Posts by Devilish Scythe Z
Rag (e.g., Daily Mail)
Hey all,
So of course we all love the absolute masterpieces that are the official Guild Wars soundtracks from each campaign, however when we play the game we don't always listen to these.
I wondered for everyone here what was the Artist, Album, or Song in particular that is for you your own Guild Wars Soundtrack. What I mean by this is which Album, Artist, or Song, if you heard it outside of the game, would make you think of GW and why?
For me it is The Trick to Life, an album by The Hoosiers. I always used to listen to this back in the day, in the late 2000s when I was clearing DoA with the Guild "Globs of Ectospasm [GoE]".
If I ever hear a song from that album it gives me major nostalgia - it takes me straight back to being on Teamspeak at the early hours of the morning laughing and joking with guildies as we slayed the Margonites.
What's your own Guild Wars Soundtrack?
I'll buy 1 of each of the 5 x Gold Polymock pieces for 8e each (40e total).
By the way Retlaw123 I just DM'd you. You have responded multiple times to this thread within 24 hrs (which serves to "Bump" your thread and keep it at the top of the Sale page) which is in breach of the Marketplace rules. You should read the rules before creating a Sale thread
Xunlai Marketplace Rules - Guild Wars Legacy -
Featuring OS, q0, q7, q8, No ModAll items are listed alphabetically by skin within weapon type.
All items are: Max, Gold, and OS unless stated otherwiseAll items will be sold on a first come, first served basis. I'm pretty sure that little of this is of any great value so I'm quite happy - keen in fact - to sell it to whoever wants it for modest offers.
Thanks for stopping by!IGN: Devilish Scythe Z
Table with numbers (and more!) belowMelee One-Handed:
Axe Sword 1 q9 Double-Bladed Axe +5 Energy q9 Celestial Sword 15^50 2 q9 Gothic Dual Axe 15/Armor -10 q9 Celestial Sword 15/Stance (x2) 3 q9 Mammoth Axe +5 Energyq9 Celestial Sword 15/Ench 4 q9 Mammoth Axe 15^50 q9 Celestial Sword 20<50 5 q9 Plagueborn Axe 15/Stance (x2) q11 Dusk Blade 15/Ench 6 q9 Plagueborn Axe 20<50 q9 Falchion 15/Ench 7 q9 Spiked Axe 15/Ench q9 Fellblade 15/Hexed Foes 8 q9 Spiked Axe 15^50 q10 Fellblade 15/Stance 9 q9 Fiery Dragon Sword FDS 15^5010 q9 Forked Sword 15/Stance 11 q9 Gladius 15/Stance 12 q9 Gothic Sword 15^50 13 q9 Gothic Sword 15/Ench 14 q10 Golden Pheonix Blade GPB 15^50 15 q9 Jade Sword 15/Ench 16 q13 Jade Sword 15^50 17 q10 Katana +5 Energy 18 q10 Long Sword +15/-5 Energy 19 q9 Long Sword (No Mod) 20 q10 Oni Blade (No Mod) 21 q9 Plagueborn Sword 15/-5 Energy 22 q9 Shadow Blade 15^50 23 q9 Spatha 15/Armor -10 24 q9 Spatha 15^50 25 q9 Short Sword 15/Ench 26 q10 Sunqua Blade +5 Energy 27 q9 Wicked Blade 15/Armor -10 28 q9 Wicked Blade +5 Energy 29 q9 Wicked Blade +15/Ench Melee Two-Handed:
Dagger Hammer 1 q9 Aureate Daggers 15/Enchq9 Break Hammer 15/Stance 2 q9 Aureate Daggers +5 Energyq9 Celestial Hammer 15/Ench3 q9 Celestial Daggers 15/Stance q9 Celestial Hammer 15/Stance 4 q9 Celestial Daggers 15/Ench q9 Celestial Hammer +5 Energy 5 q9 Chromium Shards 15/Ench q9 Colossal Pick (No Inherent Mod) 6 q9 Dragon Kamas 15/Hexed Foes q9 Colossal Pick 15/Stance 7 q9 Dragon Kamas 15/Stance q9 Colossal Pick 15/Hexed 8 q9 Gilded Daggers 15^50 q10 Colossal Pick 15/Hexed 9 q9 Golden Talons 15/Stance q9 Melon Hammer 15/Ench 10 q9 Jade Daggers 15/-5 Energy q9 Plagueborn Maul +5 Energy 11 q9 Kris Daggers 15/-5 Energy q9 Ram's Hammer 15/Ench 12 q9 Kris Daggers 15/Stance q9 Runic Hammer 20% While Hexed 13 q9 Kris Daggers 15^50 q9 War Hammer 15/Stance 14 q9 Kukris 15/Hexed Foes q9 War Hammer 15^50 15 q13 Plagueborn Daggers 15^50 q9 Zodiac Hammer 15^50 16 q9 Oni Daggers 15/Stance Ranged:
Bow 1 q9 Dead Bow (No Mod) 2 q9 Hornbow (Mursaat) 15/Ench 3 q9 Hornbow (Stoneshard) 15/+5 Energy 4 q9 Longbow (Wooden) 15/Ench 5 q9 Longbow (Wooden) 15/Stance 6 q9 Plagueborn Hornbow (No Inherent Mod) (PURPLE) 7 q9 Plagueborn Recurve Bow 15^50 Spellcasting:
Wand Staff 1 q13 (Illusion) Cane HSR Domination 20% +5 EnergyWhileHexed q9 (Air) Air Staff HCT Water 20% 2 q0 7-11 Dmg Blood Spore Scepter Insc (PURPLE)q13 (Death) Bone Staff HCT 10% 3 q9 (Air) Dragon Staff HCT 10% (Lightning Dmg) 4 q9 (Fire) Dragon Staff HCT 10% (Fire Dmg) 5 q8 (Earth) Earth Staff 11-20 Dmg (Non-Max) HCT Earth 19% HSR 18% 6 q9 (Communing) Eerie Staff HCT 10% (Fire Dmg) 7 q9 (Fire) Fire Staff HCT 19% 8 q13 (Domination) Forbidden Staff ReduceDaze20% 9 q9 (Water) Forbidden Staff HCT 10% 10 q13 (Smiting) Forbidden Staff HCT 10% 11 q9 (Divine) Forbidden Staff ReduceBleed20% (Fire Dmg) 12 q11 (Channeling) Forbidden Staff HCT Spawning 19% (Cold Dmg) 13 q9 (Divine) Holy Staff ReduceWeakness20% (Fire Dmg) 14 q9 (Illusion) Hypnotic Staff HCT 10% (x2) 15 q10 (Illusion) Jade Staff ReduceWeakness20% 16 q9 (Illusion) Jeweled Staff HCT 10% (Twin Serpent Skin) 17 q10 (Illusion) Jeweled Staff HCT 20% (Metal Skin) 18 q12 (Illusion) Outcast Staff HCT 10% 19 q9 (Communing) Outcast Staff ReduceBlind20% 20 q9 (Domination) Outcast Staff HCT 10% 21 q10 (Domination) Outcast Staff ReducePoison20% 22 q11 (Domination) Outcast Staff HCT 10% 23 q9 (Water) Outcast Staff HCT 10% 24 q9 (Curses) Plagueborn Staff HCT 10% 25 q9 (Air) Plagueborn Staff ReduceDaze20% 26 q9 (Smiting) Plagueborn Staff HCT 10% 27 q9 (Communing) Plagueborn Staff HCT 10% 28 q9 (Earth) Plagueborn Staff HCT 9% 29 q9 (Smiting) Platinum Staff HCT 10% 30 q9 (Death) Platinum Staff HCT 10% (x2) 31 q9 (Communing) Platinum Staff HCT 10% 32 q9 (Earth) Platinum Staff HCT 10% 33 q9 (Smiting) Smiting Staff HCT 20% 34 q12 (Smiting) Smiting Staff HCT 20% Off-hand:
Shields Focus 1 q10 (Tac) Aegis -2/Ench +10vsDragons q9 (Energy Storage) Golden Chalice Armor+5vsPhys +1/20% Air Magic 2 q9 (Tac) Aegis -5/19% +29hp q10 (Spawning) Plagueborn Focus HCT Channeling 20% +9vsDemons 3 q10 (Str) Bladed Shield -2/Ench +9vsDragons q8 (Inspiration) Butterfly Mirror Insc (PURPLE)4 q0 Bladed Shield Armor: 8 Non-Insc (WHITE) q8 (Smiting) Hallowed Idol Insc (PURPLE)5 q13 (Tac) Celestial Shield -2/Stance +10vsOgres q8 (Water) Water Prism Insc (PURPLE)6 q0 Eagle Defender Armor: 8 Insc (PURPLE) 7 q13 (Tac) Echovald Shield +10vsDemons ReduceDaze20% 8 q10 (Tac) Ornate Buckler -2/Ench +44/Ench 9 q9 (Tac) Round Shield Heal+1/20% 10 q9 (Tac) Reinforced Buckler -2/Ench +29hp 11 q9 (Tac) Skeleton Shield +9vsDragons +41/Ench 12 q9 (Str) Spiked Targe +29hp ReduceWeakness20% 13 q10 (Tac) Tall Shield ReduceDeepWound20% +10vsPlants 14 q7 (Tac) Tower Shield Insc (BLUE) Armor: 1515 q9 (Tac) Wooden Buckler -2/Ench +9vsPlants Wintergreen:
1 Wintergreen Shield 2 Wintergreen Hammer 3 Wintergreen Axe 4 Wintergreen Wand 5 Wintergreen Staff -
I farmed kveldulf for quite a bit to drop a max q8 and Mango have an 18-34
. The one-off 18-33 is a beauty and sad at the same time
why sad? the 90% of prenerf items and q8 remains unusable in the ppl storage, for the reason not customized or no useful for a build.
so the point is, collection is in your mind only. For example I enjoy more having enameled shield q7/13 than a q9 useful enameled, or a perfect rare items q0 shield, because always is arm 8 inconditional.
need to ask something in you farm time, did you ever see any draconic spear drop from kveldulf?
So far I have definitely had blue and white Draconic Spear from Kveldulf. If I get a gold will let you know.
So, it turns out if you farm these they're fairly common.. Or I am very lucky..
So far today: q10, q10, q11, q11, q11, q12, q13I estimate from about 4-5 hrs, 40-50 runs.
Also got Fenrir's Unique Shield, plus Elite Monk Tome and Elite Para Tome -
Well, that was a nice quick sale - clearly it is a highly sought after skin - maybe not very common? Nice bonus for the easy ZB yesterday
I thought it was a fair price. I checked here on Legacy and on kama.gwtoolbox and saw q9 selling for 7a/250e within last 12 months...
Maybe I will start farming Fenrir + Kveldulf for anotherMozo posted a nice build for this:
External Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.Geez.. what has happened to the price of these?!
Last I checked a q9 went for maybe 25e. Guess I will hold on for my q8 for a little longer
HeavensDevil if you look at you'll see that actually q12 are selling for 25e. On the forums here q9 was in the last 12 months up for auction for 7a/250e. Hence I think the price for these has been fairly stable.
Are you sure you have a q8 in this skin? I didn't think that was possible given they're only dropped from Locked Chests in EoTN or from Fenrir/Kveldulf. -
Well, that was a nice quick sale - clearly it is a highly sought after skin - maybe not very common? Nice bonus for the easy ZB yesterday
I thought it was a fair price. I checked here on Legacy and on kama.gwtoolbox and saw q9 selling for 7a/250e within last 12 months...
Maybe I will start farming Fenrir + Kveldulf for anotherMozo posted a nice build for this:
External Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy. -
While completing ZB (Fenrir) I got this. Very happy I took a moment to look carefully at it and not accidentally merch thinking it had no value. Not sure of price for q10 but I see q9 selling for 3a/250e within the last 12 months so I guess it's worth something!
It's also a beautiful skin! I didn't know until just now that it is based on one of the winning designs by Kura Jorma from the Design-a-Weapon Contest held in 2007. -
Random drop from charr farm in pre. It's a max mod at least. Is it worth anything?
Hey, I've got loads of unded minis and tapestries you could buy. I'm online now. PM me in game: Devilish Scythe Z
Hi all,
This service is offered between 07:00-09:00 and 18:00-00:00 (UTC+1)
I'm offering a Wayfarer's Reverie event running service for individual campaigns (pricing below), or 270e for all 4.Price is per person but additional accounts (i.e. alts) come at 30% discount.
Campaign Duration Price Full* 120 mins 270e Tyria 45 mins 100e EoTN* 30 mins 75e Elona 30 mins 75e Cantha 20 mins 50e *The full or EoTN runs do not include the Shiverpeak Bloodstone. I can run this separately for a 50e surcharge (approx. 20 mins) per person (same discount applies for alts). This is a full dungeon run with the Eldritch chest at the end. I can take a maximum of 3 characters at a time for this.
This service requires semi AFK (e.g. watching streaming services or playing on alts is fine) because players need to be able to /resign.
If you want to full AFK the service, this will cost 125e per campaign or 450e total, as the duration required is almost doubled without /resigning.
I intend to wait for a minimum of 3 "customers" (this can be 1 main + 2 alts) before arranging a run - ideally I will go with 7 "customers".
There are 2 x 4-/6-man locations in Tyria which will require a team split - I will accommodate this with additional runs to these locations.
Please reply here if you are interested – please include details of the time(s) that you are available and include your IGN for in-game messaging.
IGN: Devilish Scythe Z
I'll take the Brown Rabbit
IGN: Devilish Scythe Z -
Hey all,
I wanted to share with you that I just had a really interesting interview with someone who is studying a PhD in Psychology and who is researching people's virtual identity in video games. They are trying to learn whether people tend to create characters that represent themselves, an idealized version of themselves, or someone completely different. It was a genuinely really interesting and fun interview and I just wanted to pass the message on to see if anyone else would like to take part in the study. The interviewer currently has 79 out of 200 participants that he needs for his research so I thought why not ask the great GW community to see if anyone else would be interested in taking part. I have done a PhD myself and I know how difficult it is, so any help for this guy in his research would be great!!
Here is the link for more information. You just fill out a quick survey and then the researcher will ask you to have a short interview. I just did my interview a few minutes ago and it lasted just over an hour:
The research is being conducted at the University of Barcelona. It's really interesting to discover what identity your virtual Guild Wars character represents. It turns out I view my character as someone who is quite different to myself in reality!
How about this unicorn:
Original thread: Max q7 OS Fiery Dragon Sword 15-22 Dmg 15%^50 +5 Armor (Pre-nerf?) -
Hi all,
I need a few minipets for my HoM:- Vizu - 1a/105e
- Black Moa - 30e
- Yakkington - 2a
Please feel free to make sale offers here or in game (IGN: Devilish Scythe Z)
Thanks -
And yes I was aware that there were other threads like this (indeed this may well be a duplicate that ends up getting removed..)! I saw the other day that Péter Kádár has 33,333 points in Wisdom, though I don't know his Treasure Hunter score! -
Well I am working a little project (which is taking some times).
Maxing my lucky/unlucky titles without the rings, or opening a chest who counts towards the title (so no HM, nothing higher than elonian/canthan/kournan chests)
Here is what it looks so far :
This is cool! So did you start a fresh account to do this? And do you have 0 in the Treasure Hunter title?
Thanks for the reply Red.
I did have a look at the wiki page and it looks like playing Nine Rings and standing in the corner circle is the quickest way to max Unlucky, yet you suggested I play Rings of Fortune? I assume you meant that if I wanted to bring my ratio closer to 5:1 then I should play Rings of Fortune, not that playing Rings of Fortune is the fastest method to max my Unlucky title. Have I understood you correctly?
I'm not specifically interested in bringing my ratio closer to 5:1. I was more just making the general point that I thought the ratio was high. In fact, as you say, the ratio isn't that high given the probabilities associated with the Nine Rings game (which was the main method I used to max my Lucky title).
More generally, I was intending for this thread to be a place for others to share screenshots of their title ratios, not necessarily for me to seek advice about maxing titles. Hopefully others will share theirs too! -
Hi all,
I'm currently stood at Nine Rings slowing working on my Unlucky title. Somehow I have managed to amass way more Lucky than Unlucky, resulting in a 10:1 ratio of Lucky:Unlucky. Looking back I'm a little bit stunned as to how this has occurred. It is also a little bit frustrating given that the optimal ratio afaik is 5:1 in order to max both titles (2.5m Lucky points required versus 500k unlucky points required). I also heard a rumour that it is uncommon for someone to max their lucky before unlucky - is this really the case?This made me think - what other obscene ratios do other players have on their accounts? For example massive amounts of one faction versus another, or even greater disparities between Lucky and Unlucky? I'm curious - please share!