Everlasting Destroyer Tonic,Unded flame djiin+white rabbit

  • As the title says WTS those 3 items just to get back on my feet a bit after getting back to the game after a long time..

    add ign: Malafra Sanctuary

    or add Madraze#9448 if I am not online in game!

    ***MOD EDIT--do NOT bump your thread early!!! You are allowed to bump your thread every 24 HOURS, ANY post you make in your own thread is a bump, if you need to comment before then EDIT your post or PM the user--PLEASE read the Xunlai Market rules before posting!!!--early bumps have been deleted--MOD EDIT***

    Edited once, last by cosyfiep: early bump warning--early bumps deleted--mod edit (October 5, 2019 at 2:20 AM).

  • 25 ectos for the EL destroyer tonic

    Or if you need cash, I could give you 110k instead

    I won’t be on for a couple hours but I’ll message you when I am. My IGN is Viktor The Bold

    ***mod edit---either place a bid or do not post, if you need to comment EDIT your last post!! Posts merged---mod edit***

    Edited 2 times, last by cosyfiep: please use the edit function to add information instead of making a new post without a bid--posts merged-mod edit (October 5, 2019 at 2:21 AM).

  • bsoltan September 5, 2020 at 2:43 AM

    Closed the thread.