I appreciate the reply! I checked everything out and I went with an assassin..cheers to everyone still sticking around!
Posts by madraze
Hey guys,I'm back after a really long time..my characters are older than a lot of human beings now
My nostalgia was hitting hard and I missed the old days so I immediately downloaded the client and went straight into Kamadan just to see sooo many goldsellers. Was weird to see some interaction in between all the spam regarding super cheap ectos..
My question is has the game changed in any way or form regarding PvE content? Running shadowform sins for farming engame content and such..
Wanted to make a new character to farm up another GWAMM title so was wondering between Sin,Dervish and Ranger concerning solo PVE play with the 7hero builds..any clear cut winners there?
As the title says WTS those 3 items just to get back on my feet a bit after getting back to the game after a long time..
add ign: Malafra Sanctuary
or add Madraze#9448 if I am not online in game!
***MOD EDIT--do NOT bump your thread early!!! You are allowed to bump your thread every 24 HOURS, ANY post you make in your own thread is a bump, if you need to comment before then EDIT your post or PM the user--PLEASE read the Xunlai Market rules before posting!!!--early bumps have been deleted--MOD EDIT***