Posts by Baklawa
Excite Blue just break your leg kappa
Gotta play Pokemon for the next 10 hours...
It's just one of those days ._.
Well, that's it for the easy titles.
After this project it’s time for new iron chart and do iron GWAMM !
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That’s great work right there. Still doing tanky build ?
Tormented staff DoA farm is finally done for heros to all match
That was a pain but it taught me more about the game than any other end game area so far, and I never even attempted on HM.
Still need some more BIS mods, not quite perfect yet but getting there.
Next up; Factions & Prophecies Vanquishing and HM missions which will put me to 25 titles. Still have not started EOTN or GW Beyond.
Side projects; Urgoz clear, Kurzick Faction, Zaishen Challenges. I have my sights set on the Envoy sword. Undecided on shield skin.
Amazing work !
Fresh off the streets of Kaineng City
Might be the drop of the year. We should make at the end year cotest and vote winners
Warrior is good for a normal mode prophecies playthrough, it is trash in hardmode. You get hard countered as a melee while still having to somehow carry the team. I can't imagine trying to 6 man deldrimor bowl as a warrior. Did it with necromancer years ago and it took me like 1.5 hrs. Eastern Frontier is another nasty one as 4 man against patrolling groups with 2 grawl healers. Ended up doing it as mesmer with signet of midnight on my bar for some reason I cannot remember why.
We all are just wammo nostalgia kids 🥹
q9 40/20 heal set of mine
#offtop. What dyes do you use on ur obsi?
It do be your fault Excite Blue that I'm doing this
First title complete.
Bro never stood a chance. It's ok guys, I stopped the searing!
Yo wtf.
Need an opinion on a few things relating to the spirit of the challenge:
*Accessing The Battle Isles, yay or nay? I'm thinking for Z quests only.
*Z coins for larger bags, yay or nay? Think it should be ok.
*Z coins for zkey, yay or nay? I'm thinking nay, but I like fancy skins...
#prerequisites: - Completed NM- Weapon/shield must be a copy of the current weapon/shield
*Pcons, summoning stones, tomes, yay or nay? I'm thinking nay on all but Honeycombs.
*Deldrimor weapon, yay or nay? I'm thinking nay, unless I already have a weapon with the same stats. Other greens are fine.
Since all of the content is made throught your gameplay I personally wouldn’t have problem. But again in Ironman field it’s all about what you want in YOUR challenge ☺️
Edit. congrats ! -
E12 5a ign: sugar free baklawa
So what are your rules for this project :)?
Feels good
50e blind amber
I made it to the Jade Sea.
Hope this good man can help me make my heroes a little more powerful...
This was the best drop so far. So still nothing really useful.
So with the help of the weaponsmith, a switch to the axe.
Let's see if I can travel to Tyria for a short time to improve the build or if I can somehow get Seven Weapons Stance and switch to the scythe
If you need to cap anniversary elite and don’t be the item yet let me know ☺️
One trick warrior !!!
Great job
Another ragepost because these shit Henchman can stand a chance against these Hydra -.- failed on Survivor r1 because wiped. I closed GW very fast but still idk why I got killed, had full hp omfg... fuck doing survivor while playing Ironway... will finish Proph and let's see if I start Survivor then in NF when I finally get good Henchies aka Heroes...
Almost clear with the Crystal Desert. Got all Outpost and doing all Q (almost finished) and then doing all Missions..
If you wanna avoid dying load another instance for example guild hall. Don’t close gw
Finally decided on the setup I will be running on my Ritualist. Still in testing phase but looking good so far.
However, you know what that means. A new look to fit the build :p
I present, Xander Was Useless (name really is fitting at this point xD)
Terrific collection ! Thank you for sharing
just before you fall for a trap dozens other returning players have with their dope items: the broad sword is a KILLER it will likely fetch 2000a+ which is about 100000ecto. Or maybe way beyond that. so don't think a pm with a 300a offer seems too good to wait any further - put it for auction, take your time and claim the profit yourself that else someone reselling will take. no one can really tell you its value, one like it hasn't sold in many MANY years, many people love the skin and many have a shitload of arms laying around.
Most of the times „returning” players sell arms for $ and then quit again 🥲
WTB blood and smite higher q BDS
IGN: Song of Iooo Ghosts
Does close the game count as death while doing charr boss run? I swear I was on like ~ 220hp and run away and want to close the game to be safe guess that didn't work? lmao. I'm pissed. But still will go on... survivor with quest then after pre I guess...
Really mad right now.
It’s best to always zone. Best option is guild hall but in pre simply city
Current Gwamm Project:
Enjoy your journey to nostalgia ☺️
SuzyBae please leave ur ign i would like to buy either spawn or communing as i already ve resto!