ty for current offers!
ty for current offers!
m4sc0tte Read post again.Minimum starting bids 20a.Thanks!
Hello, willing to sell my plants shield collection if the bids satisfy me.
Minimum starting bids 20a.
I'm curious where the bids would go.Let's see.
Happy bidding!
Bladed c/o 20a GelgerokGW
Amber c/o 20a GelgerokGW
Celestial c/o
Zodiac c/o
WTS Legendary Skill Hunter title 40a
24. 1a
Im sorry i mistyped the number.My offer is for 24th number not 25th.My apology.
Q10 str +10 blunt -5/20%
ign: omnipotent sentinel
B6 10a BO
B12 10a BO
O6 10a BO
IGN OmnipotentSentinel
Sws and sss 85a
12. 5a
15. 5a
B6 5a
B17 1a
O6 5a
Jitte 3a
Longsword doublevamp 5a
Flameberge doublevamp 5a
q10 tall double ench 2a
160a for set of shields (SSS,SWS,Sea Purse and Oaken)
IGN HighElfArcher
lol what happened with this post? it's totally changed and what happened to our bids on ur items?
Bladed +plants B/O 15a
600a ghero