Posts by obastable
I have no intention of keeping anything that goes up for sale ... I'd like to see things go where they'll be appreciated rather than being neglected and ignored in my storage for another decade.
I've got a lot of stuff to liquidate and will update over the coming weeks. There's also a lot here already so I've grouped most items behind spoilers to make for a little less scrolling.
When placing a bid please reference the item by it's prefix. Example: Prenerf 1, Caster 6, Insc 9, VS 2, etc. etc.
All prenerf greens have been verified in game by UnholyEverlasting Tonics:
ELGelatinous x5
EL Sinister Automatonic x1
EL Frosty x1 CO = 3a ObsidiaN
EL Yuletide x1 C) = 3a Obsidian
Undedicated Minis:Celestial Dragon x1
Celestial Pig x1
Shiro'ken Assassin x1
Gwen Doll x1
Yakkington x1 CO = 2a
Dedicated Minis:
Yakkington x1
Prenerf Items
Prenerf 1 - Ye Olde HoD Sword CO = 75a Toshi_01
Prenerf 2 - Zodiac Scepter req. 8 CO = 6a San
Prenerf 3 - Grinning Recurve Bow req. 8 CO = 20a Raining EctoSOLD Pending PickupPrenerf 4 - Plagueborn Recurve Bow req. 8 - clean but customized, collectible only item
Prenerf 5 - Skeleton Shield req. 8 Tactics - cute little single prenerf mod CO = 150e T Miles
Prenerf 6 - The Shadestone
Prenerf 7 - The Time Eater
Prenerf 8 - Korvald's Chakram
Prenerf 9 - Vokur's Chakram
Prenerf 10 - Gardock's Staff
Prenerf 11 - Ogre-Slaying Knife
Prenerf 12 - Shreader's Talons
OS Items
OS Caster Stuff
Caster 1 - Divine Symbol req. 8 Divine Favor - not quite perfect
Caster 2 - -50hp Grim Cesta req. 5 Blood Magic - for anyone not inclined to go do the quest themselves
Caster 3 - 20/10 Celestial Staff req. 9 Death Magic
Caster 4 - 20/10 Zodiac Staff req. 9 Divine Favor
Caster 5 - 20/10 Forbidden Staff req. 10 Water Magic
Caster 6 - 20/20 Shadow Staff req. 9 IllusionSOLD 12a via private offer to join a beautiful collection.Caster 7 - 20/20 Zodiac Staff req. 10 Death Magic CO = 3a La RanaSOLD Pending PickupSome vs. Ogres Foci for good measure.
Caster 8 - Plagueborn Focus req. 9 Spawning Powers
Caster 9 - Flame Artifact req. 12 Fire Magic
Caster 10 - Frost Artifact req. 11 Water Magic
Caster 11 - Frost Artifact req. 12 Water Magic
OS Martial Weapons
Martial 1 - Fiery Dragon Sword req. 8 CO = 5a Seven
Martial 2 - Icy Dragon Sword req. 9
Martial 3 - Shadow Blade req. 9
Martial 4 - Crystalline Sword req. 10 - 13%/stance purple
Martial 5 - Broadsword req. 10
Martial 6 - Spiked Axe req. 9 with that sweet 300gv CO = 10e Mr. Clean(-Value)
OS Shields
The vs. Ogres shields I don't want to keep.
VS 1 - Amber Aegis req. 9 Tactics - 1 off perfect
VS 2 - Echovald Shield req. 9 Strength - 1 off perfect
VS 3 - Outcast Shield req. 9 TacticsSOLD 10e to FixyVS 4 - Round Shield req. 10 Tactics
VS 5 - Embossed Aegis req. 12 Tactics
VS 6 - Echovald Shield req. 12 Tactics
VS 7 - Ornate Shield req. 12 Strength
OS Bows
Bow 1 - Shadow Bow req. 9
Bow 2 - Feathered Longbow req. 9
Bow 3 - Grinning Recurve req. 9SOLD 10e to Rahl The OutlawBow 4 - Grinning Recurve req. 9
Zchest and other Inscription items
Insc 1 - Healing Ankh req. 8 Healing Prayers - BLUE
Insc 2 - Holy Vial req. 8 Protection PrayersSOLD 25e to Mr. Clean(-Value)Insc 3 - Skull Shield req. 8 Command - BLUE
Insc 4 - Great Conch req. 8 Tactics - BLUE
Insc 5 - Ascalon Razer
Insc 6 - Icy Dragon Sword - Nicks CO = 5e aldiatorSOLD Pending PickupInsc 7 - Frog Scepter req. 12 Illusion Magic CO = 60e aldiatorSOLD Pending PickupInsc 8 - Bone Dragon Staff req. 13 Divine Favor CO = 160e aldiatorSOLD Pending PickupInsc 9 - Eternal Blade req. 9 CO = 35a Puppy
Insc 10 - Bone Dragon Staff req. 10 Earth Magic CO = 300e aldiator
Voltaic Spears
VSP 1 - req. 9Sold in gameVSP 2 - req. 9 CO = 140e Headless MedusaSOLD Pending PickupVSP 3 - req. 11 CO = 30e IshidaSOLD Pending PickupVSP 4 - req. 13 CO = 20e AnurSOLD pending pickupVSP 5 - req. 10
Ghostly Staff / Staves
GS 1 - req. 9 Spawning Power
GS 2 - req. 9 Energy Storage
GS 3 - req. 10 Divine Favor
GS 4 - req. 11 Energy Storage
Celestial Compasses
CC 1 - req. 9 Fast Casting
CC 2 - req. 9 Inspiration Magic
CC 3 - req. 10 Inspiration Magic
CC 4 - req. 11 Domination Magic CO = 5e aldiatorSOLD Pending PickupCC 5 - req. 12 Protection Prayers
CC 6 - req. 9 Air Magic CO = 5 e AnurSold pending pickupCC 7 - req. 11 Energy Storage
CC 8 - req. 9 Soul Reaping
CC 9 - req. 9 Curses - 300gv
CC 10 - req. 9 Restoration Magic
Zchest Insc. Shields
ZS 1 - req. 9 Motivation Eternal Shield
ZS 2 - req. 9 Tactics Zodiac Shield
ZS 3 - req. 9 Tactics Shark Tooth Shield
ZS 4 - req. 9 Tactics Draconic Shield
ZS 5 - req. 9 Command Draconic Shield
ZS 6 - req. 9 Motivation Amethyst Shield
ZS 7 - req. 9 Tactics Amethyst Shield
ZS 8 - req. 9 Tactics Amethyst Shield
ZS 9 - req. 9 Tactics Demonic Shield
ZS 10 - req. 9 Command Demonic Shield
ZS 11 - req. 10 Tactics Shadow Shield
ZS 12 - req. 11 Strength Shadow Shield
ZS 13 - req. 9 Strength Gloom Shield
Zchest Inscr Bows and Axes
BA 1 - req. 11 Eternal Bow
BA 2 - req. 11 Eternal Bow
BA 3 - req. 9 Grinning Dragon Axe
BA 4 - req. 9 Stygian Reaver
BA 5 - req. 9 Stygian Reaver
BA 6 - req. 9 Serpent Axe
BA 7 - req. 9 Dwarven Axe
BA 8 - req. 9 Dwarven Axe
BA 9 - req. 9 Dwarven Axe
BA 10 - req. 9 Pyroclastic Axe
BA 11 - req. 9 Storm Bow
BA 12 - req. 10 Storm Bow
Haven't played in a good decade, got the itch to play through the series for nostalgia and figured I'd empty things out beforehand. I can't see myself coming back in any capacity that would make keeping the things I have no real attachment to worthwhile, especially if someone else would actively appreciate them in place of my persistent neglect.
I did some forum digging and observed trade chat so a few things I've figured out, but would really appreciate some input on the rest of this stuff. Quite a few things so big thanks in advance for your time and assistance.Caster Stuff
W9 - highest GV drop I've had on a wand, amusing novelty
F4 - nice pimp cup skin
F5 - ye old eyeball skin, apparently I'm not the only one who kept things based on their GV
F5 - the GV was so close but not quite a perfect match for the stats
F6 - never used, just kept for the GV
ST1 - Insc obsidian skin - not sure if worth or vendor, also have a r10 one.
ST2 - any value in inscr Ghostly staves these days?
ST7 - inscr Twin Dragon skin
ST8 - more Ghostly
ST11 - Ghostlies abound
ST12 - a nice and unexpected GV
B1 - non max but that GV is pretty cute and matches the damage nicely
B2 - custo'd but can't use (deleted and remade character), kept for the lack of inherent.
B8 - inscr Cele items still have any value?
B9 - how about inscr Storm Bows?
Regular Shields
SH3 - lil' single mod prenerf
SH4 - Have one in R9 Command too
SH7 - to keep it simple I have this in Strength, Tactics, Command and Motivation probably in a couple different reqs- are any of them worth selling and if so at what req. does that cease to be true?
SW1 - my OCD was very conflicted about where to put this
SW9 - Canthan skin
Hammers etc.
Blaze it
Don't let your memes be dreams
White Trash
Not max for their req but cute nonetheless
T2 - double headed skin
There's been a little interest in this since I plunked it in Discord the other night, am keen to see what y'all think it's worth. Thank you kindly for your time.
I seem to have a Scar Eater that doesn't quite look as bright and glowy as your examples. Could entirely be due to graphic settings - if you're interested in checking it out hit me up, it's not customized - My Scar Eater
I also think an old Morgriff's Sceptre I have has a more defined lines on the haft and more deeply saturated pink bubbles on the animations. My Morgriff's Scepter vs. the German Wiki Image - unfortunately this one is customized so can't lend it for comparison. -
I just wanted to thank everyone in this thread for the massive trip down memory lane. I've spent the past few days going through this thread and a couple others linked in it and about this part of the forum, and the nostalgia here is palpable and really quite awesome. I was never a huge collector, I kept items that were of interest to me and probably not valuable to many others but once in a while I did partake in the collecting and trading of valuable things. In my last year of playing I mostly spent my time acquiring silly things that had + vs ogres mods (the tldr is we used to do Droks runs wielding random things, often an Ogre Slaying Knife, the collection was an extension of the meme for me).
I still have my HoD sword, probably the only old school collectible on my account. Of course I put a +20% damage vs. ogres mod on it like 11 years ago.
Uhh to contribute to the thread .. I don't have anything to contribute tbh. I just wanted to give a big thank you to you all for your trip down memory lane. It's been a good 10 years since I played GW1 but I've thought about liquidating save a few select cherished items and playing through it again from start to finish and this thread is just solidifying the decision.