Posts by Ashesofthedead
1 embrace #11 shadow
28e caster axe
stance shadow shield 40e
15e 37Retract, made many shield purchases recently, thank you!
22e caster chaos
Torivous Rage (Envoy Axe skin 15e
Chaos axe insc
Storm bow req 9 15e
DrWarven axe req9 5e (if not taken already)
In game "Ashes of the Dead"
12e crystal 1
I'll start off 250e
Looking for new things
couple of questions
I noticed that Cantha chests from inside city did not count towards my treasure hunter title, but chests after the ascension mission did count.
Also I am coming back to the game and looking to get back into my favorite thing, CHEST RUNNING! Any suggestions for the most profitable spot to run? I prefer oldschool drops.
70e channeling 4040 set
This week looking to sell...
Q13 Dom BDS c/o 330e (ingame)
Q11 Heal BDS
Q13 EagleCrest Axe
OS weapons
Q9 15^50 Chaos Axe
Q9 15^stance Chaos Axe
Q9 15^enchant Chaos Axe
Q9 15^50 Falchion
Q10 15^50 Grinning Recurve bow
Q9 15^Stance Eternal Bow
More to come!
What do you value ambraces at? Most seem to be 40e/arm so 5 200e
Let me know who has the higher bid
If his bid is higher I offer 260e
OS Q9 Chaos Axe +5energy - 25e
250e dom q13
I think 250e>5arms
Req 8 blue eternal shield 20e
OS Q9 Chaos Axe +5energy - c/o: 10e r/b met
15e <-
OS Q9 Gothic Dual Axe +5energy - c/o:
OS Q9 Str Gothic Defender +10 vs Cold, -2wE - c/o: 25e [I'll offer 50e]
OS Q9 Str Gothic Defender -2wE, +10 vs Piercing - c/o: 40e [I'll offer 45e]
OS Q9 Str Gothic Defender -2wE, +10 vs Piercing
Reserve bid
30e ventaras harbinger
2ambrace smite BDS
Is there r/b?
I'll put 20e on silverwing!
Is this still accurate in 2020?
Looking to get back into chest running
Q13 Bonecage Scythe 5eBought ingameQ10 Oni Blade 15^50 5e
200e bds commuming
200e bds death!