Posts by Korrven

    Welcome to my lil shop, happy bidding!

    No R/B's , No B/O's , i have the right whether to sell the item(s) or not

    Please provide your IGN in your comment incase i want to sell you a item.


    DChUYZB.pngEchovald Shieldq9tac+10 Demon-3 HexNEW
    DChUYZB.pngEchovald Shieldq9str+10 Demon-2 Ench3a Shaz
    DChUYZB.pngEchovald Shieldq9tac+10 Earth-3 HexNEW
    DChUYZB.pngEchovald Shieldq9tac+10 Blunt-2 EnchNEW
    DChUYZB.pngEchovald Shieldq9tac+10 Blunt-3 HexNEW
    DChUYZB.pngEchovald Shieldq9tac+10 Dragon-5 (20%)NEW
    DChUYZB.pngEchovald Shieldq9tac+1 Divine (20%)-5 (20%)NEW
    DChUYZB.pngEchovald Shieldq10tac+10 Demon-2 StanceNEW
    DChUYZB.pngEchovald Shieldq10tac+10 Fire-2 EnchNEW
    DChUYZB.pngEchovald Shieldq10tac+30hp-2 StanceNEW
    DChUYZB.pngEchovald Shieldq10str+30hp-2 enchNEW
    DChUYZB.pngEchovald Shieldq10tac+45 Stance+10 OgreNEW
    DChUYZB.pngEchovald Shieldq10str+10 Lightning-2 Stance50e Ingame Notoriety
    DChUYZB.pngEchovald Shieldq10tac+45 Stance-2 Stance-
    DChUYZB.pngEchovald Shieldq11tac+45 Stance-2 StanceNEW
    DChUYZB.pngEchovald Shieldq11tac+30hp-2 Ench1a Puppy
    DChUYZB.pngEchovald Shieldq12str+10 Demon-2 Stance-
    DChUYZB.pngEchovald Shieldq12tac+10 Demon-2 Stance-
    DChUYZB.pngEchovald Shieldq12tac+10 Demon+1 Fire 20%100e Cloud Strife
    DChUYZB.pngEchovald Shieldq12tac+10 Slashing-2 Ench-
    DChUYZB.pngEchovald Shieldq13tac+30hp-2 Ench-
    C7ZVwYZ.pngOrnate Shieldq9tac+30hp-5 (20%)1a DoOmBringer
    C7ZVwYZ.pngOrnate Shieldq9str+45 Stance-3 Hex-
    C7ZVwYZ.pngOrnate Shieldq9str+60 Hex+1 Earth 20%-
    C7ZVwYZ.pngOrnate Shieldq9tac+10 Blunt-5 (20%)-
    C7ZVwYZ.pngOrnate Shieldq9tac+10 Slashing-2 Ench-
    C7ZVwYZ.pngOrnate Shieldq9tac+10 Blunt-3 Hex-
    C7ZVwYZ.pngOrnate Shieldq9tac+45 Ench-5 (20%)-
    C7ZVwYZ.pngOrnate Shieldq9str+10 Plants+1 Death (19%)-
    C7ZVwYZ.pngOrnate Shieldq10tac+30hp-5 (20%)50e DoOmBringer
    C7ZVwYZ.pngOrnate Shieldq10str+45 Stance+10 Piercing-
    C7ZVwYZ.pngOrnate Shieldq10str+10 Plants-2 Stance-
    C7ZVwYZ.pngOrnate Shieldq10str+10 Lightning-2 Stance-
    C7ZVwYZ.pngOrnate Shieldq10str+30hp+10 Slashing-
    C7ZVwYZ.pngOrnate Shieldq10str+10 Slashing-2 Stance-
    C7ZVwYZ.pngOrnate Shieldq10tac+10 Blunt-2 Ench-
    C7ZVwYZ.pngOrnate Shieldq11tac+60 Hex-3 Hex-
    C7ZVwYZ.pngOrnate Shieldq11tac+30hp+10 Earth-
    C7ZVwYZ.pngOrnate Shieldq11str+30hp-2 Stance-
    C7ZVwYZ.pngOrnate Shieldq11str+30hp+10 Cold-
    C7ZVwYZ.pngOrnate Shieldq12tac+10 Demon-3 Hex-
    C7ZVwYZ.pngOrnate Shieldq12str+10 Demon+1 Curses (20%)75e Cloud Strife
    C7ZVwYZ.pngOrnate Shieldq12tac+30hp-2 Ench-
    C7ZVwYZ.pngOrnate Shieldq12str+45 stance-2 stanceNEW
    C7ZVwYZ.pngOrnate Shieldq13str+45 stance+10 BluntNEW
    C7ZVwYZ.pngOrnate Shieldq13tac+10 Demon-3 Hex-
    C7ZVwYZ.pngOrnate Shieldq13str+10 Demon-3 Hex-
    BoB95KJ.pngAmber Aegisq9tac+10 Slashing-3 HexNEW
    BoB95KJ.pngAmber Aegisq9tac+10 Dragon-2 StanceNEW
    BoB95KJ.pngAmber Aegisq9tac-2 Ench+1 Divine (19%)-
    BoB95KJ.pngAmber Aegisq11tac+10 Demon-3 Hex-
    BoB95KJ.pngAmber Aegisq11str+10 Demon-2 Ench-
    BoB95KJ.pngAmber Aegisq11str+10 Piercing-2 Stance-
    BoB95KJ.pngAmber Aegisq12str+30hp+1 Smiting (20%)2a @Cloud Strife
    BoB95KJ.pngAmber Aegisq13str+30hp+10 Earth-
    BoB95KJ.pngAmber Aegisq13str+10 Demon-2 Ench-
    BoB95KJ.pngAmber Aegisq13str+10 Demon-2 Ench-
    BoB95KJ.pngAmber Aegisq13tac+10 Fire-2 Ench1a K4yA
    BoB95KJ.pngAmber Aegisq13tac+30hp-2 stanceNEW
    BoB95KJ.pngAmber Aegisq13str+30hp-2 stanceNEW
    XnXYIrQ.pngGothic Defenderq9tac+10 Cold+5 (20%)NEW
    XnXYIrQ.pngGothic Defenderq9tac+10 Plant-3 HexNEW
    XnXYIrQ.pngGothic Defenderq9tac+10 Earth-2 StanceNEW
    XnXYIrQ.pngGothic Defenderq9tac+10 Dragon-2 StanceNEW
    XnXYIrQ.pngGothic Defenderq9tac+10 Fire-3 HexNEW
    XnXYIrQ.pngGothic Defenderq9str+30hp-3Hex
    XnXYIrQ.pngGothic Defenderq9tac+30hp-2 Stance
    XnXYIrQ.pngGothic Defenderq9str+60Hex+10 Cold100e Hate Core
    XnXYIrQ.pngGothic Defenderq9tac+29hp-2 Ench
    XnXYIrQ.pngGothic Defenderq10tac+45 Stance-2 StanceNEW
    XnXYIrQ.pngGothic Defenderq10str+10 Demon-2 StanceNEW
    XnXYIrQ.pngGothic Defenderq10tac+45 Stance+10 PlantNEW
    XnXYIrQ.pngGothic Defenderq10tac+10 Slashing-2 EnchNEW
    XnXYIrQ.pngGothic Defenderq10str+45 Stance+10 Earth
    XnXYIrQ.pngGothic Defenderq10str+60 Hex-3 Hex
    XnXYIrQ.pngGothic Defenderq10str+10 Demon-3 Hex
    XnXYIrQ.pngGothic Defenderq11tac+10 Fire-2 Ench
    XnXYIrQ.pngGothic Defenderq11tac+30hp-5 (20%)1a DoOmBringer
    XnXYIrQ.pngGothic Defenderq11str+30hp-2 EnchNEW
    XnXYIrQ.pngGothic Defenderq11tac+10 Ogre-2 EnchNEW
    XnXYIrQ.pngGothic Defenderq11str+60 Hex-3 Hex
    XnXYIrQ.pngGothic Defenderq12str+60 Hex-3 Hex
    XnXYIrQ.pngGothic Defenderq12tac+30hp+10 Ogre
    XnXYIrQ.pngGothic Defenderq12tac+10 Demon+1 Divine (20%)75e Cloud Strife
    XnXYIrQ.pngGothic Defenderq13tac+45 ench-2 enchNEW
    XnXYIrQ.pngGothic Defenderq13tac+10 Demon-2 enchNEW
    aCEtN9t.pngCelestial Shieldq10tac+10 Cold-3 Hex
    aCEtN9t.png%E2%80%8BCelestial Shieldq10tac-2 Ench+1 Earth (20%)
    aCEtN9t.png%E2%80%8BCelestial Shieldq11tac+30hp-3 Hex
    aCEtN9t.png%E2%80%8BCelestial Shieldq11tac+10 Lightning-2 Ench
    aCEtN9t.png%E2%80%8BCelestial Shieldq11str+10 Dragon-2 Stance30e Amazon Of Melandru
    aCEtN9t.png%E2%80%8BCelestial Shieldq12tac+60 Hex-3 Hex
    ugZOwNS.pngEmbossed Aegisq11str+30hp-5 (20%)50e DoOmBringer
    Embossed Aegis
    q11str+60 Hex+10 Ogre30e Amazon Of Melandru
    Embossed Aegis
    q12str+10 Ogre-2 Stance
    Embossed Aegis
    q13tac+30hp-3 Hex
    Wooden Bucklerq10tac+30hp+10 Plants
    Wooden Bucklerq13tac+45 Stance+10 Earth


    aRFIJX9.pngSkull Shield - goldq8cominscribableinscribable
    aRFIJX9.pngSkull Shield - goldq8cominscribableinscribable
    F4nl89w.pngMagmas Shieldq10str+10 Undead-2 Stance80e Hate Core
    aRFIJX9.pngSkull Shield - goldq4tac/12armor+10 Blunt-2 Stance35e Khobay
    Bronze Shieldq6tac/12armor+30hp-2 enchNEW
    Ornate Bucklerq5tac/13armor+10 Slashing-2 stanceNEW
    Skull Shieldq4tac/12armor+60hex+10 DragonNEW
    Bladed Shieldq4str/12armor+10 Blunt-2 stanceNEW
    Wooden Bucklerq5str/13armor+1 Illusion (19%)-2 stanceNEW
    Bronze Shieldq7tac/12armor+10 Piercing-2 stanceNEW
    Spiked Targeq5tac/11armor+10 Demon-3 HexNEW
    Tall Shieldq5tac/12armor+10 Blunt-3 HexNEW
    Tall Shieldq5tac/11armor+10 Fire-2 EnchNEW
    Round Shieldq7tac/12armor+45 Ench-2 EnchNEW


    Bone Dragon StaffQ10 DivineInscribeable
    Bone Dragon StaffQ10 EnergyInscribeable


    Sephis Sword (Gold 15-21dmg)Q8 SwordmanshipInscribeable1a San

    Welcome to my collections, feel free to put bids, for now there'll be no s/b or b/o.

    Can also reach me ingame.

    Ingame name: Mez Of Swe

    Amber Shields

    q9 tac +45ench -2ench c/o chrismc90 8a sold 20a

    q9 tac -2stance +10 Dragon c/o PyroLobster 1a

    q10 tac -3hex +10 Slashing

    q10 tac -2stance +60hex

    q11 tac -3hex +10 Demon

    q12 tac +45ench +10 Fire

    q12 tac -2ench +1 DeathMagic 20%

    q12 tac -2stance +10 ogres

    q13 tac -2ench +10 Fire c/o Mozo 15e

    q13 tac +30hp -2stance

    q9 str +30 -3hex

    q11 str -2ench +10 Demon

    q11 str -2stance +10 Piercing

    q12 str -2ench +10 Earth

    q12 str -2stance +45ench

    q12 str +30hp +10 Demon

    q12 str +30hp -2ench c/o Ardunain 50e

    q12 str +30hp +1 Smithing 20% c/o Ardunain 25e

    q13 str -2ench +10 Demon c/o Kabong 100e

    q13 str -2ench +10 Demon

    Echovald Shields

    q9 tac +10 Demon +30hp c/o Purely 50a sold 50a

    q9 tac +10 Plants -2stance c/o PyroLobster 1a

    q9 tac +10 Plants -2stance

    q9 tac +10 Blunt -3hex

    q9 tac +10 Dragons -2stance c/o Purely 30e sold 2a

    q9 tac -2ench +1 AirMagic(20%) c/o Purely 30e sold 2a

    q9 tac +30hp -2ench c/o AuthenticMatt 5a

    q9 tac -2stance +1 Illusion(20%) c/o Purely 1a Sold 88e

    q9 tac -2ench +1 WaterMagic(20%) c/o Purely 30e sold 2a

    q10 tac +45stance -2stance

    q10 tac +10 Ogre -2stance

    q10 tac +10 Plants +1 Tactics 20%

    q10 tac +30hp -2stance

    q11 tac -2 ench +1 Divine(20%) c/o Arenir 20e

    q11 tac +30 -2ench

    q11 tac +10 Earth -5(20%)

    q12 tac -2ench +1 Divine(20%) c/o Ardunain 25e

    q12 tac +10 Demon -2stance

    q12 tac +10 Demon +1 FireMagic(20%)

    q12 tac +10 Slashing -2ench c/o jmac379 120e

    q13 tac +45 stance -2stance

    q13 tac -2ench +30hp c/o Captaindavy 110e

    q9 str +10 Demon -2stance

    q9 str +45stance -2stance

    q9 str +10 Dragons -2ench

    q9 str +10 Fire -2stance

    q9 str +10 Plants -2ench

    q10 str +10 Demons +1 Domination(20%)

    q10 str +10 Lightning -2stance

    q11 str +10 Plants -2ench

    q11 str +10 Demon -2stance

    q11 str +10 Dragons -3hex

    q12 str +10 Lightning -2ench

    q13 str -2ench +10 Slashing

    q13 str +60 hex -2stance

    q13 str +10 Slashing -2stance c/o Kabong 10e

    q13 str +10 Demon -2ench c/o Kabong 100e

    Gothic Shields

    q9 tac +30hp -2stance

    q9 tac +10 Plants -3hex

    q9 tac +10 Cold -5(20%)

    q9 tac +10 Earth -2stance

    q9 tac +45ench +10 Piercing Sold 13a

    q10 tac +10 Earth -2stance

    q10 tac +10 Slashing -2stance

    q10 tac +45stance -2stance

    q11 tac +30hp -3hex

    q11 tac +10 Cold -2ench

    q11 tac +10 Fire +45ench c/o jmac379 60e Sold 2a

    q11 tac -2ench +10 Fire

    q12 tac -2stance +1 Healing (20%)

    q12 tac +10 Demon +1 Divine(20%)

    q12 tac +10 Earth -2ench

    q12 tac +30hp +10 Ogre

    q12 tac +10 Blunt -2ench

    q12 tac +10 Fire -2ench

    q12 tac +60hex -5(20%)

    q13 tac +45stance -2stance c/o Mozo 20e

    q13 tac +10 Slashing -2ench c/o Mozo 10e

    q13 tac -3hex +10 Plants

    q13 tac -5(20%) +1 Airmagic 20%

    q9 str +30hp -3hex

    q9 str +10 Fire -2stance

    q10 str -2ench +1 Healing(20%) c/o Arenir 20e

    q10 str -3hex +10 Demon

    q11 str -3hex +10 Dragons

    q11 str -3hex +60 hex

    q11 str +30hp -2ench c/o Ravaidan Jalir 25e

    q12 str +45ench +10 Slashing

    q12 str +60hex -3hex

    q11 str +45stance -2stance

    q12 str +10 Dragons -2stance

    q13 str +45ench +10 Blunt

    q13 str +10 Earth -2ench

    q13 str +10 Lightning -2ench

    q13 str +30hp -2ench

    q13 str +10 Fire -2stance

    q13 str +30hp -2ench

    Ornate Shields

    q9 tac +10 Blunt -2ench c/o Aliana 7a SOLD 7a

    q9 tac +45ench -5(20%)

    q9 tac +10 Cold -2stance

    q9 tac +10 Blunt -5(20%)

    q9 tac +10 Blunt -3hex

    q9 tac +10 Piercing -2stance

    q10 tac +45stance +10 Plants

    q10 tac -2ench +10 Blunt

    q10 tac +10 Cold -2stance

    q10 tac +30hp -5(20%)

    q10 tac +10 Blunt -2stance

    q11 tac +60hex -3hex

    q11 tac +10 Cold -2stance

    q11 tac +10 Dragons -2ench

    q11 tac +30hp +10 Earth

    q11 tac -2ench +10 Ogre

    q12 tac +10 Dragons -2ench

    q12 tac +30hp -2ench c/o Brownie 2a

    q13 tac +10 Demon -3hex

    q13 tac +10 Plants -2ench

    q13 tac -2ench +1 Death(20%) c/o Ardunain 10e

    q13 tac +10 Cold -2stance

    q13 tac +45stance -3hex

    q13 tac +45stance +10 Cold

    q13 tac +10 Dragons -3hex

    q13 tac +10 Ogres -3hex

    q9 str +10 Demon -2ench

    q9 str +60hex +1 Earth(20%) c/o Praise 3a

    q9 str +30hp -2ench c/o Ravaidan Jalir 150e

    q9 str +45stance -2stance

    q10 str +10 Demon +45stance

    q10 str +10 Piercing +45stance

    q10 str +10 Slashing -2stance

    q10 str +10 Lightning -2stance

    q11 str +10 fire -3hex

    q11 str +30hp -2stance

    q11 str +10 Demon -2stance

    q12 str +10 Piercing -2stance

    q12 str +10 Demon +1 Curses(20%)

    q13 str +10 Demon -3hex c/o Kabong 10e

    Celestial/Buckler Shields

    Celestial q9tac +10 Demon -5(20%)

    Celestial q11tac +10 Lightning -2ench

    Celestial q12tac +10 Blunt -2ench

    Celestial q12tac +10 Cold -2ench

    Celestial q13tac +10 Slashing -2ench c/o Praise 50e

    Celestial q11str +10 Dragons -2stance

    Wooden Buckler q10tac +10 Plants +30hp c/o Ravaidan Jalir 25e

    Wooden Buckler q13tac +10 Earth +45stance

    Reinforced Buckler q12tac +10 Fire -2ench

    Staff / Wands / Focus


    Accursed q10 curses hc 10%

    Zodiac q9 Divine (inscribeable)

    Zodiac q10 Divine hc 20/20 Prot

    Zodiac q12 Divine hc 10%

    Ghostly q9 Death hc 10%

    Shadow q9 Blood hc 10%

    Shadow q9 Fire hc 10%

    Dragon q9 Earth hc 10%

    Amber q10 Earth hc 20/20 Earth

    Amber q10 Divine hc 10%

    Plagueborn q9 Air hc 10%

    Jade q9 Earth hc 10%

    Earth Staff q9 20/20 Earth

    Water Staff q9 20/20 Water


    Waywand q9 Soul hc 10%

    Dragons Breath q11 Fire 20%Fire +5energy hexed

    Golden Chalice q11 Energy 20% Fire +5physical

    Golden Chalice q9 Energy hc 10% +5armor(casting)

    Golden Pillar q9 Earth 20/10 Earth (Casting) c/o Oofus 1a

    Golden Pillar q9 Earth 20%Earth +5energy ench

    Golden Pillar q12 Earth 20%Earth +5energy below 50%

    Golden Pillar q9 Earth 20/20 Water

    Flame Artifact q11 Fire +20%Fire +10armor below 50%

    Water Wand q13 10/10



    Oni Blade q9 15^50 c/o gab999 20e

    Oni Blade q12 15^50 c/o gab999 11e

    Oni Blade q13 +5e


    Chaos Axe q9 +5energy


    Eternal Bow q13 +5energy c/o Mozo 30e Sold 30e

    Longbow q9 +15ench

    Inscribeable Weapons/Shields

    Eblade q13 c/o Breeze 16a

    Crystalline Blade q11

    Crystalline Blade q13

    Voltaic Spear q10

    Voltaic Spear q11 (x2)

    Voltaic Spear q12 (x2)

    Voltaic Spear q13 (x3)

    BDS q10 Divine

    BDS q11 Healing

    BDS q12 Inspiration (x2)

    BDS q12 Water (x2)

    BDS q13 Communing

    Storm Bow q9 (x2)

    cc q9 fastcast

    cc q9 smithing

    cc q9 spawning (x2)

    cc q9 communing

    cc q12 dom

    cc q13 resto c/o Mozo 5e Sold 5e

    Eternal Shield q9 tac (x3) c/o AuthenticMatt 40e

    Eternal Shield q9 str

    Eternal Shield q9 mot

    Eternal Bow q9 c/o Mozo 30e Sold 50e

    Darkwing Defender q9tac

    WG Bow/Scythe/Shield

    3x Skull Shields q8 command (inscribable)


    GoTT 4e

    Black Dyes 1e

    White dyes 4=1e

    Tengus 3e

    ImperialGuards 3e

    Apple/Corn 14e

    Rin Relics 25=30e

    Selling my shield collection, hope you like some of it :)

    Can also be reached by my ingame name: Xandri Quickblade

    Give me offers, happy bidding, and we'll see from there.:thumbup:

    I've narrowed down my collection by throwing out some of my shields, but this is what i have for now.

    Will be adding new shields as time passes.

    Echovald Shields:

    #1---Q9 tac +10vs demon +30hp --------------c/o 50a ingame

    #2---Q9 tac -2 ench +30hp

    #3---Q9 tac -2 ench +1/20% Air Magic

    #4---Q9 tac -2 stance +10 vs Dragon

    #5---Q9 tac -2 stance +10 vs Plant

    #6---Q9 tac -3 hex +10 vs Blunt

    #7---Q9 str -2 ench +10 vs Plant

    #8---Q9 str -2 stance +10 vs Fire

    #9---Q9 str -2 stance +10 Dragon

    #10---Q10 tac -2 stance +30hp

    #11---Q10 tac +10 vs Plant +1/20% Tactics

    #12---Q10 str +10 vs Demons +1/20% Domination

    #13---Q10 str +10 vs Lightning -2 stance

    #14---Q11 tac -2 ench +1/20% Divine

    #15---Q11 tac -5/20% +10 vs Earth

    #16---Q11 str -2 ench +10 vs Plants

    #17---Q11 str -2 ench +45 ench ---------Sold 250e to hGT

    #18---Q11 str -2 stance +10 vs Demon

    #19---Q12 tac +10 vs Demon +1/20% FireMagic

    #20---Q12 tac -2 ench +10 vs Slashing

    #21---Q12 tac -2 ench +1/20% Divine Favor

    #22---Q12 str -2 ench +10 vs Lightning

    #23---Q13 tac -2 stance +45 stance

    #24---Q13 tac -2 ench +45 ench --------------Sold 150e to hGT

    #25---Q13 str -2 stance +10 vs Slashing

    #26---Q13 str -2 ench + 10 vs Demon

    #27---Q10 tac -2 stance +10 vs Ogres-----*NEW*

    #28---Q11 tac -2 ench + 30hp-----*NEW*


    Gothic Shields:

    #1---Q9 tac -2 stance +10 vs Earth

    #2---Q9 tac -2 stance +30hp

    #3---Q9 tac -2 ench +10 vs Slashing -------------------sold 250e by Miss Deelahka

    #4---Q9 tac -5/20% +10 vs Cold

    #5---Q9 str -2 ench +10 vs Cold -------------------sold 150e by Miss Deelahka

    #6---Q9 str -2 stance +10 vs Fire

    #7---Q9 str -3 hex +30hp

    #8---Q10 tac -2 stance + 10 vs Earth

    #9---Q10 str -2 ench +1/20% Healingprayers

    #10---Q11 tac -3 hex +30hp

    #11---Q11 tac -2 ench +10 vs Cold

    #12---Q11 tac +45 ench +10 vs Fire

    #13---Q11 str -2 ench +30hp

    #14---Q11 str -2 stance +45 stance

    #15---Q12 tac -2 ench +10 vs Blunt

    #16---Q12 tac +30hp +10 vs Ogre

    #17---Q12 tac -2 ench +10 vs Earth

    #18---Q12 tac +10 vs demon +1/20% DivineFavor

    #19---Q12 tac -2 ench +10 vs Fire

    #20---Q12 str -3 hex +60 hex

    #21---Q13 tac -2 ench +10 vs Slashing

    #22---Q13 tac -2 stance +45 stance

    #23---Q13 str -2 ench +10 vs Lightning

    #24---Q13 str -2 ench +10 vs Earth

    #25---Q13 str +45 ench +10 vs Blunt

    #26---Q10 tac -2 stance + 10 vs Slashing-----*NEW*

    #27---Q13 str -2 stance +10 vs Fire-----*NEW*

    #28---Q13 str -2 ench +30hp-----*NEW*


    Amber Shields:

    #1---Q9 tac -2 stance +10 vs Dragon

    #2---Q9 str -3 hex +30hp

    #3---Q10 tac -3 hex +10 vs Slashing

    #4---Q11 str -2 ench +10 vs Demon

    #5---Q11 str -2 stance +10 vs Piercing

    #6---Q12 tac -2 ench +1/20% DeathMagic

    #7---Q12 tac +45 ench +10 vs Fire

    #8---Q12 str +30hp +10 vs Demon ------------c/o 150e by fashion07

    #9---Q12 str -2 ench +30hp

    #10---Q12 str +30hp +1/20% SmitingPrayers

    #11---Q13 tac -2 ench +10 vs Fire

    #12---Q13 str -2 ench +10 vs Demon

    #13----Q11 tac -3 hex +10 vs Demon-----*NEW*


    Ornate Shields:

    #1---Q9 tac -3 hex +10 vs blunt

    #2---Q9 tac -5/20% +10 vs blunt

    #3---Q9 tac -2 stance +10 vs cold

    #4---Q9 tac -5/20% +45 ench

    #5---Q9 tac -2 stance +10 vs piercing

    #6---Q9 tac +45 ench +10 vs blunt -------------------sold 250e by Miss Deelahka

    #7---Q9 tac -2 ench +10 vs blunt

    #8---Q9 tac +30hp +10 vs Earth -------------------c/o 10a by evo

    #9---Q9 str -2 stance +45 stance

    #10---Q9 str -2 ench +30hp

    #11---Q9 str +60 hex +1/20% EarthMagic

    #12---Q10 tac -2 stance +10 vs Cold

    #13---Q10 tac -5/20% +30hp

    #14---Q10 tac -2 stance +10 vs blunt

    #15---Q10 str -2 stance +10 vs slashing

    #16---Q10 str +45 stance +10 vs piercing

    #17---Q10 str +45 stance +10 vs Demon

    #18---Q11 tac +30hp +10 vs Earth

    #19---Q11 tac -2 stance +10 vs Cold

    #20---Q11 tac -3 hex +60 hex

    #21---Q11 str -2 stance +10 vs Demon

    #22---Q12 tac -2 ench +30hp

    #23---Q12 tac -2 ench +10 vs Dragon

    #24---Q12 str +10 demon +1/20% Curses

    #25---Q12 str -2 stance +10 vs Piercing

    #26---Q13 tac -3 hex +10 vs Demon

    #27---Q13 tac -2 stance +10 vs Cold

    #28---Q13 tac -2 ench +10 vs Plants

    #29---Q13 tac -2 ench +1/20% DeathMagic

    #30---Q13 tac +60 hex +10 vs Fire

    #31---Q13 str -3 hex +10 vs Demons

    #32---Q9 str -2 ench + 10 vs Demons------*NEW*

    #33---Q10 str -2 stance +10 vs Lightning-----*NEW*

    #34---Q11 str -2 stance +30hp-----*NEW*


    Celestial Shields:

    #1---Q9 tac -5/20% +10 vs Demon

    #2---Q11 tac -2 ench +10 vs Lightning

    #3---Q12 tac -2 ench +10 vs Cold

    #4---Q12 tac -2 ench +10 vs Blunt

    #5---Q13 tac -2 ench +10 vs Slashing


    Other shields:

    Wooden Buckler q13 tac +45 stance +10 vs Earth-----*NEW*

    Reinforced Buckler Q12 tac -2ench +10 vs Fire

    Skull Shield Inscribeable Q8 +16armor Command x2

    Selling my shield collection, hope you like some of it :)
    Can also be reached by my ingame name: Mez Of Swe

    Echovald #6 - SOLD To St_Patrick for 20a -
    Gothic #20 - SOLD To Krieger for 200e -

    Echovald Shields:

    Gothic Shields:

    Amber Shields:

    Ornate Shields:

    Celestial Shields:

    Other Shields & Items: