Same goes with colossal picks
Posts by TongTong
dude... that's a lot. You sure you're alright?
Even if you're 1 day away from 3 months = ~90 days thats still ~8 hours per day...
those are rookies numbers ! since the lockdown ended I had to go back to work
Last Bump on those items (except prenerf)
There have been a fastest chest run and nobody has been running it, it seems
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First of all I want to thanks Agent Chevy for his hard work, he inspired me doing this (make chestrun great again !)
Campaign Prophecy Run Location Thunderhead Keep Starting Point Thunderhead Keep (mission) Mode Hard Mode Average time /age 3minutes Full or Partial map run Partial Chest Type Locked chest (luxon chest in NM) Locked chest (shiverspeak chest in NM) Number of chest 1-3 Q8 possible ? No Example of Targeted drop SSS, SWS, raven staff Oldschoold or Insc items OS Consumable Alcohol Tongtong's build template OwFjUxf84QHQ8I6M3lNQTQIQ4OA Run Tips/Note Use alcohol and dwarven stability for the Summit Giant Herder.
SF not needed on the Avicara's side (just for the griffons on this bit)
In the fort, if there is a chest on the "arbor" above, you might be able to open/pick up from underIf King Jalis dies, the mission will be aborted.
The trick here is to aggro the very first group (yellow rectangle).
When the mission starts, talk to Jalis ASAP, run to the first group, flag your heroes, alcohol + dwarven stability and keep running
The dwarves and your heroes should defeat the group and get stuck where they are.
Bring an alt with you and make it talk to Jalis, he will stay with your alt and not die.
You can't do the whole mission since you need Jalis to open the fort's gate for you.
You can focus summit chests by going through the bridge straight away, and avoid the avicaras (blue dots)
Possible chests : 0 to 2
/age : 2 minutes
My Current Data Sample :
First of all I want to thanks Agent Chevy for his hard work, he inspired me doing this (make chestrun great again !)
Campaign Factions Run location Gyala Hachtery Starting point Leviathan Pits Mode Hard Mode Avarage time /age 3 to 4 minutes Full or Partial Map Run Partial Chest type Locked chest (luxon chest in NM) Number of chests 3-5 Q8 possible ? No Example of targeted drops (Not all inclusive) Naga's bow, Jellyfish, Outcast Oldschool or Insc items OS Consumable (optional/not required) Alcohol Tongtong's Build template OwFTUZ/8Z6AiHRn5usBaCimE3BA, OwJjgxf84QHQ6M3lTQ/a0kIQ4OA Run Tips/Note 1 charge alcohol only if there is a chest spawning on the South hill with IG and rot wallows.
Death's charge usefull on the Northern Island (Naga's Island) (bring a longbow)
Perma SF not needed
Carps will focus you if you are enchantedI do skip the lasts 2-3 chests location on the East (near Rhea's crater) because it easily add over 1 minute to the run for 1 (jellyfish) chest (2 times to times)
My current Data sample
For the adventurous :
Few groups of mobs fighting, get part of the fight and get a reward !
Last bump for this auction (except prenerf).
I will stop the sell in 24 hours
In the video almost every foes drop something.
At this time, superior runes were at 80-100k/ea.
Perfect weapons mods were 50-100k/ea
I didn't know number of foes was the thing that had an influence on a chest spawning or not. Good to know. Also yeah I forgot about chest drops being different on the same map, that definitely makes a difference.
Well, indrectly.
Chests spawn on foes groups (you will not have a chest randomly spawning in the middle of nowhere without anything around), you are more likely to have a chest when you have 30 mobs around than a single group of 3 enemies, but once again it can happened (like in Pongmei with the groups of 3 foes : 1 island guardian and 2 fungals)
I also love to watch old farms video, as Red Fireball said, a lot of good idea, some of them doesn't work anymore due to nerfs, but can still be reworked !
Well, I agree and disagree with you at the same.
I agree with you in a way than it's better to resign half way if you already had 3+ chests, if your only interest is to get the title as fast as possible.
I disagree with you in a way than some people (myself included) don't really care about the title (because we already have it / it's just a matter of time) and so do it for the potential drops.
Resigning halfway Pongmei (starting from Boreas Seabed) will give you : 1 to 2 "basic" chest (yeti/fungal wallow), 0 to 2 plagueborn chests, 0 to 2 am fah chest. Going til the end of the run give you 0 to 1 Jade brotherhood chest, 0 to 2 kurzick chests and 0-1 "basic" chest.
So running an extra 2 to 2.5minutes to potentially drop an echovald/GotH, gothic defender and more is worth it for me.
I never been a huge fan of starting from Tanglewood Copse, or even Maatu Keep for the reason than (at my eyes) kurzick chests are more valuable than luxon's one (luxons sucksons bouuuuuh) even if indeed you can do this "portal trick" (I call it rezone coz you have to re-enter the zone and avoid any confusion with any glitches) in these 2 cities.
I don't really pay attention to the loading time, even if it add an extra 5-10sec in between each run (the time the "your group has resigned" sign appears, click on it, load the city, press X and R, loading the zone).
Also, pongmei is one of the map you can easily check all the potential spots on your way (except maybe the one by the rez near the sin Am fah boss who takes an additional 10 seconds) and you can and will always have 5 chests per run, compare to some maps where I won't necessary check some potential spots because it will add another XX seconds to get there and ruin the path I'm taking or add a probability of me dying).
QuoteIt feels like some chests spawns are more common than others, sometimes you're more than halfway through etc... all that can change your decision of resigning or not.
Yes indeed, more foes there is, more chance you have to get a chest.
You have more chance to have a chest where you have 20 foes in your compass, than a single group of 3 foes hanging around (even if it's still possible) and also if you have a boss around
Eternal Grove do have that 2-4 chests in less than 3 minutes too, which is why I did multiple runs of 30-40 min each and try to see what these two maps yields on average. I don't know if there are any other chest run spots that can come close to Pongmei/Eternal Grove's average. Also, because of map layout it seemed like Eternal Grove had more potential for /resign optimization than Pongmei, but decision of when to resign is not always that easy to take. Do you guys do any sort of resign optimization or do you always follow the route through and through ?
I will need to run more there to have a better idea of the efficiency of the run.
Taking a single run or two is not enough to have a proper idea of it (you can be lucky and have all the chests at the right spot who will not make you loose any time). I think the statisticians will tell you than on average you will need to take the average time on a minimum of 23 samples (runs).
Don't forget also that I experienced it on a HM (which is a bit more complicated, take more time, need to wait a few seconds sometimes to have your reload before the next group of foes etc etc).
What do you mean by resign optimization ?
I understand it two ways :
First : you can rezone at eternal grove (going into the zone, coming back to the city, going again in the zone to have a better spawn after your resign) that you can't do anymore at Pongmei (thanks to the botters that I won't name)
Second : just targetting a specific area into the zone and resigning after (because the next possibles chest locations are far, you will loose another 30 seconds to get to it or any other reasons)
If it's the first option, Pongmei is a pain for that, loosing another 20 seconds just to get into the zone...
If it's the second option, all depends of my mood I will say, where I am running or if I try to target a specific skin.
If one day I'm telling myself that I need to crack on my title, I will target fast runs (2-4 chests in /age 2minutes) (personal record is ~800 chests in one sitting)
If I just want to C&C (chest and chill :p) I will do the full run.
If i want to have a laugh (and sometimes a good drop) I might take a EoE or mark of pain with me (where foes are fighting each other)
Hi there,
I have been farming this spot for a few weeks :
You'll need the quest The Captured Son and a basic whirlind defense build : OgcTcXs9Z6AiHRn5u84Q4gVE3BA
Run to the area (very easy in nm). Just be carefull to the Tranquility Spirit on your way there.
Once you are there and start aggro the mobs, go backwards, they will disaggro if you go forward.
Ball them, as much as you can and start killing Miki to have the reload of your skills and finish the other small groups.
In the picture you have a sample of drops you get there (had a few white shield, no gold so far, bo staves, jugs, probably paper fan etc etc (the naga was from a chest nearby)).
Chests : 0-2 (regular, oni, kappa, naga) Yellow dots on the map
Time : /age 3 minutes
This farm can be made in HM but you need a monk prot, eoe, IAU and it's harder, first to run there, and kill Miki (their healer are insane :p).
edit : My drops while I was writting the post :
Hi there !
Great route, another map to add to my librairy.
I have been trying on a full inventory (~50 items) in HM. He took me slightly more than 1 hour (next one will be faster, lost some times getting used to the map / foes / patterns)
I have been using Chevy's build with some booze (no cupcake coz that's cheating :p)
In my opinion after this first try :
Pros : quick, easy, potentially more GotH (because of the warden)
Cons : use of alcohol, a LOT of armor (16 in 50), can easily be stuck on the first bridge :p
Compare to
Morostav HM : /age is 4-5minutes for a full run, possible plagueborn and shiro'ken chest (platinium)
Morostav NM : possible q8's
Tips : when wardens and oni aggro, try to run into a group of mantids, they will fight.
Quote from AragBUT , and I insist ; even if I am wrong about Eternal Grove being the fastest chest run, there's definitely one advantage it has over Pongmei. It can be done in NM while still counting towards the Treasure Hunter title.
Some maps / parts of map can be faster with an average of 2-4 chests in /age 2minutes, some does count for the chests titles, some don't but q8's possible
edit : also got a GotH on my fifth run, coincidence ? :p but as uglier as Chevy's one (q11 tact +58^hex :p) !
Dual vamp :
q10 celestial hammer
q12 gothic sword
q13 archaic axe
If you are asking if chest drops are scaled after repetitive runs, this is a debatable topic, my opinion (only opinion not based on actual knowledge of the logic and code), is that yes, drops can worsen over time if you are doing the same route, same build, same char. I prefer to do so many in one place then move to another location. On the other hand, I know players that will run 1000 runs in one place and still have success long term over the runs. If this wasn't what you were asking, sorry, please clarify.
I agree with Chevy on this one, even if there is no concrete proof (we'll need to do some stats but I am way too lazy to do it)
I have the feeling than the first 5-10 runs give me more "good" drops than after, even if I will still drop some later.
I am still running ~100 chests per area before switching but I tempt to notice that the first few chests will get me what I am looking for (when I chest a specific item/skin).
Giving the area a rest can be a good idea
You're a star !
Hi there !
I know some quests add or removes foes in some area like The Challenge or The captured son.
Do you guys know if there is more, if there is a list somewhere ?
OH ok !
Never thought this way
Hi Chevy,
why do you use Way of the Master in this build ?
Last Bump people !
The sale's finishing in 24hours !
Bump !
Last 48 hours people
Bump 3 days to go !
Sales will end at 9PM BST (4PM UCT -4)
Bump 4 days to go !
R/b added !
I will end the sale (except for the prenerf shield) in 5 days.
I sold one for 7ectos.
For me it is 15e max