Bump, offers updated
Posts by T Miles
Bump, offers updated.
Boy is this shield getting tossed around
Bump! New Q8's added.
100a Wooden Buckler
Q7 15AR demon cele 10a
Q7 15AR demon cele 5a
Dear Diary... today went from good... to GREAT!!
Just a cute little Pongmei drop!! ObsidiaN tire town tuff
this shield looks familiar
54. 25a
W1 5a
Ro3 2a
Ro4 200e
b/o grim cesta
42. 50a
250e celestial scepter
Q8 ornate 40a
Q8 ornate 30a
10a fow bundle
Round shield 15a
Bump, added a shield I'd like to sell.
Someone just this weekend was offering 1.7k / unid purple, probably your best bet. Unless you ID them and get a +charr mod, which is unlikely but certainly possible.
b/o Q9 15^50 Naga Longbow
b/o Q10 +5e Naga Longbow
2a / each on the pre nerf greens.