imo, merch all but brute and cele. 5e at most on cele, probs the same on brute since it's q10 :c
Posts by BigZ
Thats not really what you wanna show off 😏
bahhhhhh, who cares... super happy to finally have an eblade, always wanted one
OS5 70e
OS3 85e
OR5,6,8 70e
PG1 105e -
traded some gw2 gold to gw1 yesterday....
got something I've always wanted
new staff 20e
G3 260e
OS3 55eOR3/4 1a
water/fire, cuz fuck me I guess ;-;
dropped a couple days ago
BigZ#9243 / Dinxiang Jo
OS2/4 30e
OS5 55e
OS3 12e
G3 220e
OS2/4 30e
OS5 20eOS3 5e
G3 50ePG1-4 50e each
OR1-9 50e each
10-20a ? Wow slow down I think you put an extra "0" here.
Keph is one of the more common prenerf greens and more in the 50e-100e range.
Note there are also 2 versions of this prenerf staff, one with a "prenerf color" and one using the "regular color". The one using the "regular color" is rarer and might expect to get a bit more for it.
it's the regular color
personally, I buy for 1:1k if unids are os. 5/7 if insc, 6 if a mix, 7 if all os. some ppl might do more, idk.
shadow blade 15e
colossal pick 2e
already had a few of em up here iirc, but I got some new ones
imo, merch/take what you can get and run for the hills. could be wrong tho
salvage, hero/salvage imo, 30e, 120e,merch/hero, merch/hero,merch/hero, 120e, 20-25a, 4a, 55a (highball imo), hero (quest reward),merch, merch, merch, 400e, 5e
shield 2 2e
shield 3 12e
chaos axe 10e -
pc q8 recurve/plat 15-28 15/-10 bows, q10/12 str eshield 10 pierce/-2wE pl0x
also this weirdo v
merch, merch, merch, 10-20a imo, meh few ecto imo (daze kills it), some e for emblaz.
you could probs get a few e for the others, but non max are usually a royal bitch to sell.
ornate isn't worth shit, super botted + -5/19. I had a q9 plague str, went for 25e. shadow is several arms tho at least, imo.
208g imo. 42hp kills it. q12 doesn't help. you could always find some rando doasc runner who would want it tho, happened before
shield 3 35e
s9 5e
b1 15eDinxiang Jo
gpb3 30e