Just got this beauty, i can't be happier, been wanting to get one for so long!
Just got this beauty, i can't be happier, been wanting to get one for so long!
got a broadsword q9 and exalted q9 tac, pm me in game Agent Vita
This one up for sale -> C/O 135e
Put an offer with ur IGN!
Bump! Closing in 10 Hours.
Bump! Closing tomorrow at midnight Europe time if r/b's not met.
Sorrow's Furnace? or UW/FoW chest?
FoW, at wailing lord
My first one ever! Shitty mod & req though
Bump! Closing in 7 days if r/b not met.
Bump! (Added r/b & b/o)
40a Hex outcast
35a Hex outcast
25a hex outcast
i got a stack of wind orbs if ur interested for a good price, PM me!
got a Q11 Blood Wayward Wand 20% HCT +5e Hexed b/o 50e
Pretty sweet Shield on last night fow
new item! up
new item! up
20a hex outcast
OS Q9 Chaos Axe +5energy 45e
wind orbs 1-2e ea
Thank you Moon!
i sold lately orbs ~0,8-1e each, in full stacks bit higher
For medallions i sold them for ~4-5e each small amounths, havent seen a full stack in years so dont know if thatd affect price but doubt ppl would do 1000e for stack
Thank you Pleikki!
up! new items