Posts by gdyb
B/O Platinum Blade ty
@Dupljakus pm ur price, i'm not participating in cringe price jumps bids
3 175a
5 750a
3 100a
5 250a
Wtb any req, overpaying a lot for q9
- Outcast/Bladed/Echo/osEternal/Plague born 45hp/ench / +10vs fire/lighting -
- Outcast/Bladed/Echo/osEternal/Plagueborn+ 10vLightning / -20% blind/cripple -
- paper fan / jug / paper lantern 10/10
- paper fan / jug / paper lantern 45hp ench/ + 10 vs fire -
- any shield with +10vs Skele and -20% blind
- crude shield + 10 vs Skele / 45 HP ench 30a ( 100a for q9tactic)
- q13 DV Zodiac Sword
- unid. eblade q11 + 13
Let me know what you have, I pay well.
25a rit set
250a dusk blade
800a GPB +5e
500a Dom www (i can merch those other items in that "set" for you if you want in exchange for a small fee)
Heard EL Nunu changed hands just today!!!
30a half moon
75a eternal undead
jug 5a
earth wand 35a
100a outcast
dragon kamas
oni blade
100a each