Posts by Bibi Roxxberg
zodiac scepter q9 divine 1e
draconic spear q9 x2 1e/ea
serrated spear q9 eotn 1e
ign Bibi Roxxberg
25a zodiac staff
hey, i would like to buy:
Req. 9 Spawning Ghostly Staff - 5e
ign: Bibi Roxxberg
hey, id like to buy:
- 2200 gladiator
- 1300 champ
- 900 hero
- 500 codex
how much for everything?
ive messaged u a few times in game but didnt got a reply then u logged out a minute later >.>
ign: Bibi Roxxberg
***mod edit--post a BID or do not post, if you have questions PM the seller. PLEASE take the time to read the Xunlai Market rules before you post--mod edit***
ST1 25a + 10e
ign: Bibi Roxxberg
ST1 22a + 10e
ign: Bibi Roxxberg
ST1 20a + 10e
ign: Bibi Roxxberg
ST1 12a + 10e
ign: Bibi Roxxberg
ST1 10a + 10e
ign: Bibi Roxxberg
ST1 8a + 10e
ign: Bibi Roxxberg
ST1 7a + 30e
ign: Bibi Roxxberg
ST1 7a + 10e
ign: Bibi Roxxberg
ST1 6a + 10e
ST1 5a + 30e
ST1 5a + 10e
ST4 10e
ST7 10e
ign Bibi Roxxberg
all sell
all sold out? if u still have some, i would like to buy 7 stacks.
whats ur in game name?
mine is: Bibi Roxxberg
u thought u r alrdy done? Once i crowdfunded 250a i will order a stack of Reaper's Blades. u better wear ur running shoes. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
no sane person would have completed my order in such a short time, handcuff this man! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
***mod edit--either post a bid/request or do not post!! Remember to read the Xunlai Market rules before you post--mod edit***
(this will take a while xD)
not if im ordering with Kugiini Prime ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
i claim the 1st customer discount, pulling out my coupons and im using the promo code: "G1233N574V3" for the following items:
Vokur's Cane 7x
Wingstorm 7x
Quansong's Focus 14x
what r u waiting for? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
ign: Bibi Roxxberg
i would like to buy:
q9 Bo Staff Spawning Power 20/20
any Domination Magic Offhand (q9-13)
Domination Magic +1 (20%)Halves skill recharge of Domination Magic spells (20%)
any Channeling Magic Offhand (q9-13)
Channeling Magic +1 (20%)
Halves skill recharge of Channeling Magic spells (20%)
any Death Magic Offhand (q9-13)
Death Magic +1 (20%)
Halves skill recharge of Death Magic spells (20%)
thanks in advance!
ign: Bibi Rocksberg