at first, the usual trolling i get from Hell's
but a few runs later i got blessed
at first, the usual trolling i get from Hell's
but a few runs later i got blessed
new hot stuff:
i liked the post before i even watched the picture, cuz i knew it will be dope
wait a second
Edit: ok
Also Alt+F4 to unlock camera for better angles
ps: don't actually press ALT+F4 ! it will delete you from existence!
Rip luck
Seconds later...
added stuff
personally i would pay 25e for it
drop of the year.
Air staff 100e
it helps a lot if you leave your in game name, when buying something
added 50 Ravens package
Damn, this makes me so sad cuz it even has clean value
yah, look up for raptor farm builds
Backstabbing ppl in Kamadan: check ✓
poor noob paint skillz : check ✓
I'm a fan on those 7dmg axes! Not much information about them. According to GW gear stat ranges and thanks to Red Fireball they come with a maximum dmg of 7-21.
They are quite hard to get, dropping both inscr or OS from mobs around lvl 15 more or less. ( fastest place to get one is raptors NM ,but it might take a week if ur unlucky like me)
q9 Shadow shield 75e
lower Prices