7 -> 3a
21 -> b/o
7 -> 3a
21 -> b/o
full range of emotions in 10 seconds
run after was nice to me atleast
Holy mother of dumbledoors pet….
I would’ve quit the game 😪
F5 1a+80e
F8 1a
Okey i sold the shield unid to ma man tire town tuff and his iron balls straight ID it:
so scared to ID this....
Huge GZ !
ofc dropped it straight from desolation area near pongmei valley in Wuhan!
Tbf, with the luck that 2023 has been giving people already, I wouldn’t be too scared
yeah so far this year was insane
i feel like not iding it for a while....
so scared to ID this....
Okey yesterday got completely covered by todays luck....
WTS thread coming soon
80e ea on f5 and f8
first this happened today....
after that i got myself up and.... (no need to see it ID believe me...)
and when thought im gonna hang on just a lttle longer....
im in tears
Wooden + inscribed chakram 50e ea
20e on every q8 DOM Focus ty
I pay 25-50e for q8 single mod golds normally. I would buy this to save from merchant. Pm me if interested in making some ecto
In this case im glad you would Save it
Price this beauty pls
idjut - Deal - contact me IG (Xoan Chaosan)
Also bump
Some other deliverys still not done contact me guys
q10 +14% (50^) non max 15-21 -> 50e on crysta
Bump -> I am finally back and stuff goes out to bidders in 24 Hours.
2. Little Pony
3. Chang
MY IGN= Xoan Chaosan
bump - bundle is youres Monk From Above Massage me here to moderate
bump - second bumple soon goes to Monk From Above
a40 - 45e
bump -shield bundle for Olaffer gratz