#9 400e
Nimbly Crow
#9 400e
Nimbly Crow
#3 - 15e
#9 250e
Nimbly Crow
PyroLobster as well as me are to my knowledge the only 2 Persons, who can claim to own one of these in Gold rarity.
Well in insc I got one at least
O20 60e
Nimbly Crow
I took my friends offer to sort my inventories for me - my hammers and other stuff was all over the place.
Much better now. Also it seems l'm at 132 hammers, kinda lost track 30 hammers ago
Those are Rookie Numbers xD
Keep on going I like what I see so far
#9 - 50e
Nimbly Crow
zs11 b/o 50e
Nimbly Crow
#7 - 5e Lovely
Nimbly Crow
ZS11 - 20e
Nimbly Crow
S18 Plagueborn sword Q11 15-10ar - 5e Nimbly Crow
q9 str bladed +10 vs plants +45wE - 5a
Nimbly Crow
Im pretty sure the Gloom Shield is a Halloween Quest drop. There is a quest (i tihnk mroe than one) which spawns UW Foes in Neightfall that are lev 20. This would also confirm the fact, taht it dropped pre EOTN
K - 7e
Nimbly Crow
Was level 16 confirmed?
would be interesting if something like that also exists for the sunqua blades that have caught alot of speculation recently
I advise you to have the WOC Quests active - this way you have more shiroken and less plagueborn enemies in the area
Q9 Stilettos 15wS -5e
q9 stilletos 20wh 300gv - 5e
q9 gilded daggers 20wh - 5e
q9 kamas 15^50 - 5e
Nimbly Crow (you can pm me if you have b/o for those)
D2 - 5e
D4 - 5e
D11 - 5e
D13 - 5e
D14 - 5e
D21 - 5e
D23 - 5e
M30 - 5e
Nimbly Crow
melee #3 - 20e
Nimbly Crow
b/o sotw q8 tac
Nimbly Crow
q11 DZ crene - 5e
Nimbly Crow
archaic axe q9 clean - 3e Nimbly Crow
Serpent Axe q9 15^50 (Factions Skin) 120e
q8 tac Shield of the wing - 10a
Nimbly Crow
OD5 - q9 20wHexed - 5e
Nimbly Crow