looks like 3x black 1x blue
hi idKYRR and Swiitisch . I just logged in to check the dye combination to no avail. Someone is hoarding black dyes again and I couldn't buy enough black dye from the vendor to pinpoint how many I needed for this one dye combination. For what it's worth I was able to confirm that it's not just one black and one blue. I guess what I'm tryna say is that Swiitisch was right in calling it 3 Blacks and a Blue at the end of the day👍😂
Also, in case you need the armor combination idKYRR it's Elite Sunspear Hood with Chaos Gloves, Ancient Boots, and Istani chest and legs.
I did a double check and confirmed it was 1x BLUE & 3x BLACK. Thank you, Swiitisch and Kryth. I used the color combination on another set of armor.