Hi there!
I am selling few OS Shields. The auction will be up for 2 weeks. I reserve rights to do not sell if the offer doesn't match with the item value.
Gl all!
Amber Aegis
Bladed Shield
Ornate Shield
Spiked Targe:
EDIT 28/11/2023 --> New items below
Same conditions. Gl all!
Starting price - Buyout Price
""""""""""""""""""""""""q9 Fire 22a - 32a --> SOLD - 9/12/2023
q10 Fire 8a -13a
q11 Fire 4a - 6aq9 Earth 15a -28a--> SOLD - 11/12/2023q9 Curses 22a - 30a --> SOLD - 29/11/2023q9 Blood Magic 8a - 16a--> SOLD - 5/12/2023
q10 Blood Magic 3a - 6aq10 Smiting 4a - 6a.--> SOLD - 12/12/2023