Posts by Forty Second Rogue
30e Jitte
1a dadao
30e shinobi
jitte +5 energy
dadao+5 energy
shinobi +5 energy
100e for the 3 of them
I got 79 feathers today in Nahpui Quarter mission.
I didnt bother to take a screen since its so exceptional people would just become dejected.
20e Zodiac longbow +5energy
Id say the Shadow Blade and Plague Axe are worth up to 10e each( Shadow has no inherent mod), ymmv
The Healing Ankh is pretty freakin cool to bad it's R12.
The Inscribed staff , in my eyes, is nice for the dom/Insp split since I run a build that uses both, not a desired skin though.
You can always equip heroes with this stuff
Upping my bid to 35e on #4 Runic Axe
Bei Chi's Bulwark
Woe Spreader
Heleyne's Insight
Xan Hei's Resolve
Oroku's Slicers
The Magekiller
24e total
I Just have to say this is big undervalue by Forty Second Rogue
As always wait for more to chime in for PC's and dont sell to PM"S
Like I said, feel free to give one
The one off will hurt its value
I'd say 200e on the low end up to 2-4a , more if there is a bid war
If it goes on sale I have interest so tag me
As always wait for more to chime in for PC's and dont sell to PM"S
#4 Runic Axe +5e 20e
I want to say the last one sold for north of 300e if memory serves me correctly.
I take
Redemptor Karl
Kai Ying
Erys Vasburg
Then Danika and Talon
I havent noticed it to be more challenging.
I dont use the Celestial Skill except on the bosses so they recharge right away
I seem to get more than a couple of these +15 -10 swords when chest running
Looking forward to a 20/20 dropping some time
Kinda Cute
who needs 5hp anywaysThats pretty sweet
110e fellblade
Looking for Raven Staves in 20/10 or 20/20 all professions
25e on Fellblade
5e Plagueborn
Fellblade is the most desirable obviously , id be interested if it's put up for sale
Axe 10-30e maybe
Shield is merch or hero unless there's a vs creatures collector dying to finish out a r10 collection
I'd offer this on some of these greens
Villnars Claw 3e
Galigord's Staff 7e
Galigords Stone Scroll 3e
Brohn's Holy Rod 1e
Vokur's Chakram 2 for 1e
Modti's depravation 3e
Bastion of the Condemned 1e
19e total
I'd say 1e a piece for the first 2
maybe 5e for the scythe, enchant scythes seem to get more
I have a R9 purple +13w/e
20/20 Outcast Blood staff
Put it up for sale
tag me when you do
100-200e is what I'd pay and since its not the best skin , I'd tend for lower on that range
50e just to watch what happens
and for the yet again what are they thinking