I'm looking for the following OS items:
Celestial Staff, 20/20, q9 Death MagicCelestial Staff, 20/20, q9 CursesCelestial Staff, 20/20, q9 Blood Magic
I'm also looking for the following gold q9 insc items:
- Bone Idol (Curses)
- Wailing Wand (Curses)
Shadow BladeEarth WandScepter of the Forgotten (Soul Reaping)Scepter of the Forgotten (Domination Magic)Scepter of the Forgotten (Energy Storage)Earth ScrollIridescent PrismGrim Cesta (Gauntlet skin)Storm ArtifactShadow Staff (Soul Reaping)Zodiac SwordChimeric EyeCelestial Compass (Water Magic)Dwarven AxeOminous EidolonHallowed IdolProtective Staff (Protection Prayers)Gavel of the NephilimDivine Staff (Healing Prayers)Eternal Flame Wand (Healing Prayers)Dragon KamasShield of the LionDead BowBone Idol (Soul Reaping)Protective WandBone StaffGothic Dual AxeBriar BladeWater Wand (Core skin)Draconic Aegis (Tactics & Command)
Let me know what you'd like for them!