Kugis Collection Thread
In this Thread I'm goint to post my full collections of things I aquired in Guild Wars. I won't post these collections in chronologically order but instead I will start with something I haven't posted before.
As most of you know I want to collect all Oldschool Swords in req9-req13 with all possible inherent Mods (except DV and DZ). There are 32 different OS Swords that can be aquired nowadays.
Let me just calculate this for you: 32 Swords * 5 (req9-req13) * 10 (Different possible inherent Mods) = 1600 Swords.
So be warned: The following pictures might overwhelm you in the sheer number of beating sticks.
Short notice: Since I'm going to have to cut, copy and paste 1600 swords, this might take a while to complete in here. My wrist is already aching after the first ~160 xD
OS Sword Collection q9-q13 all inherent mods
Big Ass Sword Collection
This is the view I want to enjoy for every mod cathegory
I will start by posting the inherent mod, that got me rolling in collecting all of these swords.
Next up is the inherent mod most loved by actual warriors
Next up will be one of my favourite inherent mods
Personally I think, that from here on out all of the following mods tend to have less practical use
More will come. So stay tuned.
Big thanks goes out to all members of pPp for providing me with new goods constantly. I want to individually thank some more people: Pleikki , Gentleman Xander Ravaidan Jalir , Agent Chevy , Mr. Clean(-Value) , Blind Was My Fury , Purely , and the biggest shoutout goes to Aliana who sold me the most items so far.
To Be Continued