WoW amazing !
WoW amazing !
No, non perfect.
Let' agree to disagree !
But as usual only an auction can tell!
I would say 750a is the s/b.
I, and other will go crazy on this one I reckon
i still have the old one you handed me 2 years ago, the one and only Charrternal.
For the moment....
damn. that's close and very cool! can't wait for you to get a 10/30 - the amount of te you spend there it must be soon
with my luck it's going the be a +30 +10 undead
near 2 but close enough
Shadow blade q9 15^50 25e
IGN : Ber Nie
I apologize for the "enchantment" shields in this post. Their presence does not imply an endorsement of any enchantment-related activities or acknowledgement that enchantments are real.
You are a wizard Kromp
max damage on q8 staves are 11-21 so only 1 dmg missing.
I sold a purple q8 earth staff core skin max damage/energy/HSR for 25e.
So take whatever you are offered
40. Bladed Shield r8/15 Str +1/20% Tactics +30hp [5]
Nice 20/20 obsi staff bro !
PS: my condolences
You solo farm mobs in TOPK or run it and open chests ?
kinda both, you need to empty the first room to access the second one, and those grasp hit quite hard
Everlasting Gelatinous 10e.
sorry Mango this one is mine
#40 Bladed q8/15 duo Max modded 1a
But if he ID's the bots hard work then its not botting
Should change this thread. How did guild wars treat your bot today
It's 50-50
He just ID the +30/+45 shields that he test.
The rest get sold in bundles
Disconnect internet
15e on each ar15 shields
20e Emblazonned q8ar15
Even blue staffs from caches in Pre-Searing can drop ritualist attributes, pretty strange imo I can understand your confusion. ๐
Don't encourage him !
just throw a rock at him
you have brain damage. But we all knew that.
Multi prof staves in prophecy (raven ghostly shadow etc) drop rt attributes
22e on 22
IGN : Ber Nie
stacks of zkeys or stacks of lockpicks ?
NEW1 Eternal shield q12 +10 skeletons +43^stance
HL1 : Eternal shield q13 +28 +10 troll c/o 25a Dadan
HL2 : Gloom shield q9 str +10 trolls +56^hex c/o 40e Dadan
HL3 : Eternal shield q10 +10 charr -5/19 c/o 5a Raining Ectos
HL4 : Raven staff q9 illusion 20/20 c/o 10a Moon
HL5 : Ghostly staff q9 air 20/20 c/o 8a Raining Ectos
HL6 : Celestial shield q8 str Smiting +1 20% armor +10 vs fire c/o 20a Falque
HL7 : Flame artifact q8 +30 +15/-1 c/o 6a Made by Hate
ST1 : Ghostly staff q10 communing 20/20
ST2 : Ghostly staff q13 illusion 20/20 c/o 20e RPN
ST3 : Ghostly staff q10 DF 20% prot sold IG
ST4 : Raven staff q9 death 20/19 c/o 100e Cloud Striffe pending delivery
ST5 : Zodiac staff q9 DF 20% smiting c/o 100e Olaffer
ST6 : Zodiac staff q12 DF 20/20
ST7 : Raven staff q9 fire 18/18 c/o 50e Raining Ectos
SH1 : Zodiac shield q13 tact -2^stance +10 earth
SH2 : Eternal shield q12 +42^stance +10 fire
SH3 : Eternal shield q10 disease 20% -2^ench
SH4 : Reinforced buckler q9 -3 ^hexed +10 giants c/o 15e RPN
SH5 : Eternal shield q9 -2^stance Deep wound 20%
SH6 : Emblazoned Defender q9 tact -3^hex +10 demons
SH7 : Shadow shield q9 -2^ench Weakness 20%
SH8 : Shadow shield q11 +10 earth -3^hex
PN1 : Smiting staff q11 10-19 HCT fire 15%
PN2 : Storm artifact q10 energy +10 armor +7 slashing +20 c/o 5a Raining Ectos
PN3 : Composite bow q13 +13^stance
PN4 : Longbow q12 +18^hexed c/o 1a Emma
ACTUALLY NOT PRENERF sorry PN5 : Summit axe q7 6-22
PN6 : Jeweled staff q7 9-16 energy +9 HCT 8% HSR illusion 18% c/o 35a Moon
PN7 : Shadow shield q11 +52^hexed
Ghostly staves :
HCT 10%
q9 illusion
q9 earth
q9 communing
q9 death
q9 air
q9 blood
q10 channeling
q10 DF
q11 earth
q11 domination
q11 smiting
q12 communing
q12 earth
q12 curses
q13 fire
q10 death 17/17 c/o Mark
Raven staves :
q12 DF HCT smiting 20%
q9 smiting HCT 10%
q10 communing HCT 10%
q11 water HCT 10%
q12 earth HCT 10%