KAMADAN !!!! lol I can already hear the city musics between ascalon and kama and o the random mobs....omg. Been so long.
Posts by doogal.9368
So you keep posting the same thing to keep it current?
I know this thread is kind of old, but maybe someone can answer this question I have. I know favor increases the gold item drops, but does it affect green items as well? Just came back to game after a long break, and for some reason I dont think you get more unique with favor. But if anyone can clarify, that would be great!
Sadly I can't help in all honesty. Best guess, it wouldn't effect greens but that's based on many years ago.
Also, looking at that previous post of grenth/balthazar....can't help but think...you d!ck !!
If it's simply the Dead Swords you want, may I suggest Fahranur, The First City as a good farming spot in HM. The Relentless Corpses drop a fair number of them and it's a rather easy run. Other than a few Ridgeback Skale with Agonizing Chop while getting there, it's rather quick and easy. There are traps in the building but, they're easily avoided.
As for ancient builds however, an old 55 Monk/Dervish is what I've most often used there.
Shield of Judgement
Shield of Absorption
Mystic Regeneration
Protective Spirit
Blessed Signet
Balthazar's Spirit
Blessed Aura
Watchful Spirit
with 8 Smiting Prayers / 9 Protection Prayers / 10 Divine Favor / 9 Earth Prayers with the usual Runes / Equipment.
With my old guild, I always had a few q9 Dead Swords on hand for anybody that wanted one; I gave away 50-ish over time. It always seemed to me as I did the run, that the quality of items and number of Gold drops went up as you made your 2nd and 3rd runs. (If you try the farming run, let me know if you get the same impression on the quality and quantity of drops or if I'm just imagining it.)
omg.....As one of the first posts I've read on here (I'm new to the site as of a few minutes ago)...took me a second to recall what q9 meant. sigh*....Feels GOOD.
Hi Team,
As I'm visiting the gw2 forums I'm reminded how much I'd like to visit prophecies again.
Maybe finish EOTN.
Anyone know of some active groups/guilds?
I will likely have my new rig set up this Friday (can hardly wait!!!!!)
Appreciate your time!