Posts by Gentleman
Agreed with emma
q10 curse drago. 100e
Q10 air dragon 125e -
Ill bid 100e on the chan dragon
Ign revenge of mojo or sena caatri -
10e on the smiting dragonQ12
35e q9 spawing outcaat
5e on the q9 earth staff -
Id say 50-100e since theres no inherent is around what id pay.
But get other opinions
Today was a very great day, I finished collecting one of every useful Dragon Staff.
All I need to do now is finish getting the +1/20's for these
*note* the Domination dragon is customized but didnt swap out the picture of it.* -
75e on the fire bo
150 pink globs on the illu bo -
5e on me old. Cursed outcast
75e on dragon -
Please -
Title says it all
50e ea on outcast and chaos axe
I am writing this on my phone that seems to never like to autocorrect anything so excuse the spelling please.
I mainly did this with old friends from the past for fun but if adding certin skills and guild halls i would think it could be fun if there was enough players
It would need a few elementalist a necro
I would recommend 2~3 eles and one necroThe guild hall would be best to use frozen isle or burning isle for the fact the ice and lava. So the battle would need to take place on or in the ice/lava or any other hall that can cause a player to slow down.
Now why would a player need to be slowed down? Well, with the elementalist using fire you could only bring aoe skills that cause you to be in close quarters with ur opponents such as
Flame burst
Flame dijin
And star burst or double dragon if i remember right.
Could also bring death charge or heart of shadow or ebon escapeIf not on one of those isles ONE ele could be running
As a water ele bringing skills likeFrozen burst
Ice prison
Icy shackle
And maybe slippery ground along with the assassin skillsOne ele can run earth instead of water using skills like
Grasping earth
Earthen shackleOr a more offensive with out the two skills above
Using skills that cause knockdown but take a lot of energy or cause overcast risky but can add some funLike shock wave
Crystal wave
After shockAs for the necro skills
We used grenths balance to steal heal
Blood ritual if you want
Unholy FeastVampiric swarm
Along with of course the assassin skills above
I dont remember the exact armor/runes/health/energy/attribute distribution but im sure if somene is interested they coild play around and find a fun set of stats to either have a long or quick battle.
Because of the guild halls i would recommend frozen isle as it doesnt cause health degen. So skills and attacks must be chosen wisely or risk getting slowness
All skills besides the assassin should affect more then one person besides the ones who slow the others down and the necro shouldn't use skills like vVampiric bite etc (single target skills or it can just elimiate the other side too fast
Can also put a healing aoe like heal area
But not if ebon escape os being uaedIt may not be fun to some but it helped me pass the time long ago
PleaseNow looking for a restoration staff from Cantha
75e on the q9 com bo staff
30e on the blood dragon
Edit retracting. Pulled the funds to other purchases
Platinium Staff q11 fire 20/20 50e
Dragon Staff q13 DF 20/20 DF 25e
Bo Staff q10 death 20/20 75e
Bo Staff q10 spawning 20/20 25e
Earth staff (canthan) q9 20/20 b/o 12e
Earth staff (crystallized) q9 20/20 b/o 12e
Air Staff (canthan) q9 20/20 b/o 12e
Air Staff (lighting spire) q9 20/20 b/o 15e
Water Staff (canthan) q9 20/20 b/o 12e
Fire Staff (canthan) q9 20/20 b/o 15e
I'll take all these
Ign revenge of mojo -
Outcast stave q9 20/20 earth smiting and spawning
75e ea
( rasing my spawning bid a bit) -
Channeling.... My energy into finding this last dragon staff
P -
Smiting dragon q9 20/20 315e
Q9 Commining dragon staff 20/20 320e -
275e on communing 20/20 staff
290e on sPawning 20-20 plat staff -
Id agree with max its good for a hero or 50k
60e ea on the curse and comm bo staffs
50e on spawning outcast -
275e. On the comm dragon
230e comm plat staff -
180e smiting q9 plat staff
210e on q9 comm plat staff -
225e on q9 com dragon
People are asking for a wide range for ded kunnas(20-220e) but thw higher end of that seem to not sellthem. Id suspect that a unded kunna could go for 300 to 500e or more if a lot of parties are interested
350 pink globs for the ghostly
The bounty still exsists of of course ur not the seller bump
200e @ ghostly
50e ea the rest to start -
Q9 20/20 smiting dragon 200e
Q9 Communing 20/20 170e dragon
Q9 smiting plat 20/20 175e
Q9 df/heal 20/20 plat 200e
120e on. Q11 20/20 smiting rod -
Well, I know the staves are missing a few mods on them but had some free time so decided to show the dragons.
Hopefully someday I will find the Channeling and Spawning/Resto mix dragons to finish up the collection
Bump please
Q9 smiting dragon 20/20 smiting 150e to start off
And q9 death dragon 75e -
Ill take the 1/20 curse staff mod
Ign revenge of mojo -
I will find these, and i will collect them. Bump