New items added. Few items sold.
Check new prices.
New items added. Few items sold.
Check new prices.
New items added!
Auction end! Let me know ingame names to make contact.
Savage Bubba - Amber - 5a
Ecto Merchant - Spiked - 25e
Hi there!
I am selling few OS Shields. The auction will be up for 2 weeks. I reserve rights to do not sell if the offer doesn't match with the item value.
Gl all!
Amber Aegis
Bladed Shield
Ornate Shield
Spiked Targe:
EDIT 28/11/2023 --> New items below
Same conditions. Gl all!
Starting price - Buyout Price
""""""""""""""""""""""""q9 Fire 22a - 32a --> SOLD - 9/12/2023
q10 Fire 8a -13a
q11 Fire 4a - 6aq9 Earth 15a -28a--> SOLD - 11/12/2023q9 Curses 22a - 30a --> SOLD - 29/11/2023q9 Blood Magic 8a - 16a--> SOLD - 5/12/2023
q10 Blood Magic 3a - 6aq10 Smiting 4a - 6a.--> SOLD - 12/12/2023