Back in my day, when there was an update you'd rush to the wiki and hope to see skill changes.
Posts by Ixl Ra Ixl
Back in my day when it took about 2 hours to do Hell's Precipice, because were a group of pugs and I was a minion master with no exploitable corpses around.
Or even a guaranteed drop from end chest in FoW/UW/Deep/Urgoz (two in HM), or even from EotN dungeons. Untradable not to give SC'ers an edge in hoarding/selling them. Untradeable would still mean you could pass them along to your other characters using Xunlai Storage.
Sorrow's Furnace.
It isn't like these dev's are going rogue and will implement these important decisions like 2FA without consulting others. Since they should know it can have a huge impact if something goes wrong.
There have been talks about different end game mechanics since it was obvious that VoD needed a change. Sadly I don't know the options which were given. Could ask around if you really want to know... But it doesn't sound like something easily to implement to increase activity (not that there will be an easy solution except for throwing a lot of money).
The example that was given in the answer, was comparing apples to dogs to pine trees to me,
That example is horrible. Wouldn't even call it an argument. But atleast it is clear what their stance is on toolbox.
I don't have the imagination that people will get banned for it, however I think communities should question if they should advertise programs which Anet said that should not be used.
Since there was an AMA going about GW on the GW2 site I took my shot and asked what they think about it:…-toolbox#latest
Whether someone considers something that merely improves QoL or not, the fact is that anything that gives advantage in the game is expressly disallowed.
Tomorrow, the 29th, we’ll be hosting the second [Flux]less tournament around C-AT register time. This tournament will be played in a best-of-three format. There will only be 15 skills banned to promote different builds from the current meta and improve the quality of life in GvG.
Why are you organising this tournament?
We will be hosting this tournament, because we still love playing this game. However the GvG-scene is becoming smaller and smaller. The entry-barriers are extremely high, but with this tournament we want to show that GvG is still a great PvP format.
Why are you banning 15 skills?
We are banning 15 skills, because there haven’t been a skill update in ages. The meta became stagnant and except for some overpowered monthly fluxes they did not really have an impact on the games. We are banning these skills, because they are so strong that they influence the current tactics. We hope by banning these meta skills that the teams will try to be creative and try new builds and tactics. Some skills are also banned, not because they are overpowered in the current system, but because we have to keep things balanced. For example, a popular tactic used to be to run on your midline damage. This was to be able to run flags quickly and safely. We banned damage skills on these flag running builds. Which means it will be easier to push flags, but it also meant that we had to tone-down Troll Unguent on the ranger. This means that the games won’t just be a flag push race from the first minute until Lord Damage.
Why is it a BO3 format?
Currently, the only competitive format available for the GvG-players is to play in an Automated Tournament (AT) system. The rotation of Guild Halls where the players battle is fixed. With the BO3 format teams will have an option to ban a Guild Hall of choice and choose the Guild Halls they prefer to play on. Choosing the correct Guild Halls could lead to huge advantages, because a Guild Hall can favour a certain playstyle and specific builds.
We are doing BO3 rounds, because we think this is more fair than a single game between teams. We hope that playing 3 rounds would lead to teams daring to take more risks, since if you lose 1 match you can still win in the next one if you manage to surprise the opponent team with a risky build. Basically we hope this will lead to more Build Warsing.
What is in it for the players?
Except for everlasting fame there will be prize money in in-game-currency: 150 armbraces from me. Currently I am looking for donations to be able to give these warriors a bigger prize.
How can we follow the tournament?
Firstly, I am still looking for volunteers to help me with this. Every volunteer will receive 1 armbrace as thank you for helping with this tournament.
We will be collecting builds before the teams enter their matches. After they’ve entered we will post them on:
Players from the teams will be streaming/recording the games from first person. This means that people can follow the game with TeamSpeak chat from the teams in it! Links to their channels will be posted later when I’ve got all the streamers.
We will also try to record and stream the games with a couple of volunteers. It will either be games streamed/recorded with or without commentary.
They're gonna do the scavanger hunt anniversary quests?
Sunday the 29th we’ll be hosting the second [Flux]less tournament around C-AT register time.
For the tournament I am still looking for a couple of people willing to help me out:
- 1 to help me put builds on pawned and check the builds. To prevent people from taking banned skills and to put the builds on memorial.
- 1-2 to record the matches. You have to be able to change guilds on tournament day and be able to record GvG at reasonable quality.
- 2 couples (2x2) willing to do commentaries. You have to meet the requirements to record and you have to have a basic understanding of GvG.
Also I am looking for donations. I’ll take in game currency in ecto’s, zkeys and armbraces. Personally I’m no fan of cash prizes, but I could think about it if people want to donate cash.
Contact me:
- In game: Ra The Last Ranger
- Discord: Ra#9928
(The final ban-list:
I know, and barely any exploitable corpses. Which means Olias is alot less useful!
Going through NF right now (very slowly) on my derv with only primary proffession heroes and no eotn in HM. No tomes, (p)cons etc.
Let's make a challenge of this. Try doing Dasha Vestibule + bonus in HM without EotN (no eotn heroes, skills etc.), no (p)cons, no mercs and only single profession builds and no henchmen!
Bonus points if no Razah and other heroes you get after that mission or in the new PvE stories like WoC.
Edit: PRIZE MONEYS! The person who done this mission the fastest will get 1 armbrace from me. Post prove here, leave your ign and this challenge is open until April 26th.
No armor ignoring damage means no attack skills which do +damage either?
With instant heal you mean you could only use spirits to heal you, regen and prots (like spirit bond)?
How niche it may sound, i was more stoked to zee a challenge that involved a full seven hero setup with the same primairy proffession.
Going through NF right now (very slowly) on my derv with only primary proffession heroes and no eotn in HM. No tomes, (p)cons etc.
Hey people of the wonderful world of Esports.
I will be hosting an invitational GvG tournament in april: The Second [Flux]less Tournament. At this moment we are discussing the rules and dates of the tournament. To give you an idea how it will look like I’ll give you some information.
- 4 teams. Best of 3 semi-finals and probably finals too.
- Small amount of skill bans.
- Happening in april.
- Prize money.
To make this tournament interesting for the people who aren’t participating I’ve got a few ideas to get people involved. I would need volunteers to help me around with these activities and I’ll give you a small reward as thank you if you are able to help me.
So far what I had in mind to do besides the GvG’s:
- Pre-tournament interviews with a few contestants.
- Video trailer before the tournament starts.
- Highlight video of the tournament (post-tournament ofcourse).
- Live build updates on memorial.
- Streams from the players.
- Commentary streams.
- Short pre- and post-match interviews.
What am I looking for? Volunteers!
- People able to stream in good quality.
- People with GvG knowledge willing to do commentaries.
- People willing to do short pre- and post-match interviews (standardised questions).
- People with video editing skills to make a trailer/highlight video.
- People willing to check builds on match day and put them on pawned/memorial.
- Any ideas to make this tournament interesting to follow!
- Donations.
If you are interested to volunteer please send me a PM in game: Ra The Last Ranger or on Discord: Ra#9928. I will add you to our discord channel where we discuss everything.
Never had a crystalline from the zchest. But they do drop inscribable crysta's from the HoH chest.
E: if you just want the skin you can make a pre-searing character and do the quests from Devona. She'll give you a crysta skinned sword. You can give it mods like +AR or +enchants, but no inscriptions.
I am not sure how Zaishen drops work as it relates to vs enemy mods.
I'm not sure either. Today I only got +dmg vs undead. Have seen others drop before like vs plants or trolls etc. Might be flavor of the day? Was weird since I've got atleast couple vs undead and no other species.
Today sadly I didn't find anything on your list. Closest was a q9 ancient shortbow, but I guess you don't want that one.
Will most likely open soon some zchests. The things I don't like I usually merch, since I can't be bothered standing in kamadan.
If there are any weapons, mods, tonics, others you'd like post a list on here and I'll try to keep an eye out.
However some things I probably won't sell like +30hp's for shields or 20% aptitude inscriptions, because I could use them myself.
If you want something, please be as specific as possible and leave your ign. I'm not sure when I will be opening chests, but this way I can always send you a pm when I catch you.
Ra The Last Ranger
Pfft, prices on mods infalted so much. Buying mods for 1-5k is what I always used to do when I needed something, unless it were 20/20 mods.
I couldn't find if there was any thread dedicated to keep updated PC on weapon mods and inscriptions.
Rather have a specific thread than the kamadan site, since I'll have to search up every mod on it's own. Would be nice for overview purposes.
Might open some zchests, so would be interesting to see if I could salvage some mods to put them into the economy instead of merching everything I don't need.
Sold another obsidian trim. We preferred to use a trade mod, but wasn't available that quickly.
Luckily the trader trusted me, because I sold a trim before to his friend. Altough I wouldn't advice anyone else to trade without trade mod!
He paid me first, then I gave the trim.Got reward points for 1 more obsidian trim.
I prefer to do trades with a trade mod, since everyone will feel safer that way. If it isn't possible, you will have to pay first.Ra The Last Ranger.
Anyone interested in some sexy black trims?
I will be organising another [Flux]less tournament in the first weeks of february. There will only be bans on a few skills (8-10).
The matches will be a best of 3 and hopefully the finals a best of 5.
For more information I'd like to direct you to the thread on teamquitter:…n-february-2018
I will try to keep the threads on other sites updated.The previous [Flux]less tournament was in november 2016 and was pretty fun, altough the rules were totally different. For more info about the previous about the previous tournament you could check the old thread:…n-26th-november
Ra The Last Ranger -
Am I cheating If I identified a Celestial Sigil and it says 1 plat and 586 gold?
Would like a PC on obsidian trims.
Cheers -
Ofcourse they come back after 1 ban in 5+ years. The GM even said it was mostly from hacked accounts.
They haven't done anything about the botting of ecto's, zkeys and whatever bots are farming. If they don't do anything about it they will just keep putting in new accounts to advertise, because they still make more profit.
Let's hope atleast the spam will be less in kamadan and gtob, because the gold sellers don't want to lose too many accounts in every ban wave (if they will ban more often)
Got a q9 insc dusk blade if you're interested.
IGN: Ra The Last Ranger
For Ghostly hero, i belive minipets with "ingame source" thats normal act of prices, ppl no longer dedicating the pets so it is hard find ded one, (Same goes polar, peacekeepers etc) But unded has the status on it (Probably because some minis without ingame source such as zippy, panda, yeti) are significally rarer unded so ppl think all minis as 1 group how to value them (Same could go for all q8s being rare eventho others are super rare and others arent) And it just shows there are alot more things driving the prices.-Pleikki
I just wanted to say that having a pet (un)dedicated or not has no value to me. You can still use the minipet as you intend to. The excessive price increase is just stupid, because if you'd use it for points in your HoM you'd use a cheaper minipet.
I think the price difference between a dedicated ghostly hero and undedicated one is the most rediculous thing I've heard.
The price goes up nearly 70% if you wan't an undedicated one and it is so much easier to find a undedicated one in the market.
That's my only input in the thread, since I don't buy my weapons(neither a mini pet, since it makes no sense to ask for such a hyper inflated item which gives no benefits)
we know why they hate to mention time frames, I just hope that they can keep something close to what he mentioned....and nice that they replied!Update: exactly a month later the servers are back up again
Bump, buying zkeys
I'm buying zkeys: 85 = 1a, 250 = 3a, 500 = 7a, 1.000 = 15a
IGN: Ra The Last Ranger
E: How do I close a thread?
***mod edit---just like you did is fine---mod edit***
PvP guides on teamquitter:
Those guides are subjective and might be outdated.
PC on Unded and Dedicated mini ghostly hero please.
I could sell you an Obsidian trim for 100a. I believe my guild needs my account to be 7dayer for the mAT this saturday though... So after the mAT I could do the trade.
IGN: Ra The Last Ranger
I asked on the reddit thread you posted earlier if there was any update regarding the euro servers and surprisingly I've gotten a reply!
"We have significant plumbing to get in order; it's probably a month away. (I hate mentioning a time frame - we have a lot of internal restructuring going on that is all behind-the-scenes that could impact this.)" ~DrStephenCW
Sorry, I didn't meant to say pressure them, sounds a bit negative and immoral. Thanks for the fast reply Max!
E: Yeah, they'd probably work on it. But I'm asking because of the reply on reddit. It sounds like they say it doesn't really limit your game experience, while it does, since it limits all the possibilities you are able to play the game at a competitive level.
Here is a response from DrStephenCW on Reddit with regards to the recent lag issues ingame, which as we suspected was due to the Frankfurt data centre problems. He is one of the Devs at Anet, and is more qualified than everyone else to comment on this."We do care. The Frankfurt power outage fried some of our equipment. We merged the Frankfurt and Dallas datacenters for Guild Wars. I live in Seattle and when I play Gw1 my ping varies from 100 to 200. When I play via VPN through Zurich, my ping (after subtracting out the trip to Zurich) is about 170 to 200. Even including the time to Zurich (170 so total 370 ping) the game is still playable. Guild Wars is playable with 200 ping (the game was originally designed to run over modems!). "
This doesn't really sound like they will hurry with getting the European servers online again. Do you know or could you pressure them anyway to get it online? Having an average ping of 300 (200-500) or 100 (40-250) is a pretty big deal if you wanna play the game fluidly. It limits many playstyles, specially in PvP.
The Greater Arced Blade.