Dragon Staff Q9 Smiting 20/20 Smiting - 250e
Dragon Staff Q9 Communing 20/20 Communing - 250e
Platinum Staff Q9 Communing 20/20 Communing - 250e
Platinum Staff Q9 Spawning 20/20 Spawning - 250e
Bladed Shield Q9 Tac -2e +10vsCold - 300e
Dwa's cleaning up his mess
Dwadwa -
March 4, 2017 at 11:12 PM -
q9 Tac -2e/10vCold Bladed 350e
Sorry want to retract
60e ea on the curse and comm bo staffs
50e on spawning outcast -
q9 eternal shield +10vs lightning -2w/e 350e
ign Hippos Khloros
Defender Q12 str +30hp +10vsOgres - 33e
Outcast Staff Q9 Spawning 20/20 Spawning - 50eign Red Fireball Rusher
Dragon Staff Q9 Smiting 20/20 Smiting - 300e
Q9 Bo staff DF 20/20 Heal - 250e
IGN: As Kiets -
Dragon Staff Q9 Communing 20/20 Communing 300e (same as earlier)
Platinum Staff Q9 Communing 20/20 Communing 250e (same as earlier)
Platinum Staff Q9 Spawning 20/20 Spawning - 275eIGN: Aliza Eisrep
Bladed Shield Q9 Tac +30hp -2e -> 25a (my best offer though)
275e on communing 20/20 staff
290e on sPawning 20-20 plat staff -
Dragon Staff Q9 Communing 20/20 Communing 300e (same as earlier)
Platinum Staff Q9 Communing 20/20 Communing 300e
Platinum Staff Q9 Spawning 20/20 Spawning - 300eIGN: Aliza Eisrep
Bladed Shield Q10 Str -2st +30hp c/o 520e
other offers are the same.
ign: Zenedar Shadowfang
Bladed Shield Q10 str -2st +30 - 550e
Bladed Shield Q10 Str -2st +30hp c/o 560e
other offers are the same.
Bladed Shield Q10 str -2st +30 - 570e
Bladed Shield Q10 Str -2st +30hp c/o 580e
other offers are the same.
Dragon Staff Q9 Communing 20/20 Communing 310e
Platinum Staff Q9 Communing 20/20 Communing 310e
Platinum Staff Q9 Spawning 20/20 Spawning - 310e -
Smiting dragon q9 20/20 315e
Q9 Commining dragon staff 20/20 320e -
Dragon Staff Q9 Smiting 20/20 Smiting - 325e
Dragon Staff Q9 Communing 20/20 Communing - 325e -
ign: Ingame Notoriety
Smiting Dragon staff q9 20/20 - 350e
IGN: As Kiets -
Defender Q9 Str +60hex -3hex 80e
Bladed Shield Q9 Tac -2e +10vsCold 130ezaishen warlord
Outcast stave q9 20/20 earth smiting and spawning
75e ea
( rasing my spawning bid a bit) -
25e Outcast Shield Q12 Str +10vsDemons -2e
IGN: Fish The Pirate
Bo Staff Q9 DF 20/20 Heal - 250e
Bo Staff Q9 Communing 20/20 Communing - 200e
Bo Staff Q9 Curses 20/20 Curses - 250e -
40e on the q9 eternal +30hp -3hex and 30e on the q9 eternal +60hp -3hex
Bo Staff Q9 Communing 20/20 Communing - 250e
Eternal Shield Q9 Str -3hex +60hex - 50e on one
Grim Cesta Q12 Death 20/20 Death - 10e -
60e on each q9 eternal shields
q9 eternal +30hp -3hex and on the q9 eternal +60hp -3hex
Skeleton Shield Q8 Tac +60hex 20% Crippled 200e
Eternal Shield Q9 Str -3hex +60hex 150e
Eternal Shield Q9 Str -3hex +60hex 150eIGN: Emperor Kul
80e q9 Str +30/-3 Eternal
Outcast Staff Q9 Smiting 20/20 Smiting - 150e
Outcast Staff Q9 Earth 20/20 Earth - 150e -