Posts by Marty Silverblade

    I can't personally vouch for them, but there haven't been any skill updates in four years. If there's something to be concerned about it's how optimal the builds were in the first place. At worst, they'll be a bit outdated. You can always try one and tweak things afterward if you feel the need. Don't forget the output of a build is also dependent on how well you play it too, especially in PvP.

    I agree that piercing damage would be your biggest concern re: insignia. The health penalties on higher potency runes are balanced on a full party so naturally they'll seem disproportionate in other situations.

    You don't necessarily need to use daggers. If you're already going /W for Sprint/whatnot running a sword or axe will allow you to take a shield.

    Insignia don't stack, but they affect only the armor piece they're attached to so you'll need to have them on all of your armor pieces to get full coverage. What you've suggested doing above will work fine.

    As far as forums go, Plains of Ashford->General doesn't really fit but neither does Builds->PvE. Would lean towards the latter but that might just be me following Guru practices. Having one thread for each campaign like you did on Guru would work fine.

    A collection of thoughts in no particular order:

    -If you do a good enough job of determining an average price, you're as likely to lose out from price fixing as benefitting. You'd pay more when the prices are lower as well as less when they're higher. It's like declining a double or nothing situation - there's no inherent benefit to doing so.

    -In retrospect, having a player act as the price fixed merchant is unnecessary. You could just grab cash from storage to make up the difference if the current trader price is higher than average. You'd need to track how much cash you should or should not have by doing this though, even if the trader price is lower.

    -Speed runs always have conditionals attached. 100% vs any%, glitches vs no glitches, etc. I don't see why price fixing couldn't sit alongside such things.

    -In single player games the uncontrollable elements are self contained and are thus repeatable by anyone at any time. If I was to attempt to beat your Emerald time 10 years from now, I'd have the same chance to find random Pokemon, the same chance to critical hit, etc, so it's all fair and the attempt would be comparable. If I tried to beat your Prophecies/Factions time in 10 years it wouldn't be. The economy forces you to factor in external elements. The random/uncontrollable elements are of a fundamentally different type. As much as you can treat GW as a single player game, you'll always be at the mercy of the economy which I believe to be unfair. As you point out, you can have people - yourself even - deliberately manipulate the market prices prior to starting your attempt. You're taking actions that make your playthrough easier without the clock ticking. When is that ever ok? As far as I'm concerned it's this simple: if there was a single player version available where there was no impact whatsoever from other people would you prefer to run that or the online version?

    The only interest I have in RPing is in single player games where there's reactivity, a plot and characters worth caring about, etc. Think Bioware. GW for me is about builds and having something to do with friends/family, not so much immersing myself in character. If there was some kind of offline version or pen and paper game where my/our character(s) influenced what was happening it would be something I'd consider.

    Maybe this would violate some kind of speedrunner code of ethics or something, but perhaps you could just determine the average prices of the relevant materials, then find a player who'll act as a merchant to buy/sell at those prices. I know speedruns always have random/uncontrollable elements that require luck to get the perfect run, but I wouldn't have a problem with someone fixing the economy like this. MMO's aren't typically speedrun material, afaik.

    What exactly did you want moved across? In case you missed the news, Guru is being officially archived so all the content there will remain as is rather than being lost forever. You'll be able to refer to them whenever you need, and you can always ask questions here. Carto questions nowadays are pretty much exclusively 'TexMod says I can get this spot but I don't know how' and that's typically easier to answer on a question by question basis rather than searching through other users posts. If there was a sticky containing all of the typically hard to reach places it would be good to move across, but there isn't.

    Hello all.

    I joined Guru nearly 10 years ago now (6/6/06) but had been playing GW for at least a year beforehand. I always avoid looking up external resources for a game before finishing it myself. Contrary to most games I got hooked on Warrior rather than a spellcaster type. I did create an Ele first but couldn't commit to it until after I'd played my Warrior. I've done everything I'm interested in doing with him, so I almost exclusively play my other chars. Necromancer and Mesmer are the most popular atm. Ranger and Rit are my go-to's when I need a melee fix.