20 ?, is a joke 50A here.
****mod edit---reminder to make sure your bids are all legitimate bids--any post not containing a legitimate bid is considered a non-bid and a violation of the Xunlai Market rules!!!----mod edit****
20 ?, is a joke 50A here.
****mod edit---reminder to make sure your bids are all legitimate bids--any post not containing a legitimate bid is considered a non-bid and a violation of the Xunlai Market rules!!!----mod edit****
unded dorian 55A
Hi guys,
thank's for the offers, I appreciate that.
This is hard for me to connect often atm, since I got a lot of work.
Anyway I will do my best for add r/b the next week end.
Hi Expugnare,
I didn't knew it was possible to bring up my post when it is already to the top
Anyway, thank's for the price check and for the reply
Hi guys,
Can I have a price check for a Q7/16 celestial shield gold -2wench +44hpwench
Thank's in advance
edit: Hi MaxBorken,
Thank’s a lot for the advice and for the reply
****mod edit---yes, listen to what others have posted--do NOT bump your thread early!! you must wait 24 hours between posts in your own thread--this is a warning this time----posts merged/deleted--mod edit****
80A Q8 colossal
A15 30A (new)
B15 2A (same)
B29 1A (same)
G9 2A (same)
A15 20A (new)
B15 2A (same)
B29 1A (same)
G9 2A (same)
A15 10A (same)
B15 2A (same)
B29 1A (same)
G9 2A (new)
spatha dual vamp 1A
A15 10A
B15 2A
B29 1A
G9 1A
Sorry I edit my c/o of the A15 since I didn't saw the bid of trade chat. I was bidding when he posted it.
aegis +10 piercing -2ench 1A
shield of the wing -2ench +10 piercing 1A
bump, item sold
40A cane
30A Cane
20A canne
40A plague shield
#11 - Q9 Cockatrice Staff 20/20 Divine 4A, come on bro, I want to add that one to my collec, you can bid what ever, you won't have it XD, sry
#11 - Q9 Cockatrice Staff 20/20 Divine 300E
ohh ok ok allright, thank's a lot for the reply
Hi San, sorry I already got the long one, and the flat in 15^50, I expect if he can drop in 15^50, he can drop too in +5E ?, not sure.
Anyway ty for the relpy