Weekly bump (I'm waking up way too early... Also I'm hungry)
Posts by romster
Weekly bump (3 days late, how on earth...?! Too much on my mind. To whoever reads this I hope you're having a nice day)
Weekly bump (again a day late, Diao Xiao must've thrown me off... but he did get me that hallowed idol. Thanks!)
Let me know if you get a 20/20 q9 Death Magic staff because I'll buy it off you straight away.
Weekly bump (at least I'm catching up on the inscribables)
Weekly bump (not late this time!)
Weekly bump (a day late, can you imagine?)
Weekly bump (who knows...)
Weekly bump (do I, really?)
Weekly bump (still got hope)
Weekly bump (will I ever find it?)
Weekly bump (+ new Shadow Blade)
Early bump (get me out of the second page!)
Celestial Staff
Caster 6
Cry of Frustration
Always hated seeing blindfolds everywhere, but found a character it works really well with.
Also, is there a good camera mod out there to get more freedom with angles?
Hello all,
I am not sure whether this is the right place to ask, but I figured I would try.
For a while now I've had this idea in my mind to find a way to preserve some of the in-game characters in a way that would bring them to the real world. While the servers are being kept up and running for the foreseeable future, I am still interested in finding something more permanent, and also see it as a nice bonus to have something physical from a game I've loved for the past 202 months (thanks, /age).
The idea I had was to craft a tool to rip character models out of the game, including personal characters with armor and weapons, access to animations and picking a frame to pose them. Then, converting them to conventional 3D files for further detailing and finally exporting to STL for a 3D print job.
What I know is that GW uses a lot of image/texture based opacity, which might not translate well to 3D models.
I myself have no experience with modeling aside from a little 3d sculpting, which I could use to touch up details or add detail where GW merely textures. I am therefore wondering whether there are people here who have experience, interest, or things to share regarding this idea. I'd be interested up to the point of paying for contract work for the effort required, preferably to build this tool for the community, but if needs be, for a set of models for myself (if it requires a ton of manual work).
No, that is not really a valid option. Mods come off dropped weapons. You can join the GW discord and post what you are looking for there as well.
Kerssh's Staff is an item you get by playing EotN, it's +60hp. People also tend to sell it for cheap.
The 40/20/20 resto might be a little more hard to find, so you might want to mod that yourself. It's a lot cheaper than a 20/20 set. You can get a nice inscribable weapon by buying/getting a few Blessing of War and exchanging them for weapons. You can probably get some free ones if you ask in Kama, they are quite common, I have 40 laying around.
Welcome back! Maybe you know already, maybe you don't: 40/40 dom (and all other attributes aside from resto) you can buy directly off a merchant in Vasburg Armory (factions). They are quite affordable.
I'll take Kerrsh's Staff for 5e. IGN Geneta Mana
Thanks for the reply! I saw that, but he/she's asking 120a and I've heard that was highly overpriced. Which is good news, because I always thought they actually were that expensive.
Curious to hear a second opinion though.
**Mod Edit** Early Bump romster
Please read the Xunlai Rules.
1. Rules on Bumping
Early Bump. You must wait at least 24hrs between posts in your thread. Please read the Xunlai Rules.
Re-bump with new staff
I'm looking for the following OS items:
Celestial Staff, 20/20, q9 Death MagicCelestial Staff, 20/20, q9 CursesCelestial Staff, 20/20, q9 Blood Magic
I'm also looking for the following gold q9 insc items:
- Shadow Blade
- Bone Idol (Curses)
- Wailing Wand (Curses)
Earth WandScepter of the Forgotten (Soul Reaping)Scepter of the Forgotten (Domination Magic)Scepter of the Forgotten (Energy Storage)Earth ScrollIridescent PrismGrim Cesta (Gauntlet skin)Storm ArtifactShadow Staff (Soul Reaping)Zodiac SwordChimeric EyeCelestial Compass (Water Magic)Dwarven AxeOminous EidolonHallowed IdolProtective Staff (Protection Prayers)Gavel of the NephilimDivine Staff (Healing Prayers)Eternal Flame Wand (Healing Prayers)Dragon KamasShield of the LionDead BowBone Idol (Soul Reaping)Protective WandBone StaffGothic Dual AxeBriar BladeWater Wand (Core skin)Draconic Aegis (Tactics & Command)
Let me know what you'd like for them!