Someone derped on the thread creation again... or was this for some reason intentional?
Posts by Marty Silverblade
As such I'm pretty certain that Gaile has been playing a lot more Guild Wars than we're aware of (the possibility exists that she has a private, non-work account too). So don't try to be so aggressive towards her
let her enjoy the game.
IIRC, she has about 10 accounts.
In the past week I've mostly been listening to The Mars Volta. Muse before that.
EDIT: Why is this in it's own subforum?
Only tormented item worth getting imo is the short/recurve bow. Some of the others aren't ugly but certainly not anywhere near the better skins for that item type.
Boo. Here I was thinking you were a Rit fan. First skill I randomly drew was Desperation Blow.
What inspired you to pick Weapon of Remedy?
Sci-fi or medieval fantasy?
I was looking at it through a technical game theory/design perspective so my comments may seem harsh in comparison with the attitude people have when playing it. I'm not trying to tell people how they should be playing, be the fun police or anything like that. I don't know how other people feel about the competition, but I certainly like the idea, it's just not really functional in it's current iteration. If people are enjoying it then by all means continue with the current format.
Here's another idea, based on Mastermind: you pick a skill. This skill has four properties - energy cost, campaign of origin, profession and skill type (casting time and recharge time would work as well if it works better with more properties). Each player can submit one guess per day. You pick one of those guesses at random and say how many things it has in common with the skill you picked, but not which one(s). For example, if you pick Hypochondria and I guess Pensive Guardian then you'd say (if you select my guess) I've gotten three correct. Interestingly though, you're better off trying to guess a skill with nothing in common with the skill you're trying to find so you can definitively wipe out those options. For skill type, grouping some of them together may make for a better game, though I haven't thought about it in a lot of depth, for example Spell or Attack or Shout/Echo/Chant or Stance/Signet or Glyph/Form/Ritual/Trap/Non typed.
If you're more into the puzzle aspect rather than the competition you could also consider creating puzzles on a third party website and linking them here.
Problems with the current format in no particular order:
-You don't seem to have made up your mind whether this game is meant to be for individuals or a team effort. The existence of a prize defines this as an individual contest. In rule suggestion B you say "This is to encourage people to ask questions that help everyone, rather than selfishly trying to win with a lucky guess", but why shouldn't we be selfish? Prize only goes to one person. Logically, I want to take whichever course of action benefits me the most and everyone else the least. However, that isn't possible because all info is public. If you wanted it to be a team exercise (presumably trying to guess the skill with the least number of questions), your format doesn't work either - our success will be defined by which questions you choose to answer. In either case it doesn't matter if someone asks a really clever question - from an individual perspective it doesn't help because everyone learns the answer and from a team perspective it may not help because you may pick a less efficient question. You need to clearly decide whether this is an individual or team and define the rules for that purpose.
-Due to the number of skills in the game we have no choice but to ask the same narrowing down questions every time. The chance of guessing the skill correctly without having had 8-12 questions answered is so remote it isn't worth trying. It's going to take a week and a half before it actually gets interesting. Furthermore, given you only answer one question a day, we might as well just leave the narrowing down to one person and then all jump on board once the possible options are down to a dozen or so. If you want to keep a similar format to what you have currently, what you should do is to choose information to reveal each day and leave player interaction solely as guesses. This would also give you the freedom to provide as much or as little information as you want. You could also do something a little more abstract, for example make statements such as "these two guesses have something (the same thing) in common with the answer". That would make it more of a puzzle as it would be up to each person to determine what the clue is referring to. You're still going to have the above problem though.
-The possibility that someone could correctly guess the answer first and then not win is utterly nonsensical. You must confirm guesses either way at the first opportunity, otherwise it just becomes a matter of favouritism. The person who wins is decided entirely by you, as opposed to solely the merits of the participants. However, this biases the competition to people with a similar availability time to you. You could wait until 24h from your previous post and then pick randomly (via a random number generator) from the correct answers if multiple people get it right.
Food for thought:
Games of this format fall onto what's known as a skill-luck matrix. Chess, for example, is a high skill-no luck game and poker is a high skill-high luck game. Both of these are played competitively at a high level. Your format is a no skill-moderate luck game, which by definition are uninteresting. This needs to be remedied one way or another. Here's how you could create a high skill, moderate luck game: keep everything strictly individual. Users ask questions/guess solely via PM and you also respond via PM. The objective is to guess the skill with the fewest questions. This alleviates the above issues entirely. Downside is that everything happens behind closed doors so while it's a much better game it doesn't really work as well as a forum game.
The story so far:
-Not Monk or Derv
-Nightfall skill
-Does not have an AoE
-Does not target an enemy
-Has a durationDoes it belong to a core profession?
Is it a nightfall skill?^
Is it a nightfall skill?
The mod tools here are pretty similar to vbulletin, at least in overall feel. Naturally it isn't quite the same, but the transition is smooth. It's figuring your way through IPB that's the pain.
The story so far:
-Not Core or Factions
-Does not have an AoE
-Does not target an enemyIs it a dervish skill?
The story so far:
-Not Core or Factions
Question: Does it target enemies?^
Everything I can find on Google indicates this is an issue entirely on your end; likely due to your outdated operating system. I'm running W10, which would explain why I'm not having issues.
I'm not having issues with either firefox (my usual choice) or chrome. Are you sure you're using a https connection (this should be the default but it may not be happening for you)? Have you tried clearing the cache like you told me to last time?
is it from nightfall?^
Is it a factions skill?
So that's what multi layered meansThat's not what Misty was referring to. Each question should aim to gain only one bit of info. To use Misty's example, "Is it a factions elite", involves both campaign of origin and elite status. You ought to ask whether it is elite OR whether it's from factions, not both.
is it an elite skill?^
Unfortunately that doesn't really work, because unanswered questions become less useful over time, e.g. if you ask "is it a warrior skill?" and I answer "is it a spell?" instead... well, if it is a spell, you know it's not a warrior skill for sure, so you would want your question to expire. That's an extreme example, but in almost all cases it's true.
Certainly not "almost all cases". There are a number of questions people could ask that don't interfere with each other, for example skill types, campaign of origin, profession/attribute, elite status, energy cost/recharge time, etc. Certainly some will become redundant but plenty won't. Your logic doesn't make sense anyway - why should it matter whether if a question is in an old post or not? Newer posts will contain more specific questions due to greater information and so you'd probably favour those, but the older ones can remain relevant. For example, do you really need someone asking if it's elite every single day? Requiring people to repost questions is of literally zero benefit.
What does "run out of guesses" mean? Is each game only running for a certain number of days or something?
To prevent an unnecessary load of posting it might be better to have questions not expire if unanswered.
Is it a core skill?
DoA oftentimes will swarm you with big mobs and in these cases backing off and thinning them out bit by bit is the way to go, especially for people new to the area. There are certainly other ways of dealing with these situations but if you don't know what's coming it's hard to do. You can always check the wiki for such knowledge if desired.
Have you cleared any of the other areas?
Bought this nugget from StueyG back in 2006. Was my first big purchase. Spent a good few weeks deciding on what skin and such to get. Cost 45k. Traded in Kaineng Center.
Also, can we stop with the random centering of text? It serves no purpose but makes it harder to read.
To quote you need to click the quote button on the post you want (you can click multiple posts if desired) then scroll down to the quick reply box and click the 'quote these posts now' link above the reply box. You can also manually type in the bbcode if you prefer; it's the same as it was on guru.
Welcome back!
Actually not all that much has changed. The game has been in maintenance mode since 2012 so any feelings of directionlessness are largely going to be a result of loss of momentum and forgetfulness. Once you find something to do you should get back into the swing of things without too much effort.
-Can't say what's happened in the speed clear scene. That's not my thing.
-There was an Ele update in 2012, plus a Mesmer one in 2011 you may not have seen. The latter shook up the meta a great deal.
-There may be chapters of Guild Wars: Beyond that were added after you left. -
Since the announcement on Guru (and this thread being created) Curse have backflipped and said that they will be providing an archive. Everything on Guru will remain as is; we just won't be able to post. As such, mass migration of posts is no longer necessary. Do note though that as we almost certainly won't be able to log in, anything locked behind a log-in screen (most notably PM's) will be inaccessible and need to be manually backed up.
TexMod modifies the way another application runs. This behaviour is fundamentally suspicious and so is prevented from running by some security software programs. You'll need to tweak it to allow TexMod to run.
Tbh I'd prefer to do away with reputation. While it's nice to be able to give people a thumbs up for particularly good posts there are downsides too. It'd be ok if rating applied strictly to each post and not the user's entire account.
I haven't tried UMod (have heard it is somewhat more difficult to get working, though whether this is true or not I don't know) but TexMod has always met my needs. Sometimes wrong textures will pop up in the distance but that's a minor cosmetic thing. Also turn off shadows (or something along those lines) to prevent a black box trailing your character.
It can be downloaded from here:
Grab I've only ever used the 0.9 beta version.Usage instructions:
What exactly would these guides contain? Combat can't really be a selling point because with the buffet of grossly overpowered build options available the game mostly beats itself. Ironically normal mode (assuming no heroes or pve skills) ends up being much harder than hard mode. Cartography is only tricky for a couple of spots per campaign and there's enough leeway that they're irrelevant. TexMod and individual questions about specific points cover carto troubles well enough that I don't see where this would go. Missions would just end up being a lets play.