listed on my current auction.
Bump. Will merch several later today.
Bump. Be sure to carefully review items. There are some classy things here.
The following items are up for auction. There are no set starting bids or reserves, however, as always, I reserve the right not to sell if I deem the price isn't right. Descriptions, if necessary, are found below the images (particular skins, etc). Please note the letter and number combination when placing a bid. Thanks!
SH-21 C/O Woo 5e
SH-1 C/O 5e Chesnagor
SH-7 C/O 5e Dadan
SH-2 C/O 30e PyroLobster
ST-2 C/O 90e Eric
ST-1 C/O 75e Rahl the Outlaw
ST-3 C/O 20e Lily
O-1 C/O 10e La Rana
O-2 C/O 20e Capitalist
O-13 C/O 30e Blind Was My Fury
B-13 Hornbow (q9) 15^50 376gv *Dragon Skin*
B-4 C/O 5e Forty Second Rogue
D-8 Zodiac Daggers (q9) *INSCRIBABLE*
A-1 C/O 10e Miles
A-3 SOLD to Manus
SP-1 Crenellated Spear (q5) *INSCRIBABLE BLUE* *Max for Requirement*
H-2 Woo C/O 5e
H-4 War Hammer (q9) 15^ench *Lion skin*
H-6 Oldschool Cool C/O 15e
Additional Items for Sale
Sword Pommel Enchanting (x6)SOLD to ManusSword Pommel Pruning 20%
Sword Pommel Deathbane 20%
Sword Pommel Demonslaying 20%
Bow Grip Demonslaying 20%
Bow Grip +30
Bow Grip Pruning 20% (x2)
Bow Grip Deathbane 20%
Bow Grip Dragonslaying 20%
Bow Grip Enchanting (x2)
Spear Grip Enchanting (x2)
Vampiric Spearhead (x2)SOLD to ZesAxe Grip +30
Axe Grip Dwarfslaying 20%
Axe Grip Ogreslaying 20%
Axe Grip Enchanting (x2)SOLD to ManusAxe Grip Pruning 20%
Axe grip Giantslaying 20%
Staff Wrap Earth Magic 20% (x2)
Staff Wrap Protection 20% (x2)
Staff Wrap Death Magic 20% (x2)SOLD to ZesStaff Wrap +30 (x4)
Staff Wrap Illusion Magic 20%
Staff Wrap Water Magic 20%
Staff Wrap Enchanting
Staff Wrap Blood Magic 20%
Master of My Domain 20% (x3)
Do you have any use for inscribable q9 Dirks 300gv?
I have these.
IGN: Teh Andi
The following shield is up for bid. I reserve the right not to sell, etc, etc.
Starting Bid 50e
Current Bid: 100e ondenoire
Bump. Merched a few, sold a few. Still trying to catch up with some bidders/buyers for trades.
BUMP. Messaging people about trades. I will be on most of the weekend.
Bump. I will be contacting some bidders via PM tomorrow about purchasing and trading. (Work is hell this week, so I have to wait for the weekend.)
Bump. A few bidders should look for private messages from me later today.
Zodiacs and Gavels I sell at 8-12e/ea unless it has a specific gold value (something people collect). Even though they only appear in a couple elite areas, the market is a bit oversaturated with hammers due to low demand. There are a couple people looking for the q9 Crab Claw inscribable ( Cash I think is one). See them about that. I would expect 5-10e tbh.
Bump. One bow sold in game.
Rearranged, fixed issues. Check out the new items.
Bump. All items that had bids have been sold and traded. Be on the lookout for new items this weekend.
I will contact some bidders later today about trades. Please finalize bids.
tomorrow is day 5. I'll get with you and sell/trade. I'll pm when I'm online.
*I meant to PM this.*
Ah, well.